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About E6BAV8R

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  1. Cool shots. I get to see that plane come in quite frequently from my office. Should plan a time to see the A380 come in. It arrives in the late afternoon and leaves in the evening. It's ginormous!
  2. Annnnnd this is where the thread turns into shameless plugging by people pushing their own VAs....
  3. Thanks Steve - I'll check them out. They look great! I like the more minimalistic, elegant paints myself. Atlas Air is still one of my favorite liveries, along with Polar and Titan. Any plans for a "dirty" version of one of your cargo paints?
  4. Great shots, Chris! I'm about to start Miami to Provo, UT (KPVU) myself. Going to give that Polar livery you used a go!
  5. Been playing catch-up with the 777 updates and all the new integration and your thread was very helpful! Thanks!
  6. This. I have yet to be asked to increase my descent rate to something that I couldn't accomplish without extending the gear, but ATC would definitely get an "unable" if my only other option was to extend the gear at 20,000 feet to achieve my descent target. Then again, I'm practically always above Vlo while descending through 20,000 feet anyway. Jets typically don't 'go down and slow down' at the same time very well at all.
  7. The Avsim link isn't working for people anymore? It seems to be working for me when I try to download it from the library.
  8. No, but I wasn't specifically referring to a 737. There are jets where you either 1) aren't able to do so in overspeed or 2) don't have speed brakes.
  9. Not to the extent you are referring to. Sure, we may use the gear if we receive a last minute change due to ATC or weather and we have to immediately rush re-configuration to satisfy a new altitude change (to where changing prop settings or speed brakes won't be enough), but if you are having those issues when are in the middle of descent from cruise and brushing up against a 250/270 Knot limit, than something has gone rather wrong. I don't know anyone that has ever had to get as drastic for drag as extending the landing gear all the way out on a STAR. On another note, the landing gear is allowed to be extended into high mach speeds because it is used as a sole and last resort for drag in high overspeed situations, as you obviously can't be extending flaps or speed brakes at high mach - landing gear is the only option for drag at those speeds (and yes, you'll blow the gear doors off).
  10. A 4.5 stable OC on a Haswell chip is not "modest" - it is very good.
  11. Cool pics! I've flown into the Taos airport a handful of times. Flying over the massive ravine on final when landing to the north is one of the best parts!
  12. You can typically search Googke for the airport ICAO code + the word 'Jeppesen' and find charts that way for airports outside the US and CAN. I would use FltPlan.com for Canada charts. It isn't a big deal to have outdated charts for flight sim since the nav database and frequencies inside FS are so old (and therefore charts that are years old are still correct for FS) and/or typically never change even with updated AFCADs. I have access to a JeppView so that is how I get all my global charts but that even presents its' issues (brand new charts can be incorrect from the years old FS nav database).
  13. Not sure what you mean - recommended by whom? It is up to you if you want head movement / shake on. All those are customizable, including the frequency and severity of the shaking. I use EZDok with the NGX and T7 and haven't had any issues.
  14. Eh? Why not just use EZCA than? It works fine.
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