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Oh damn did i click on report to mod . 


Tony I think i reported the thread to the mod can you ask him to remove that , this avsim behaves weirdly at times.

Ryzen 5 1600x - 16GB DDR4 - RTX 3050 8GB - MSI Gaming Plus

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Hi Christoph, good to see you still on the forums :-)


In 0.4.0, I'm working heavily on trying to optimise the scenery. So as well as the on-going effort to reduce the poly count on our models, 0.4.0 will also do the following:


  • All facades, forests and roads will be optimised. i.e. Unnecessary points will be removed and the complexity reduced. e.g. If a forest or building has a tiny protruding edge which is less than a specified size, it will be removed. This almost halves the size of the DSF file.
  • The default settings have been lowered and street lighting spaced out more to reduce the number of objects needed. 



Hi Tony!

Sorry for my late reply here - but yes:

Although time is very, very limited on my end currently - sometimes it is possible to join the forums here in between the busy household and work ... well, how should i say? There are these rare moments, when my "alter ego" as a flightsimmer gets the chance to become alive again so to speak! :wink:

And it is simply amazing what great progress is achieved here on an almost daily basis currently!

Simply stunning!

Keep it comming!

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A couple of petrol stations I've just created which are commonly see across Europe. For added realism :-)






If anyone can take me some pictures of local supermarkets, e.g. Edeka, Lidl, Carrefour, Tesco, etc.. then please let me know.

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errrr, tony, is there a way to get the local prices please? It looks soo unreal.... ^^

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errrr, tony, is there a way to get the local prices please? It looks soo unreal


I know right, 96cents a litre. God I wish :D


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new coming houses (600+) with a more city-style-art are benig designed.... should go online within a few weeks :-) But, I'm dependend on the World2Xplane version. To fit the houses correctly I'll have to wait the next evolution of Tony's beta... not that those city-houses grow at Land ^^

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new coming houses (600+) with a more city-style-art are benig designed.... should go online within a few weeks :-) But, I'm dependend on the World2Xplane version. To fit the houses correctly I'll have to wait the next evolution of Tony's beta... not that those city-houses grow at Land ^^


Just to clarify, the following 2 changes will be in 0.4.0 which enable this:


1) Building alignment to roads. World2XPlane will use nearby roads to determine which side of the building is the front and, presuming the "X" axis of the object contains the door, will place it with the door facing the street. Of course, if no suitable object is found, it will either use a rotated object, i.e. Wall to street, or a facade, but if a street-facing object is available, it will use that. The also works well in places like the UK with terraced houses, ensuring all houses face the street and aren't randomally rotated with one house showing a side wall and then next a door.


2) Objects respect height more and know how far they are from a city/town/suburb or village centre. Buildings in city centres without height information will automatically be made taller, and buildings in villages will be smaller, e.g. 1-2 stories. This is not exactly like in real-life, but villages now look more like villages, and cities, cities.

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1) Building alignment to roads. World2XPlane will use nearby roads to determine which side of the building is the front and, presuming the "X" axis of the object contains the door, will place it with the door facing the street. Of course, if no suitable object is found, it will either use a rotated object, i.e. Wall to street, or a facade, but if a street-facing object is available, it will use that. The also works well in places like the UK with terraced houses, ensuring all houses face the street and aren't randomally rotated with one house showing a side wall and then next a door.



great additions !


Some thoughts:

-Could it also be possible to align the very first wall-segment of a facade to the street .

There are wall-rules in a facade which depends on the direction of the first segment.

(e.g. default facades using this to face the entrance to the street )


-You have mentioned somewhere , that we can make buffers around ways.

Is it possible to use this in a ' facade-rule'.

The reason is that piers often defined as ways in OSM .

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ah just give me those 600 buildings 

Ryzen 5 1600x - 16GB DDR4 - RTX 3050 8GB - MSI Gaming Plus

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Only just found out about this project today, it's insane! It's like everything orbx ever did rolled into one...


Let me know if you still need pics of things - I live in the UK and have tesco, sainsburys, waitrose etc all round here.

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Some thoughts:
-Could it also be possible to align the very first wall-segment of a facade to the street .
There are wall-rules in a facade which depends on the direction of the first segment.
(e.g. default facades using this to face the entrance to the street )


I don't think facades work that way, but I may be wrong. I thought facade wall segments are based on a width and not a direction. So in a facade, you'd create a list of walls, and then when X-Plane wraps the facade around an object, it chooses a matching wall based on the size. I don't think we have any control over which wall X-Plane would use, so it's very difficult to do. However, if as you say, it's possible to number the walls in the order they are drawn, then yes it would be possible to choose a facade based on the where the road is. (It would work exactly the same way as the object rule placement would).




-You have mentioned somewhere , that we can make buffers around ways.
Is it possible to use this in a ' facade-rule'.
The reason is that piers often defined as ways in OSM .


Yes, this is possible. You can take any unclosed way, turn it into a buffered polygon and do something with it, e.g. Add a facade, forest. This is a great idea, and we just need some suitable facades creating to do this.




Let me know if you still need pics of things - I live in the UK and have tesco, sainsburys, waitrose etc all round here.


Absolutely, anything you can provide pictures of would be useful :). Supermarkets would be great, but also houses. I added a few more UK houses this morning, so it's starting to look a little better.

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I don't think facades work that way, but I may be wrong.


I don't think we have any control over which wall X-Plane would use...


here a snippet from the file spec:


Type 1 Facade Wall Commands

Each LOD in a facade is made up of one or more wall definitions; X-Plane will pick a random wall definition from all definitions that match the spec needed.

WALL <min width> <max width> [<min heading> <max head>]WALL_RULE <min width> <max width> <min heading> <max heading

The wall command begins a new wall specification.  The wall has a set of constraints defining when it ca be used.

  • min width and max width are in meters and define the range of walls in X-Plane that this wall definition can cover.
  • min heading and max heading define a relative heading to the front of the facade.  IN other words, the front of the facade has heading 0, the next wall in a square facade might have heading 90, etc.  This lets you differentiate walls that face forward from side or back walls.  The min/max heading is optional.
  • All headings should be in degrees, e.g. 0->359.  To make a wall face any heading use 0 0 for the min and max.


With the heading relative to the front (first segment) we have a little bit control .
That's why it would be good to make sure where the front is.
That becomes also relevant for a possible 'pier-facade'.
In this case it would be good to know where is the landside .


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Yes, this is possible. You can take any unclosed way, turn it into a buffered polygon and do something with it, e.g. Add a facade, forest. This is a great idea, and we just need some suitable facades creating to do this.



, tried and it is working well .


An issue is  that the buffer has rounded ends.

Is there something what we can do against.


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, tried and it is working well .

An issue is  that the buffer has rounded ends.
Is there something what we can do against.


Yep, it's a bug. I'll fix it in 0.4.0. It's capping of edges (which is also bad for performance)

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new coming houses (600+) with a more city-style-art are benig designed.... should go online within a few weeks :-) But, I'm dependend on the World2Xplane version. To fit the houses correctly I'll have to wait the next evolution of Tony's beta... not that those city-houses grow at Land ^^


Those houses are in number of 400+ right now, and up (WMM) and ready to be used for testing if wanted. In 2-3 weeks it will be 800 ;-)







Things I have to check with tony, maybe i did something wrong: they are all 3 storeys. In the lib I've put 3 to 6 stories buldings....

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