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Vatsim or IVAO?

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Is it ok to have both comms clients installed at the same time or does this cause issues?


Yes it is. Just installed IVAP and vPilot and it works like a charm. (quick tip : install ivap+mtl then search about VMR Generator)



I'm IVAO user since 2002 (but had several break due to life)

Right now I'm starting flyin again and want to try vatsim aswel, I think european coverage have increased over the years.


One thing I was wondering, is it possible to start a flight on one network, then disconnect and reconnect on the other networks during flight to get the best coverage out of the two networks. (for instance if there is atc on my departure on one network and atc for arrival on the other network). maybe it's a RR violation ?

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I've started using IVAO a lot more lately. I actually like it much better. I'll keep using Vatsim for certain parts of the world though. 

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Flying only on the Vatsim for a couple of years, so don't know anything about Ivao.

Regarding controllers , especially the Approach controllers have to say that more and more I have bad experience.

On the final approach you can see that they are making mistake or they will make a mistake, and you have to follow their instruction, otherwise..... 

I am flying with 747 and she is big and "lazy". She can not turn for 90 degrees in 200 meters, and that is what those controllers are doing. So after a long haul flight they mess up everything.

On the end I am looking for the airport without the controllers. 

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Originally started with IVAO. Had 700 hrs online flying with them, then in 2001 switched to VATSIM and only VATSIM now


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Sorry for revitalizing an old thread, but I felt I had something to say. Maybe even wise. I don't know.

One thing I do like about IVAO, more than VATSIM, is the progression. In reality it might not mean anything at all, but to me it feels nice to see that I am getting "rewarded" for my time in IVAO. Also, even though it can create some issues, I do like that you can "try before buy" in IVAO, meaning that you can actually sit as a delivery ATC in IVAO and see if it is something you would like to do, before you sign up for any training.
I really believe that VATSIM should try something similar, but still without compromising the quality much. I also realize that for pilots it is easy. You just put in 2-3 different stages before you can enter school (you put in some hours in the system and try it out) and that is it. On the ATC side, it quickly becomes a bit more cumbersome. One version I think could work is that you have to put in 2-5 hours as an observer, listening to how the delivery ATC's perform their duty. Then you have to answer a set of questions (multiple choice) before you advance to the next level, where you can actually sit as a delivery controller. That you have to do for 10-15 hours, before you reach a level where you can manage ground control (still after having answered a number of questions designed to test of you have read the instructions on how to become ground controller). Again, as a ground controller, you put in 10-15 hours here, before you are eligible to enter ATC school to become a tower controller. 
In that way, I think VATSIM could reach a level where the quality of the control would still be overall good, but people could have a chance to "taste" how it feels to be a controller, before they sign up for it. Because, I do agree, that when you sign up you have to commit. 

But I would definitely choose the VATSIM pilot client over the IVAO, any day! The VATSIM client feels so much more.... well rounded.

Well, in any case, it is just a bunch of loose ideas I had. 


Michael Hansen

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