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Crash to desktop

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I'm getting a ton of crashes... Really can't even complete a flight. NEVER had a problem with any PMDG aircraft, but this is a mess. The 77L worked like a dream, but the 77W isn't really doing well at all. Am I alone here or is anyone else getting the same.

Running an ASUS G10AC (top end one... I think :P).

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changed the map switch to plan mode on ND in 4x time compression. not exactly ctd but flight simulator stopped working msg appeared after 2 hrs of flight on vatsim.

not complaining but they will fix it. we should give them time

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Yep.. Got up this morning two more crashes... I'm sure they will fix it, but right now it's almost unusable. I not running a sluggish machine. I also have no nose down trim.

Was this really ready to be released... From what I'm seeing... No it wasn't.

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Same here...

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Uninstalled all 777 PMDG products... reinstalled the 77L (no SP1) works just fine... Then I reinstalled SP1 and launched the 77F I turned the baro mins to see if that was working better and CTD, this was about 20 seconds after launching the aircraft in KBGR.  I'm not a programmer and will never claim to be... but that being said from what I can see this is a SP1 issue, because the 77L works just fine without SP1...as soon as I install SP1 all the problems show up.


Has anyone else tried this with the same results?

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I had a crash as well...


I've considered myself fortunate as I had not yet been cursed with the OOM / crash to desktop situation that many suffer with, however... I installed ASN and SP1 (not the 300er, yet) and the first short flight from KMSY -> KSWF went well with weather radar functioning nicely and performance seemed OK. I don't monitor the actual frame rates much so I don't know if there was a big change. The second flight from KSFO -> KSWF resulted in a CTDT about 1 hour after takeoff (fsx was closed and restarted between these flights). This morning I reduced LOD from 5.5 to 4.5 and also rebooted my computer and I'm attempting a flight from KSJC -> KSWF. Monitoring VAS which has been ~2400 for the first hour of the flight and things running smooth. Unfortunately, I was not monitoring VAS during the crash flight. My setup has been the same for a couple of years now and fly the 777 or 737ngx usually once or twice a week and haven't had issues with crashing . No U.S. scenery addons and very few scenery addons overall, Ultimate Traffic at 30%. No other addons. I just used FSX weather downloader until installing ASN for the 777.


I'm hoping the crash was an anomaly, but will continue to monitor VAS for a while.

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Me too. I also get OOM crashes since SP1. My sim worked fine since beginning of the year, so what´s the problem? Please solve it. 


:o  :huh:


nice to hear that I´m not the only one

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I'm only setting the FMC up when mine crashes and I'm getting rather pee'd off about it!! http://prntscr.com/44w1vo

Not really sure how this made it through beta. I have had the same issue I get a crash if I accept the performance information the FMC gives me if I reject it and set it manually it works fine just completed a 14 hour flight.



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SP1 is a disaster for me so far. man I had troubles before that I could deal with (control settings problems, still have them).But now the activation problem and crashes are way to much. I hope they get this sorted out fast. 

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Same here, first flight from CYVR to EGLL.


9 hours and im on finals into EGLL, then I get a C++ error and a CTD.


Never ever had a ctd with the NGX, the 744 or the 777-200...


Whats even more annoying is there no entry in the event logger to find out what did it.


Rubbish, 9 hours of my life wasted.


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Also had a CTD in the first flight. 777-300

After 4 hours ftom OMBD to EHAM.

VAS that moment 3.2.

Never had chrashes before.

A flight after this CTD with the 737 without any problem,...

Ive got the feeling this 777 is to heavy and complcaded on the simulator,...

It was a runtime error I remember,..never had a CTD like that before.

Also reloading the flight with FSXsave causes the VASto rise to its max in a very short period of time,..

Strange because after restarting FSX the VAS should not be filed with the departing airport I assume,....

Also had a CTD in the first flight. 777-300

After 4 hours ftom OMBD to EHAM.

VAS that moment 3.2.

Never had chrashes before.

A flight after this CTD with the 737 without any problem,...

Ive got the feeling this 777 is to heavy and complcaded on the simulator,...

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Hi all,


I've had crashes to desk top, too.


1st crash was related to PMDG gauge.dll

2nd was related to NV3DUM.DLL.


Installing the 337.38 Nvidia drivers using a clean install may have fixed the NV3DUM.DLL crash. No repeat of the gauge.dll issue so far.


I've completed a flight from EGLL to OMDB without any CTD's today.


Not convinced its totally cleared yet. Only more flights will tell me that.



i7 12700K , 32GB RAM @3600MHz, Asus Z690-Plus D4 MB, Gainward 4090 RTX Graphics, 850W Corsair PSU, Kraken AIO watercooler, Nvme 1TB ssd, 1TB ssd, 500GB ssd.

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