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About ACAJS41

  • Birthday 06/25/1977

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  1. I don't know if anyone has been following what BBS has been doing on their FB page, but it's appalling... About a week ago they put this picture of a candle that was burning at both ends which everyday they would make the candle smaller and smaller, and added captions like "bear with us... Almost there"... Then today when the candle should have been gone they post about how hard they are working etc etc and that they made no promises. You post a picture of a candle burning and captions like we are almost there... What do you think that is telling people? You basically were creating a total lie that this would be released today... I think they are out of money and created this whole fake release as a money grabbing ploy... This company can't be trusted, and create lies to get customers. I made the mistake of buying into this A330 against all the red flags, yes I know I'm part of the problem buying stuff from companies like this, but I figured I would try once... Aerosoft is developing an A330, don't waste your money or your time waiting 2 years for updates from BBS.
  2. Hamoody you make some valid points in their defense, but there is no defending some of their responses they have made on FB... Then you say that they put updates out when they are major and meaningful... sooooo finishing the bogie on the A340 and sending out pictures of the landing gear on the A340 is major and meaningful???? Because if that's the case, then people will be waiting for a lot longer then they think... I didn't know it was a two man team, which has now got major red flags floating all over... lets also not forget that they are also doing the A320 family of aircraft at the same time... They have taken on way to much, and its very clear... so lets say they release the A330/340 V.08 in the next few months, then they have to go to work on V1.0 for the A320 series... this could be many years before anyone sees a finished product... They don't "have" to do anything, they've taken our money and we are the fools for it, but IMHO if you choose to release a BETA product then regular updates should be something the customer (who has already paid) deserves... I don't have FB and I don't post on their page, but I do read it, and the way they respond to some people is just plain terrible, and no they don't have the right to be mad when people ask for updates THEY HAVE PAID ALREADY... the customer has every right to ask questions and receive professional answers. PMDGs (while not regular, but neither are BBS) updates were always professional, but again no one paid for the PMDG product before it came out...
  3. Alex I don't need to take a chill pill, the point of my post was about how they handle their customers... I don't care if it takes them another year to finish the A330... but I do believe they should be putting out regular updates with the status of the A330 product, and not putting down people when they ask questions on FB... Just like we as the customer knew what we were getting into, so should BBS and realize they are going to have customers asking questions and if they choose to answer those questions then it should be done in a professional way. Again my point is very valid... when this product came out it was for an A330, not an A330/340. Anyway I'm done with their A330/340...
  4. Just a couple of thoughts here about this product... I normally would never buy into this beta with "good things to come" mentallity, but there being no good A330's and not seeing an Aerosoft product anytime soon since the 318/319 should have been out long ago I bought the BBS 0.60 product last year. Im not gonna do a review of the 0.60 version as it is total crap, but that is to be expected... What I do want to comment on is the way they handle their customers on their facebook site (since they have no msg board of their own). They are nothing short of being total A holes... people come on there looking for updates and get nothing... people come on asking for sceenshots and get nothing but pictures of the landing gear on the A340 (which no one paid for, they paid for the A330)... Then they post vidoes of crosswind landings and people get mad and post things like why are you wasting time posting this crap and get the next update out to us... They respond to the customer with things like "you must have major problems" or "we can issue a refund"... Then I go on FB today and I see someone ask why they are making a A340 when most people dont even want it... The response from BBS is "why are you wasting our development time asking questions like this?" ... Ahhhhh but wait posting videos of crosswind landings isnt wasting time? or posting pictures of the landing gear (which is an insult to begin with) on a product nobody even wanted!!! What you guys at BBS forget is that people have already paid you for this product... they deserve updates, pictures, videos (of your product). This isnt like asking PMDG or FSLabs website and demanding pictures because they havent paid for their products yet. Sorry for the rant, but I wanted to see if anyone else felt the same... Looks like nothing has changed from the PSS days... Overpriced unfinished crap.
  5. This is all true... Some airlines just can't afford to even start an ETOPS program. Airlines have to also prove MX reliability over a certain amount of time on the aircraft... Then crews and dispatchers need to be trained, and this is just a small piece of the pie. Just as Kyle said here CI's change all the time... It's a variable number that takes a ton of things into account, even crew pay and rest. Some airlines run CI 100 on all short flights, and some never have the same. It's really a number that's not very trackable. A big part of ETOPS really just comes down to $. Paul M
  6. Thanks... I actually already did and they work just fine with all my other products... The problem that I run into is as follows, if I downsize or open another window while the 777 is the loaded aircraft the controls stop working... they also stop showing up in the simulator, meaning if I go to options->controls they're gone.. just the mouse. I have never seen this happen before.
  7. Ha ha well I'm not a coffee drinker, but I will say I thank my bartender every time he/she doesn't spill anything! In the past with other products I just didn't recall seeing as many problems, but I just may have over looked it as I have NEVER had a problem until now. Also (in my minds eye) this is a service pack not a new product... Shouldn't this be fixing problems and not causing an onslaught of problems for users who never had any? These are top notch products and anyone who says different is just plain wrong, but after spending over 100$ on this program I would hope we will get some resolve or at this point maybe just an acknowledgment that there are some major issues going on here. That's it Paul M
  8. Using the energy management off function worked on every aircraft except the 777 after SP1... I have never even thought one bad thing about PMDG and I've been buying their products for 10+ years now, but I am trying really hard not to curse SP1 for me its a total mess... I don't really have the time to dig through the forums, but have they made any comments about SP1? The only thing I saw was that they were pleased about the first few days... In my few moments looking through here and the pages and pages problems I really cant see how they could be pleased...
  9. Wow over 4 years and now almost zero updates... This has just been to long, I was gonna hold off buying Aerosofts new bus when it comes out, but at this point I will. I'm sure it will be out before FS Labs... In my humble opinion they've had there time and this has run its course for me...
  10. +1... this sort of thing happens more often then people think, its just that someone happend to be filming during this one and the media gets a hold of it and blows it out of purportion. The A340 could have been told to cross the runway without delay and things got a bit to close so the 767 went around... really not a big deal at all, but the media purchased the tape and had to in some way make this look like a disaster... Calling neglagance on the part of the A340 crew is a bit harsh untill the ATC tapes are heard... Telephoto lenses can also make this look much closer then they really are. Aircraft cross many runways when other aircraft are on final approach... this happens everyday across the world. 99% of the time it works, and and the other 1% it doesn't. When that 1% happens... exactly what took place in this video is result. Ive been flying in the airlines for 15 years...
  11. Funny enough I watched the video and I was thinking almost the same thing. I was saying to myself "why am I watching this". Not to mention you can open the 77L and see the same cockpit. The videos about the WX are good, something new and new information. Looking at a 77W compared to a 77L does nothing for me as they are the same. Nothing against the video, just doesn't put the wind in my sails.
  12. RR do you ever remember showing up to an ACA flight 1:00 hour prior to departure? I remember running through Dulles airport for the last leg of a 5 leg day with about 10 mins to get the plane out ... Sorry had to have some fun here... Most regional air crews don't show up to the gate 1:00 prior... It's usually about :30 mins required per the FOM, that's how it was at my years at United Express and then at Delta Connection also.
  13. ACAJS41

    DME ARCs

    To fly an RNP approach that has an RF leg you need to have TOGA/LNAV capability. It requires a software update and aircrew training. I can't remember from reading the 777 manual does the PMDG 777 have TOGA to LNAV or is it TOGA to HDG? We do it it in the Airbus quite frequently, but the older A330s required a quite expensive software update. If you look at the approach charts for one it's going to require SA (special aircrew) approval, and it will also state that that TOGA to LNAV is required. I just can't remember if the PMDG NG and or the 777 is TOGA to LNAV. Look at the RNP 13L in JFK it's one of the more simple RNP approaches, but I think the chart is airline specific and requires administrator approval. TOGA to LNAV is required in the event of a missed approach, because of the RNP approach criteria the aircraft can not go into HDG mode when TOGA is selected because the aircraft will not continue the turn in the RF leg and could fly into an unprotected area. Paul M.
  14. Pretty much spot on... I don't post much here, more of just a reader... but some of questions posted here could very easily be self answered by reading or as you say Kyle, fly the tutorial... its very good advice. Paul Meade
  15. Guys I'm sure you have more time then me in regards to flight sim... I fly for a global airline that operates the the 777ER and the 77W. I fly the 744 at this airline, but have been in the Jumpseat on the 777 many times and I can tell you from the vidoes this is not as real as it gets... This is as real as it will ever be. Instead of looking for things that are wrong (which personally from the vidoes I can't see) let's praise these guys for amazing (which isn't even a big enough word) work they've done. The engine start sequence is just how it is in the level D sim (the only 777 time I have ).
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