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About Bunchy

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  1. The BBC are reporting a worldwide IT outage affecting trains, airports, banks..... loads of areas. Who knows, maybe a global cyber attack? Stu
  2. No, I don't use it although I do own it. My monitor is only 60Hz, so that's my max. And plenty good enough for me!
  3. Same for me. I have a 60Hz 4k monitor, g-sync compatible. G sync compatibility turned on in NV control panel for fullscreen and windowed. V-sync on in NV control panel V-sync off in sim, FG on Max ultra settings, TAA Sim is locked solid at 60FPS
  4. This link has downloaded a virus and subsequently taken over google home page. Beware!
  5. As an individual you could go through your whole life not doing anything environmentally damaging but it makes no difference to the overall climate. It would take America, Europe, China and India to switch totally to renewables to have any appreciable effect on climate.... I can't believe that will ever happen, unfortunately.
  6. Yes, your symptoms are something I noticed , you can't use the alt+enter trick with lossless app.
  7. I had a go with this mod and I have a 4090. My findings are, that it does increase the smoothness of the panning but if you pan fast, then narrow vertical structures like poles suffer 'tearing' artefacts. Frankly, if you have native FG, this isn't worth the artefacts. Increased mouse lag between native FG and this mod is very noticeable. If you haven't had the pleasure of native FG, then this is not worth worrying about, the advantages far outway a bit of mouse lag. If you use TAA and HDR, then the trick of alt+enter to trigger the HDR no longer works as this mod doesn't seem to switch between windowed and borderless windowed like the native sim function does. This can be overcome by using a DLSS setting instead of TAA. As ever, your mileage may vary but this is how it is for me.
  8. I have a 60hz monitor and use FG, I already achieve 60 fps so I don't see the use for me. For those with higher FPS monitors, why not give it a go.
  9. I think we could all say the same about our respective countries 😁
  10. That first picture is by far the most unrealistic depiction I have seen to date. What's with the straight horizontal line?
  11. Yep, I'm in that category. 50 something male who's an 'Everythingist' to any given age group or gender. 😁
  12. London PG is known to be very poor. Jorg has mentioned in previous developer streams that he intends to revisit it at some point, but I suppose it will be in FS2024 now. Just know that not all PG is equal. The quality differs quite widely through different world regions. Stu
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