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I am thinking of getting NXGN Simulations Tahiti (NTAA) scenery (for FS9). I was wondering how is this scenery? I don't have much if any scenery in this part of the world and this seems like a good place to start. I read the reviews on Simmarket and 1 peson hates the scenery and 2 people really like the scenery. I am hoping to see more opinions on the scenery.


I am also thinking of getting Aerosoft Zurich scenery. I already have the FSDreamteam scenery for Zurich and was wondering if there is a difference between the two. If there is a big/noticeable difference I will switch. If not I will stick witht the FSDreamteam version.


Hi Joseph,

as far as I remember (the search function of this forum still doesn't work at my PC...) I asked the same question regarding Zurich some years ago. The opinions were quite clear in favour of the FSDT version. (More lively, more modern).


Can't say anything regarding NTAA, as I use a freeware.




   Harald Geyer
   Gründer der Messerschmitt Freunde Dresden v. V.



What freeware scenery do you use for NTAA? The only scenery I have for the islands in the South Pacific are Anderson Air Force base on Guam and a bunch of Hawaiian airports made by FSDT. I would like to get more scenery for that part of the world.


I have NXGN's NTAA.  The facilities are "OK".  Can't say that they are spectacular.  The grass textures look like something out of FS98 .... very green with no variation.  I have a lot of flickering of the textures at the airport.  If you can get it "cheap", then you might try it.  If not, I'm not sure it's worth a lot of money.


I have Aerosoft's Zurich.  Can't compare it to FSDT's version and probably won't .... as I'm not happy with them and their decision to drop FS2004 production.  Got Aerosoft's version because it was on sale.


I don't fly to either frequently, so really don't know the difference between what I have and "reality". .... so all's good to me!


NTAA is (just) satisfactory. Fiji is terrible in that it does not agree with my FS9 installation and whilst the author replied to my initial communication further correspondence has gone unanswered.


If I remember correct, FreeZ stopped developing for FS2004 (its last FS2004 version already didn't contain the newest buildings there and was extremely heavy on FPS - the causes why I stopped using it) and then turned the FSX version into a payware one.

   Harald Geyer
   Gründer der Messerschmitt Freunde Dresden v. V.





I have Aerosoft's Zurich.  Can't compare it to FSDT's version and probably won't .... as I'm not happy with them and their decision to drop FS2004 production.


Ditto.  :smile:


Thanks guys. I guess I will stick with the FSDT version of Zurich. And I will keep my eye open for the NTAA goes on sale and get it then.


Oh, and by the way, my NTAA freeware is by Bill Melichar (Tahiti v.2). I still found it in the "other" library.

   Harald Geyer
   Gründer der Messerschmitt Freunde Dresden v. V.



I use Aerosoft's Zürich v2 and I really like it. First I also had FSDT but I switched to Aerosoft, because in my opinion the night textures are much better.


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