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Interesting report on FOX about Prepar3D as F-35 simulator!

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Anyone saw it? On FOX News I watched Happening Now just an hour ago where anchor Jon Scott visited the F-35 Joint strike fighter program at an AFB. There he had the chance to step in the official F35 simulator. 5 Screens in surround mode vertical and a real cockpit. They were using definitly Prepar3D and the stock F 35 Jet. You could tell because of the flight dynamics and HUD style.

What was really interesting, the simulator was fluent like with 144 Hz without 0 stutter. You saw that because they filmed just the displays with a camera and accelerated it. But instead LM investing in highend hardware with Quad SLI Titans or stuff like that. Probably not lol. Even in the simulator they flying with ZERO AUTOGEN, and probably the lowest mesh and texture resolution possible. The mountains around the airbase where not detailed at all. Kinda interesting to see that. I thought their simulator at least uses some improved version of Prepar3D and they using all that ORBX / FS Global etc stuff while flying on Ultra settings, but they dont :biggrin:




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They don't need to see building and trees for their manoeuvres.. As long as they can see the sky and the ground they are ok...

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3 hours ago, whoispankaj said:

They don't need to see building and trees for their manoeuvres.. As long as they can see the sky and the ground they are ok...

It must be for other reasons. The more realistic, the better the training and judgement for the pilot. This is why they even have several developers they recommend on their website. 

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54 minutes ago, joemiller said:

It must be for other reasons. The more realistic, the better the training and judgement for the pilot. This is why they even have several developers they recommend on their website. 

When you are involved with dog fights in a war you don't have time to appreciate what is realistic or not... So running the sim stutter free is more important than seeing trees and houses

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Hi there,

just seen it here. Interesting to see P3D in its natural environment. I would say that the FS community helped P3D on the way to a full featured military training device,

Speaking of eye candy scenery in a flight training device, i would say it depends on the purpose of the training. Dog fight training does not need maxed autogen and terrain nor high detailed airbases while on the other hand as an airline pilot i need sometimes a detailed airport environment for familirazation reasons such as London City, Florence/Italy or Split.

As for a simmer i like to see a detailed scenery and nice eye candy. 

<script type="text/javascript" src="//video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=5466028472001&w=466&h=263"></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="//video.foxnews.com">video.foxnews.com</a></noscript>




My youtube blog________________________Prepar3D v2.5/v3


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Not sure how many PCs they used to drive the five screens? If they were just used one PC, then they have to lower the graphic setting in order to get good fps.

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I don't even think that they have "dogfights" anymore.  Any contact is done "Beyond Visual Range".

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21 minutes ago, FSXtreme said:

I don't even think that they have "dogfights" anymore.  Any contact is done "Beyond Visual Range".

Yearh -- you're probably right in that...

Best regards,
--Anders Bermann--
Scandinavian VA

Pilot-ID: SAS2471

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