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About Mickeyj

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  • Birthday 03/08/1971

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    Stuttgart [EDDS]
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    Flightsim, Aviation, Travel

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  1. As the world cam needs the position of the user´s airplane it is bound to the position where you have left it. Where on the other hand the aircraft cam is bound to the specific aircraft. So the world cam you created in Utah obviously will stay there If you want to have a world cam in KORD you´ll simply have to create a new one. There is nothing to fix here as everything works as intended and expected.
  2. Hi Mark, check the scenery priority. I noticd some time ago that ORBX causes scenery issues when they have the highest priority. Maybe you need to give Ottawa a higher priority than ORBX.
  3. Hi guys, just found some scenery anomalies 16 NM north west of LDDU. Please have a look at the screenies below. Sim: Prepar3D v3.3 Add Ons: FTX Global, Europe OLC, Vector, ORBX LDDU REX4. I already tried it without any add ons but still the formation shown on the screenie. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  4. That looks really cool though. I lately got me some Night Environment add ons and it looks quite the same now in ORBX country. I will install openLC as soon as i have the time and make some comparison shots.
  5. Hi chaps, did anyone gave this bird a try http://secure.simmarket.com/hangar18-simulations-s-97-raider-fsx-p3d.phtml ? It has just been released. I kinda like it from the exterior but the vc looks a bit strange. Thanks Sikorsky S-97 Raider Sikorsky S-97 Raider
  6. Hello Chris, thank you for your reply. Yes i was over @ your forum but didnt find what i was lookin for. However i found lots of usefull hints I will go ahead and open a topic
  7. Hello Chris, i become a huge fan of your NE never been a night flyer before. First of all im using P3Dv3.3.5. I have lots of your NE´s and they rock in every which way. Now here is my little prob i have with France v2.0. It seems that not all road lights are displayed correctly. For ex if i slew to LFPG i should see lights galore especially the roads but they are displayed partially only. Same goes for LFMP (made a flight from Justsim LEGE to Dreamflights LFMP). France v2.0 is the only NE add on that shows this. Unfortunately im away from my computer and cant take a screeny. Anyway maybe you have an idea. Besides NE there is ORBX Global and openLC Europe installed. Thanx in advance
  8. Interesting discussion here. As for me i was happy with ASN so am i with AS16. Unfortunately i do still see the popcorn Shot was taken over Oregon. I fired up OPUS (which i dont like for it major performance hit) and the cloud display was much better than AS16. Conclusion for me is i will stick to AS16 as i like the features and it is a ver keep it short and simple app. Last words, sim means simulation and all these wx engines simulates something that should be real weather. But as it still decodes METAR it will only be an local weather. If one woul like to see the real deal build a wx engine that simulates whole wx systems like highs lows and frontal systems.
  9. Hi there, im not the biggest hardware guru but there is one golden rule i followed all these years in flightsimming -go for intel+nVidia For me all three options are a nogo. Intel+nVidia is expensive thats for surebut in the end an investment. I started with an i7 3770k watercooled to get 4.6GHz+nVidia660ti+8 GB Ram and 2 SSD. That was enough to drive mid to high settings depending on scenery. Then P3Dv2.x and now v3.x came up and i went further up to an i7 5820k and GTX 980 SLI. Expensive? Hell yes but it was worth it. So if you want to have a good system you may want to stick with intel+nVidia. You wont need a killer machine like some of us have. Look for a budget intel that can be overclocked and get an nVidia card. Prices for should drop for GTX 9 series. You might want to habe a watercooler for the CPU cause you should have 4GHz+ 16GB Ram are sufficient at least 1 512 or 700+ GB SSD for the sim is recommended. The OS shoul run on its own HDD/SSD. Irecommend SSDs as it keeps loading times to a minimum. If you start all over again think about P3Dv3.x which is imho the future of flight simming.
  10. You can try this: If your monitor supports 30Hz refresh rate enable it within P3D set the frames to unlimited. The result should be smooth 30FPS. No NI setting is needed for this nor setting any target frame limit. In my case, PC setup and of course my preferred flight style (mostly GA, military and helicopters) i get solid smooth 30 FPS.
  11. Indeed you are right ENB does not work with P3Dv2.x/3.x. Actually you can use Reshade or the RealismShaderPAck 1.1. Both are freeware. I personally use the simple sun mod with Reshade + Mastereffect together with the RSP 1.1. Currently im still on P3Dv3.2 i will go through the update as soon as i finished moving to my new home.
  12. Kindly do me a favour, go copy the sun mod texture files to the texture folder scenery\world\texture. Give it a go and kindly give me a feedback. Also check that HDR is enabled. I lost the lensflare when i switched off HDR. I needed to reinstall the sun mod and in addition to that i copied the texture files into the scenery\world\texture after that i got the lensflare back. Strange but it worked. Btw did you copy the sun mod suneffect.cfg to the folder where the scenery.cfg located is?
  13. Might be possible that you have the lense flare from REX4. Leave it untaged as well as the sun texture inside REX4. I suggest to copy the sun mod again to the texture folder. Here´s my Master Effect tell me if you like it https://www.dropbox.com/s/f0e53eux6ty2l3g/MasterEffect.h?dl=0
  14. Glad you sorted all out and it is working. I think something screwed up in the shaders in the first place. I had the weired effect too when i switched off the HDR but couldnt reproduce it after it worked again. I also tried your Simstarter settings as well as the RSP 1.1. I use the RSP 1.1 together with Reshade and i have to say it comes real close to real.
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