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About BaldyB

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    Denis Bolduc

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  1. You need the Wide version if you run the Client on a networked/other machine. Regards baldyB
  2. Pretty sure I read it in Aivlasofts docs. I already used the paid version of FSUIPC + FSUIPC Wide. I do remember something about seeing other Aircraft problems with v1. I map all my controls thru FSUIPC, many worth while things can be done with the paid version, check it out. Regards BaldyB
  3. Nice interface, runs faster I think but I have a new 2700x chip so it's a bit hard to tell. After getting it setup properly I like it better than V1. You need FSUIPC. It works with the free version with the Client and Server on the same machine. You need the FSUIPC Wide if you want to run the client on another machine. Server = Data Provider, Client ='s old Display Unit. The pay ware version of FSUIPC is worth the money. You can set up your controls for specific aircraft, PMDG, Airosoft, and a bunch of other stuff. Aivlasoft EFB v2 interfaces with Topcat very nicely. I bought both PFPX and Topcat that was offered at a decent price, Getting used to PFPX and I think It will be the way to go along with Topcat . I like it, worth the money IMHO! BaldyB
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