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About Chaos81

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    With Dorothy and Toto

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  1. I believe the Samsung JU series is the 2015 model which might explain not being able to find it. I bought a 40" Samsung KU6300 (KU being the 2016 models) two weeks ago and love it. I wish I had upgraded to 4K sooner, and having all this screen space for P3D is amazing. Fellow forum member Dan Downs picked up a 40" Samsung KU7000 a few days ago and last I heard he's enjoying it quite a bit. One thing Dan mentioned to me was that he needed to buy a longer HDMI cable because the connections on the TV are on the right side and his computer setup is on the left side of his desk. Not a huge deal, but you may need to buy a longer HDMI cable depending on your setup. From what I've read the recommendations are to not go over 18'.
  2. Just gave ShadowPlay a shot and I can't figure out how to record only the P3D window. Is that possible, or do I have to record my whole desktop?
  3. Same here. I don't record too much, but when I do I use OBS and it's worked great for me.
  4. Thanks guys. :smile: I'm definitely loving the release and I can't wait to see these lights everywhere. Just need some more free time to really dig in and enjoy it some more. I'm glad it helped. Your shots really show that the new night lighting gets even better with the bigger cities. Not that the Kansas City area (Where I took my shots) is tiny, but it's no Chicago. Can't wait to fly into NY or San Fran and see the improvement. Yeah, I think "ugly" was probably the wrong word choice, "basic" probably would have been more appropriate as there's not much to them, just a couple simple shots. I didn't notice an FPS hit, although I'm sure it's there. I have noticed a VAS decrease, but I think that's to be expected given the massive improvement.
  5. There's an OLC_NA_Lights scenery area in the scenery library. Maybe that ended up disabled somehow? Here's a quick comparison with the lights area enabled and disabled. Looks like it's the major roads and highways that change. If you want to check your sim, go to KOJC runway 36, and just slew up to 8k feet. That's all I did to get the below pictures. Enabled: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35807749/with.jpg Disabled: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35807749/without.jpg
  6. Roarke, What are your current computer specs? It's tough to suggest something if we don't know what you already have.
  7. I'm not much of a screenshot taker so forgive me for any ugliness, but I thought some would want to see the night lighting difference. These are from P3D just north of KOJC. Using Vector and openLC NA. I didn't change a thing between shots other than installing openLC NA.
  8. I'm loving the new night lighting. I only did a small comparison test, but it's looking like quite an improvement. EDIT: Link to a couple shots. http://www.avsim.com/topic/492694-orbx-openlc-na-quick-night-lighting-before-and-after/
  9. This happens because the max wingspan of the parking is too small, but the good news is you can use the GSX menu to change it manually. I can't remember exactly what the option is called as I'm not near my P3D computer, but inside the GSX customization menu there's a wingspan option with a small airplane button next to it. Just find your parking space on the left, then click that button and it will set the number to your current aircraft's wingspan (or maybe bigger, I'm not 100% certain). Now the parking will work.
  10. Not exactly certain what you mean by "no flight controls," but make sure you've disengaged the gust lock. Check out page 48 of the introduction manual.
  11. Yeah, I could do that as well. Just looking for the laziest way possible I suppose. Hmm, that doesn't work for me. I use windowed mode, and when I minimize or choose another program, the sounds just keep going. Thanks for the replies, guys.
  12. Forgive me if I'm missing the obvious here as I'm relatively new to X-Plane, but is there anyway to mute the sound in X-Plane using a keypress like "Q" in FSX/P3D? I'd even take them muting on a task switch. I know I can go to the sounds menu and uncheck it, but that's not the most convenient thing. Thanks.
  13. Chaos81

    77W Camera Lights

    Just checked and that's how it works on the PMDG version as well. And because I know someone will ask.
  14. It's not compatible. Only ASN, and, hopefully, in the future other new weather products.
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