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  1. I would not waste any time with the autogen creation since simply no sufficient data exist with what Scenproc can works with. In every case even if you configure it perfectly you will have only some houses + almost 0 trees in large metropolitan areas. Its due to lack of data in Openstreetmap (yes even in cities like London). The results with ORBX or custom airports with some terrain around are far better. Even stock P3D autogen is far superior than this. But the Ortho4XP tool makes an awesome job if you just skip the autogen and render Tiles in ZL15 (best for speed + sharpness). In areas where you usually just flyover with at least 10.000 feet or higher it looks awesome. You cannot tell anymore from like 15.000 feet if the trees and houses are real or just a "flat earth". It does also an awesome job when you create mountain regions like European Alps, Rocky Mountains, Grand Canyon... It looks then the same like in the trailers from Flight Simulator 2020. There is also of course always a down side, in many areas in the world are not really good Ortho data avaiable. The US is covered pretty well with Arc, BI and GO2, same with Europe. Even in large areas of Africa there is some good data from Arc and GO2 avaiable. Asia is a whole other story tho, most areas there have crappy Ortho coverage...
  2. Looks pretty good. Could you provide the script you used? What do you used as autogen source OpenStreetmap? Thank you! Greets Nytro
  3. Well you can do create autogen manually but I can tell you its a total waste of time. There is no sufficient script out there which creates even reasonable autogen. After creation there are areas where you have 0 autogen, next to an area with 100 % autogen. Next problem are the houses, normally it creates the same house over and over again, the houses are to small and not in line of roads it looks just awful. I think there is no way to automate this process, instead it requires manual placement from autogen by hand. I mean look at what ORBX does. Most of there autogen is hand placed or hand edited not even them (as multi million dollar company) have a automated process. So its a total waste of time in my opinion to do that with ortho4xp and Scenproc even on a small scale. You better of to just disable ortho4xp tiles on areas where you want to land and stick to good old default fsx scenery (or have an ORBX scenery in that area). Over areas where you just fly over on high altitudes you dont need autogen on the ground anyway.
  4. Well the autogen generation manually works for me with the script from Arno. However the autogen is so few and so many areas in rural and/or urban areas that its not bearable. So it doesnt matter much if autogen creation works automated or not, its not usable. First we need a script which creates more autogen and not always the same small houses. It looks even better without autogen at all to be honest. So what I do right now, is the same I did before. I simply only activate these tiles over areas I will never land and just overpass them on high altitude. As soon I land in an area i disable that tile and land with the "default" P3D landclass or region. Since I have most of the stuff from ORBX its not to bad to land there.
  5. Same problem here, texture folder is empty. I also put in manually the batch attributes as suggested from Ortho4XP for Scenproc. It opens and closes but it cant create because of this error message (check screenshot below) I do ran everything as Admin and set up Scenproc before launching in for P3D V4 + checked the folders and osm data, everything is there, but no files in texture.
  6. Yeah I searched already around about scripts & tutorials to that Scenproc program, but sadly I found nothing that helped me. I have absolutely no idea how that works and it seems like to me it works only on a very small area and not on a large scale for a complete tile. Having said that Im open for someone who give like an noob step by step example. I watched a YT video from a guy who did that on a very small island in Holland, but he did not show how he got the osm data in the first place. Plus I have no idea how I tell the program the location of buildings and trees. After building a tile with ortho4xp you have around 70 - 300 bgl files, every one of them from a very small area of that tile. 1. I dont know the coordinates of that area + the exact "sector" 2. Even if I would know how to, to do that on every of those small bgl files would take a very very long time. So it must be like an automated process were a a program automaticly places autogen based on osm data per tile I assume. Greets Nytro
  7. Are there any news about adding Autogen generation to that great tool? Ortho4XP for P3d v4 works awesome so far. Im impressed whats possible if you choose the right satellite providers :) I really hope you could add autogen generation in tiles. That would be awesome, then we wont have to wait for ORBX anymore :)
  8. Well the problem is, for most of the popular airliners virtual cockpits are not avaiable. And it's really hard to work with them, because a lot of functions are not working. Plus you have to look around with your mouse and you can barely read all the instruments. I used to fly with direct GPS, I don't like the realistic navigation in airplanes cost to much time (PMDG 747, 777 for example) Interesting I have an AMD graphics card. Radeon HD 7950. Maybe another AMD-only problem as well? Like the DX10 fixer stuff in FSX etc Could you please try to resize your 2D panel under that red line. Maybe you get more than 28 FPS? VC usually costs alot more FPS as well as 2D panels, that's one of the reasons why I fly on "resized" 2D panels.
  9. Still having this issue even in Prepar3D 2.4. Is nobody flying with 2D Panels here and experiencing this huge bug???
  10. JEAH got it! By an accident I pulled my headphone jack out of the front audio panel. I tucked them in again and the sound switched to the headphones. So I put them on and suddenly I had ATC sound on my headphones! I reproduced that while Prepar3D was running and I've pulled all my 3.5 jacks out from the soundcard. After I've put them back in, I had ATC sound again :D:D I have no clue why this problem only shows, when launching the game in admin mode. It makes no sense at all, but however it's fixed! So again to fix the sound bug in admin mode: 1. Launch Prepar3D as admin and load a flight. 2. When you hear sound except the ATC sounds, pull all your jacks out and put them back in. 3. You should have the ATC sound back now! 4. You only have to do that one time. On the next flights you still have that ATC sound without pulling and plugging. I have a Asus Xonar DGX sound card. Maybe this had causes the bug?
  11. Hello guys, I just run in a strange problem when I launch Prepar3D with administrator privileges. I have no ATC sound. Neither pilot voice or flight controller. The text shows up in the ATC window tho, but no sound. :( All the other sounds working fine, cockpit sounds, engines etc. If I'm running Prepar3D without admin privileges the ATC voices are there. I need to run it in admin mode because of Ultimate Traffic 2 ( UT2 ), otherwise I can't see AI traffic. Hope somebody ran in a similar problem and know how to fix it. Thanks! Greets Nytro
  12. LM never answer to bugs and normally not even fix any reported bugs. I reported around 3 bugs since release from Prepar3D v2 and they doesn't care about...
  13. I talking about normal SuperSampling. In the Prepar3D.cfg I have SSAA=0. I activate SSAA over AMD CATALYST driver since I don't have an nVidia card. My sim running crazy now! I fly with 4x SSAA with Dense on Autogen and Very Dense and Ultimate Traffic set on 65 % traffic. Even on Approach from KLAX I have around 25 fps now LOL. It's important not to use SSAA 8x! Use max. 4x and use normal SSAA. Put clouds density on medium and water on medium too. You can use cloud shadows on water. It looks awesome and doesn't affect your fps hard.
  14. @ginopatrassi You are completely right. I only switched to Prepar3D because I have an AMD Radeon HD 7950 Card. This doesn't work with DX10 Fixer in FSX ^^ But you can use Cloud Shadows on water only, that costs you only a few frames.
  15. I can't tell how exactly it works, but it depends on the game and engine. In some games MSAA looks better, in others SSAA. In general SSAA gives a huge impact on the fps. For Prepar3D SSAA is indispensable I think, it looks much better then MSAA.
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