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About whoispankaj

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    California, US
  • Interests
    Flight Simulation

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    Flight Sim Enthusiast FullTime, Software Engg Part Time from India

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  1. I wish LM gives an option to disable this spinning cloud or give true 3d clouds. using oculus rift, this concept gives away and you do not feel as if you are going through the clouds.It starts showing its ugly face in oculus. You just feel as if the curtains of clouds are opening in front of you instead of going through it. Totally kills the immersion when flying IFR..
  2. What is the point of all this discussion or debate as some of you may call it? I mean , apart from venting your frustration, what will it achieve?
  3. It is super awesome. The biggest thing that i noticed was I did not had to adjust my viewpoint ,which i would normally do, using a monitor.The HGS would not be perfectly aligned.With flyinside, the HGS just feels perfect in view. And with the downward eye movement you can even see your PFD and ND . It will blow you away.If you are in it for flying (and not for eye candy) VR is for you. If you want eye candy then you will have to wait another 3-4 years before the resolution catches up.But with the airliners,you can pretty much see the dials etc. You might need a little help here and there with the binocular mode of flyinside software. But just sitting in the cockpit , at the gate, will give you the height perception.I bet you would be screaming like a kid...
  4. To be honest, you really don't need much when you are flying airliners.. Pretty much mesh, custom airports, active sky, rex textures.. Good enough to give you all the glory of airliner flying. You won't notice much of orbx global textures and all while coming in for approach and landing. And it will save you the headache of OOMs...
  5. Welcome to p3d... And enjoy the 737..
  6. The p3d cloud model is itself broken at places . .some of the clouds are just plain 2d sprites..the cloud rotation issue becomes very obvious when using oculus rift..you are going through the overcast and all you see is clouds rotating to left and right..breaks the whole immersion..not sure how the light effect would be modeled with these rotating clouds..
  7. i have the oculus..you can pretty much fly your 737/777 with the oculus rift. You can even fly the GA aircrafts.You need a little help with the dials..The binocular mode of flyinside offers help here..But its very immersive..For the first time, after flying a GA in a thunderstorm, I did feel that i made a mistake of taking off....its that immersive.. Here is my review which i wrote the day i tried oculus.. http://forum.flyinside-fsx.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2136
  8. Any issues? Config will totally depends on your system config
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