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About joemiller

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  1. By the videos seen, the sound is awful
  2. I am here to find out how much money has PMDG made in 18.5 minutes. hahhaa.. wow 10 pages of argument. Unbelievable !
  3. Please close this thread. Why do people go public suggesting to charge more for a product? Stop this nonsense.. For comments like this is why PMDG went from a reasonable price to keep raising it over and over.
  4. My friend , I must admit I'm not good at joking. Forgive my sins. I thought it would make you smile.
  5. Can you ask Mathis when will the A-330 be ready ? lol
  6. Guys let's close this thread. We all know the most beautiful aircraft of all times will Always be the Concorde. Until another 'Concorde' is built or a better one, these type of threads are useless.
  7. Sexy ? Sexy? In what way is it related to sex?
  8. hahaha.. "Teak simulator" That was FSX lol
  9. Humm, well I am not sure why fps is so low
  10. On Nvidia Inspector, are those the only settings you need to change? Well, I tried everything exactly as in the video. But, at JFK with FenixA320, and 50% traffic I am getting a sorry FPS of 18 😞 And, of course lots of stuttering. I have an Intel 13900K and Nvidia 4080
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