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Para cuándo tienen previsto sacar un parche que permite funcionar BAe JetStream 4100 en FSX Steam Edition?
Al no saber inglés, lo he adquirido y lo tengo completamente parado pues no funciona. Gracias

For when do you plan to release a patch that allows you to run BAe JetStream 4100 in FSX Steam Edition? Not knowing English, I have acquired it and I have it completely stopped because it does not work. Thank you

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21 minutes ago, atcpasturias said:

Para cuándo tienen previsto sacar un parche que permite funcionar BAe JetStream 4100 en FSX Steam Edition?
Al no saber inglés, lo he adquirido y lo tengo completamente parado pues no funciona. Gracias

For when do you plan to release a patch that allows you to run BAe JetStream 4100 in FSX Steam Edition? Not knowing English, I have acquired it and I have it completely stopped because it does not work. Thank you

 Welcome to the forums, please note that PMDG requires that users include a signature block with the user's name, first and last, in all posts in the PMDG forum.
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Currently there are no plans in porting the JS41 in FSX SE.

Chris Makris


You can find us at http://forum.pmdg.com


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8 hours ago, Olympic260 said:

Currently there are no plans in porting the JS41 in FSX SE.

Is this PMDG official position?

Given previous marketing material, talk about beta testing, update and subsequent removal of SE support from the Ops Centre and what, to me at least, appeared to be avoidance of questions related to SE support this is the first time I’ve seen someone from PMDG with the “courage” to make this comment. To bad this wasn’t stated clearly in your sales page several years ago. I would never have purchased the product.


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7 hours ago, howevr said:

Is this PMDG official position?

Given previous marketing material, talk about beta testing, update and subsequent removal of SE support from the Ops Centre and what, to me at least, appeared to be avoidance of questions related to SE support this is the first time I’ve seen someone from PMDG with the “courage” to make this comment. To bad this wasn’t stated clearly in your sales page several years ago. I would never have purchased the product.

I wrote that there are not plans currently. That means that we have not yet decided. The beta testing is active but for P3D, nobody wrote that we are beta testing for FSX SE.

The sales page clearly says that is not compatible with FSX SE. I am not sure what more you expected us to write.

Chris Makris


You can find us at http://forum.pmdg.com


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4 hours ago, Olympic260 said:

I wrote that there are not plans currently. That means that we have not yet decided. The beta testing is active but for P3D, nobody wrote that we are beta testing for FSX SE. The sales page clearly says that is not compatible with FSX SE.

Given how much has been promised and how little delivered with regards to the J41 I'm sure you can understand your customer's frustrations; constantly changing and/or delayed plans do not look professional either. Somebody from PMDG previously did write you were intending to beta test for FSX:SE having already completed the development:



For those awaiting FSX:SE compatibility for the JetStream 41, this integration is completed and is awaiting testing.  Right now we have a single, very large beta test taking place to cover "all things NGX" so we are refraining from adding this to the mix as it will create some confusion and not guarantee that we have a good solid test of this product under FSX-SE.

We diid make a couple of minor fixes to this product during the update in order to eliminate a few common complaints we get to support... but mostly this product will be identical to the FSX version currently on the market.

Source from February 2015: http://www.avsim.com/topic/462821-21feb15-a-couple-general-updates-ngx-j41-xplane-p3d/



Pending Updates for the J41:

Beta testing the J41 has taken a back seat to the changes we needed to make to the NGX and 777, but will resume shortly.  Unlike the NGX and 777, the J41 isn't getting a significant code update, so it is a much simpler test process for us-  as it primarily is just an installation validation process.  We hope to have that released to you soon as well!

Source from March 2015: http://www.avsim.com/topic/465797-30mar15-ngx-updates-and-some-other-news-bits/#entry3210705

And since then there has pretty much been radio silence on the issue beyond what you just wrote (that the J14 is not SE compatible and the sales page has been updated to reflect this). If further clarification was provided sooner it would be better, rather than leaving it in limbo.


@atcpasturias the PMDG J41 already works in FSX:SE and PMDG confirmed previously this does not break the EULA but they will not support it, it requires tricking the installer using registry entries. See https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/469968-js41-wont-detect-fsx-st/?tab=comments#comment-3281814 and https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/469968-js41-wont-detect-fsx-st/?tab=comments#comment-3351007


ckyliu, proud supporter of ViaIntercity.com. i5 12400F, 32GB, GTX980, more in "About me" on my profile. 


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The sales page say it's "Not yet compatible with FSX:Steam Edition" which, coupled with reports in another thread in this section and on Facebook that work on an FSX:SE version was complete and awaited test may well lead customers to expect an FSX:SE version.  Very poor communication on PMDG's part to let this expectation persist for so long.

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5 minutes ago, ckyliu said:


@atcpasturias the PMDG J41 already works in FSX:SE ....


It does but the IAS Hold mode doesn't function.

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Yeah I know, bit annoying that. At least you get an FMS though. What's most frustrating for SE users is that it appears to have all been done and just languishing on a hard disk somewhere, given Mr Randazzo said back in Feb 2015 "FSX:SE compatibility for the JetStream 41, this integration is completed"

ckyliu, proud supporter of ViaIntercity.com. i5 12400F, 32GB, GTX980, more in "About me" on my profile. 


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9 minutes ago, ckyliu said:

Yeah I know, bit annoying that. At least you get an FMS though. What's most frustrating for SE users is that it appears to have all been done and just languishing on a hard disk somewhere.

I can assure you it does not sit in any Hard disk. Just to put this conversation to an end.

Currently there are no plans to bring the JS41 to FSX SE. We do intend to do it in P3D and the plane is in beta for that platform.

Chris Makris


You can find us at http://forum.pmdg.com


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The JS4100 was the first payware aircraft I purchased. The cost was of concern with exchange rates, therefore I did my due diligence and went ahead based on what I consider a reasonable expectation that I would get an FSX-SE compatible version. This was based on information provided on the PMDG sales page and several Facebook posts by PMDG.

When I paid for the JS4100 the sales page stated and I quote. "Note: Product not yet compatible with FSX:Steam Edition. Expected compatibility date: Late February." That's February 2015.

24 Jan 2015 rsrandazzo posted on AVSIM "Next up, we will be completing conversion of the PMDG BAe JS4100 to make it compatible with FSX and FSX-SE. We anticipate this process taking a two days with another couple of days tacked on for functionality testing..."

Also on 24 January 2015 on Facebook PMDG wrote - "As promised, some more news this weekend! PMDG BAe JS4100 for FSX Steam Edition: In addition to new installer for the PMDG 777 for FSX Steam Edition, we have a new installer for the PMDG BAe JS4100 for FSX SE, that should be ready within days!"

On 20 February 2015 on Facebook PMDG wrote - [21FEB15] A Couple General Updates - NGX, J41, Xplane, P3D... Captains- PMDG BAe JS4100
For those awaiting FSX:SE compatibility for the JetStream 41, this integration is completed and is awaiting testing. Right now we have a single, very large beta test taking place to cover "all things NGX" so we are refraining from adding this to the mix as it will create some confusion and not guarantee that we have a good solid test of this product under FSX-SE. We diid make a couple of minor fixes to this product during the update in order to eliminate a few common complaints we get to support... but mostly this product will be identical to the FSX version currently on the market.PMDG"

On 3 March 2015 Operating Center Changelog Added: FSX-SE J-41 module. (I note this was silently removed in late 2017 without a changelog entry)

On 13 March 2015 on Facebook PMDG wrote - "The PMDG BAe JS4100 starts testing this week...."

On 31 March 2015 on Facebook PMDG wrote - "[30MAR15] NGX Updates and some other News Bits Captains- Pending Updates for the J41:
Beta testing the J41 has taken a back seat to the changes we needed to make to the NGX and 777, but will resume shortly. Unlike the NGX and 777, the J41 isn't getting a significant code update, so it is a much simpler test process for us- as it primarily is just an installation validation process. We hope to have that released to you soon as well!"

Given these comments I purchased the product in early April 2015. Three years later you state that there are no plans to bring the JS41 to FSX-SE.

I'm sure there is a term for this type of marketing - and not a very nice one.



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I gave up and bought the Dash 8 in the last big sale. JS41 is now sitting in a desert grave yard somewhere..shame really loved that bird



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3 hours ago, Olympic260 said:

I can assure you it does not sit in any Hard disk......

So did it ever exist or were we just allowed to believe that it did?

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2 minutes ago, AndyUK said:

So did it ever exist or were we just allowed to believe that it did?

I'm confused as to what you're implying here...

Moreover, there's an entire world of difference between "here's something we're testing out" and "here's a workable product that we could totally put out to customers that we're going to just toss in the bin..."

You know, because companies are in routine practice of taking complete, marketable products that could make money, and just deleting them.

Come on guys, are you listening to yourselves?

Kyle Rodgers

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10 hours ago, scandinavian13 said:

I'm confused as to what you're implying here...

Moreover, there's an entire world of difference between "here's something we're testing out" and "here's a workable product that we could totally put out to customers that we're going to just toss in the bin..."

You know, because companies are in routine practice of taking complete, marketable products that could make money, and just deleting them.

Come on guys, are you listening to yourselves?

So after 3 years we still can't get a straight answer. Any request for information was ignored until the post from Chris. Why did no one from PMDG nip this in the bud years ago. That comment on the sales page about a February release for SE was still there 12 months later. So Andy's comment is correct in that if the update was never going to happen (which 3 years later has proven to be true) then PMDG misled their customers. If only one person purchased JS4100 based on either statements in your marketing material, or on Facebook/AVSIM then being "allowed to believe" is also true. I'm the one.

Further this comment below is from PMDG's Facebook page July 2015. I'm unsure if was written by a beta tester, employee or fan.

Luis Fernando Royero "PMDG BAe JS4100
For those awaiting FSX:SE compatibility for the JetStream 41, this integration is completed and is awaiting testing. Right now we have a single, very large beta test taking place to cover "all things NGX" so we are refraining from adding this to the mix as it will create some confusion and not guarantee that we have a good solid test of this product under FSX-SE.
We diid make a couple of minor fixes to this product during the update in order to eliminate a few common complaints we get to support... but mostly this product will be identical to the FSX version currently on the market."

What are we make of this comment. If this or any of the other comments were not correct I cannot see where PMDG disputed or corrected them. I certainly was led to believe the upgrade would happen, just delayed again.

The FSX-SE JS41 module added in March 2015 was removed quietly some 30 months later. PMDG now have a P3D Module. This along with Chris's comment leads me to believe the FSX-SE version will never happen. Can you confirm?


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3 hours ago, howevr said:

Further this comment below is from PMDG's Facebook page July 2015. I'm unsure if was written by a beta tester, employee or fan.

Luis Fernando Royero "PMDG BAe JS4100
For those awaiting FSX:SE compatibility for the JetStream 41, this integration is completed and is awaiting testing. Right now we have a single, very large beta test taking place to cover "all things NGX" so we are refraining from adding this to the mix as it will create some confusion and not guarantee that we have a good solid test of this product under FSX-SE.
We diid make a couple of minor fixes to this product during the update in order to eliminate a few common complaints we get to support... but mostly this product will be identical to the FSX version currently on the market."

The FSX-SE JS41 module added in March 2015 was removed quietly some 30 months later. PMDG now have a P3D Module. This along with Chris's comment leads me to believe the FSX-SE version will never happen. Can you confirm?

Can you please post a link for the above FB post? As far as I am aware we never had a Beta tester or employee with such name. Our FB posts are from us officially only when posted from the PMDG user.

As for the official answer, as I wrote "Currently there are no plans, as far as I am aware, in porting the JS41 in FSX SE"

Chris Makris


You can find us at http://forum.pmdg.com


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