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Not picking up certain commands since update

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Good Afternoon,

Im having a number of issues since update. I cannot seem to give commands such as "Start APU" or "Set Engine Anti On/Off" It is not recognizing it in the green box, instead picking up all sorts of different words.

I am English - UK Speaker.

Remained on English US initially and it was present then, now also switched to English - UK and same.

I have not changed the pace or diction of the requests, they are the same I have been using for the past 4 years or so with FS2CREW.

Anyone else experiencing this at all?






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I will of course try your recommendation, but just wanted to highlight this is only happening with a few select commands.

I have no issues at all with UGCX and all normal flows and checklists are responding perfectly.

It appears to be limited to just out of flow commands, such as the anti ice and APU systems. (That I know of so far)




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A further update sir,

Having looked on windows there was no option to delete the profile. I also notice that on the current FS2CREW NGXU manual this box is also greyed out.

I have run through another retraining session. Still the same issue with specific out of flow commands.

An additional one to now add is "Delete the speed restriction". FS2CREW is not picking up that phrase at all. (Not showing anything in the green box)


Would be interested to see if others can test these phrases to see if they re having similer issues?



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Hi Sir,

Im afraid I am leaning towards this may be an issue with the update. Just as a summary so far:

Windows 10



English UK - Set

(Also test back on original US set but same faults since update)


- No option to delete current profile. (Box is greyed out)

- I have run another retraining session


No issues at all with UGCX, FS2CREW NGXU Flows or checklists, MCP commands, comms and nav radio frequency changes

The following specific commands are not being recognised, they are either just not showing any text or completely irrelevant text.

- Start APU

- APU on the Bus

- Set Engine Anti Ice on

- Set Engine Anti Ice Off

- Set Wing Anti Ice On

- Set Wing Anti Ice Off

- Delete the speed restriction

- Set Dome light on

- Set dome light off

- Set Strobes on

- Set Strobes off


**Update 15:03**

FS2CREW is clearing picking up the command "SET". It appears to be missing other commands/words. I have tried all different types of pronunciations and no luck. I can confirm all of these phrases were working perfectly yesterday as I use them on almost every flight.


These are the ones I am aware of so far. I will add any new ones to this post to save additional ones.





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Not a problem at all, likewise thank you for the quick response.

Sods law is that ive just started another leg. Ill download the new update in about an hour n half 🙂


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16 hours ago, byork said:

Okay, 1.3A is now on the server.  Please re-download and re-install. 

This was a good report 🙂  Thank you for reporting it!


I can confirm all working again with no issues 🙂 Thank you for quick resolution.



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Windows 10 Language - English (UK)

Windows 10 Speech Language - English (UK)


I've created a new UK profile and done the voice training.  Rightly or wrongly, I've also used Speech Recognition to dictate key words from the FS2Crew dialogues (Engine, Flaps, Altimeter, Altitude, Gear, Landing, Takeoff and so on) and corrected any errors.  Windows claims that improves its reading of your voice, right?   

Nevertheless, I'm having similar problems..

The most important ones are in the climb-out phase when I'm hand flying and can't be reaching across .  I can't get:

Select (or Engage) VNAV

Select (or Engage) Command A

Any thoughts?

Speech Recognition is NOT starting automatically, as you can see.  However, one thing I have noticed having used Speech Recognition manually  for the first time in a long time in training for the new profile is that, following Windows updates, it now uses a lot more commands than before - including the word "Select", which is now a dictation command, which it wasn't before as I remember it.   Couldn't be anything weird happening there could there?




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Windows speech recognition should be OFF.  It should never start.  If it's running, your voice commands may start controlling Windows itself.



For those commands (like "SELECT COMMAND A", do you see them in the green bar?



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Speech recognition is off.

I'll check that and come back to you.


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