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Guest Dan G Martin

Would someone clarify exacty how the licensing works for FSX, and

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><the chance that they may NOT grant you a new activation. Now>you've got folks really concerned.>>>>Well, I can only say what I know. I don't know what guidelines>that the CSRs use when dealing with activation issues so I>presume there are cases where a request is denied. If that has>people freaked out I'm afraid I can't offer much to console>them.I've read this thread with great interest! I understand MS's (and other vendors) need to have a method to defend against piracy. I do believe though this shouldn't be done in a way that the consumer has to jump through hoops to work through. So here is my suggestion, for MS/Aces. Keep the activation process as is, except, setup the uninstall routine that only after a successful uninstall to send a code to the activation system that the product has been removed from the system, in which case the activation system will make that activation key available again. This has a number of benefits. It preserves MS's ability to track/limit installations and ensures that a new install can only be activated after a previous one has been properly uninstalled, It will be transparent to those reinstalling due to system upgrades since the key would become available again. It would also cut the workload down on the MS's CSR's thereby improving customer response time and saving MS money! Of course if the reinstall is caused by a system or HD failure the customer would still need to reactivate by calling MS, but this approach I believe would eliminate a good many of the negatives to the activation process.



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>It's a TOLL-FREE call... At the MOST it will 'cost you' a five>minutes of your life... ;)>>I simply don't understand WHY there's so much confusion?It's certainly not a Toll Free call in the UK mate! Just as the price is recognised as extortinate with no currency adjustment here!The way I see it is, your only hiring FSX.

Dave Taylor gb.png




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So if you have both Win XP and Vista RC2 on the same machine, and install FSX on both, does that blow out your two lifetime installs? Guess I will be running for 30 mins for a while until this license scheme shakes out. It does sound like Vista, where the license is clear you can only intall on 2 "devices" defined as a partition or blade. So I guess just moving Vista will burn up an activation.As far as Win XP, if you have auto update on you have Windows Genuine Advantage, which will prevent improerly activated copies from updating, and Windows Genuine Advantage Notification, which phones home each day (I think this may have changed but I have prevented this "update" on my system) and puts up a nag screen if it decides your copy isn't activated correctly.Multiple installs on the same hardware, of course, shouldn't be a problem.scott s..

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Guest jbrians

This should be fine. 3 months specifically I am not sure about, but this general scenario will work and you should be allowed to activate the 3rd time.

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I had so many problems trying to install to a compressed folder, I needed to register about 10 times, all worked automatically via the net.George

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Guest nem

>Having made that clear... I will now speculate and say I can't>see anything changing. That, would be stupid.If in 1996 I had told you that ten years from now you would have called MS seven times to be allowed to install your legally acquired copy of their OS, wouldn't you have said "that's stupid"? Well, I would've.Regards,http://www.bremmekamp.com/img/misc/avsim.jpg

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Quote in this forum "You are allowed to install FSX on two PCs. When you activate your copy the software looks at your hardware configuration. If it ever detects a drastic change it will prompt you to reactivate. (Note that common tasks like swapping video cards or adding memory should not cause a re-activation.) If an activation attempt is unsuccessful you can call a support number and explain your situation and they may grant you a new activation" UnquoteThis Sun morn I came to run FSX and this activation screen came up and all I had done is installed new vid drvrs. So I rang the 0800 no with all the details and was told that because I had installed it on two computers - "my own little network" that they would not reactivate it and was told that I would have to buy another copy to install it.So is it right that I am allowed to install on 2 or not.Why can people do drastic things to their computer and all I did was update my drvs - is this going to happen all the time.Has anyone got the answer to how I can reactivate my FSX on my computer because they refuse to activate it?

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Guest allcott

>Quote in this forum "You are allowed to install FSX on two>PCs. When you activate your copy the software looks at your>hardware configuration. If it ever detects a drastic change it>will prompt you to reactivate. (Note that common tasks like>swapping video cards or adding memory should not cause a>re-activation.) If an activation attempt is unsuccessful you>can call a support number and explain your situation and they>may grant you a new activation" Unquote>>This Sun morn I came to run FSX and this activation screen>came up and all I had done is installed new vid drvrs. So I>rang the 0800 no with all the details and was told that>because I had installed it on two computers - "my own little>network" that they would not reactivate it and was told that I>would have to buy another copy to install it.>So is it right that I am allowed to install on 2 or not.>Why can people do drastic things to their computer and all I>did was update my drvs - is this going to happen all the>time.>Has anyone got the answer to how I can reactivate my FSX on my>computer because they refuse to activate it? Yes, but it won't `stick` in a public forum. First, you should not allow the idiot at the end of the phone to get off so lightly. Demand to speak to a senior official, quote Brian from the ACES team from this very forum and seek a written explanation for the absence of consistency in the MS approach. Next, express concern that the cost of obtaining unnecessary duplicate copies of FSX will only force you to return the original copy for a refund.And thirdly, explore the internet for a solution. You'll find it VERY easily, proving once again that the only people inconvenienced by these ludicrous and pathetic security measures are genuine consumers. I wonder how that is good for business?It's not just ACES that need to step up to the plate and admit fault over FSX. The whole licensing and activation thing has been a farce since release and frankly, indicative of the true level of care taken over this release. We are being fleeced left, right and centre. Perhaps now that responsible members of the ACES team have accepted blame for FSX - and the responsibility for fixing it - it is time for the L & A Team to do likewise. WHO is ultimately responsible for the L & A of FSX at MS please? Name, and e-mail address. I don't see why he/she/it/them should be able to hide in the shadows while the ACES team have to take all the flak. At the very least the fiasco should encourage them to come forward and publically apologise, preferably AFTER having tendered their resignation. And while they're at it, perhaps they could ask the Tech Support Managers to come forwar and apologise for the incompetence of their staff too.Allcott

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Guest capncrazy68

Look guys, I thought the same as you, untill I had a few problems with overclocking and had to do multiple installs. Here is the tried and tested scoop, and let's put this one to bed already. It's registered with device ID numbers, so if you want to do an upgrade to your machine. Simply uninstall FSX, then do your upgrade of processor, graphics card, MB, whatever. You can then re-install without any activation problems. If you have a hard drive crash, Like I did, it doesn't change anything, because your devices are the same, activation is successful. I also have this on a second machine, and there's no problems. Now, worst case scenerio.... This is where you guys are freeking out. You had a crash, and then update your hardware at the same time. You simply call, just like with Windows XP, state your situation, and they will give you a new key. It's a pain in the keyster, but no worse than XP. I've tried it, done it. And if you do an uninstall prior to any changes, activation will go in no problem. I've reinstalled FSX about 4 times now due to system crashes from overclocking. So can we put this to rest.

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Just supposing - looking on black side - that u cannot get your computer to work and cannot uninstall FSX and then do the upgrade.Supposing u have not done any backups etc ( a lot of us don't).Come to switch on after repair and it says reactivate and "they" say no. I think I'll buy x-plane and throw FSX in the dustbin.Why do we have to argue with people on the phone to run software bought legally because I have used my 2 installs up.Going to retry this morning and see what happens and even if succesfull I will not buy any more MS software in the future if I can help it.Why should I spend a fortune on phoneing after ringing the free phone no, if I don't get an activation, , sending e-mails its just b****y ridiculous as well.Now stuck here with FSX that needs activation because I changed vid drvrs.My FS9 folder is nearly 170 gig with all my addons so will stick with that - all u addon people will suffer if this happens regularly - because I won't buy any if this activation trouble happens again because I can't use them if I am refused. StinksMy case may be an exception and FSX did'nt like the vid drvrs but it could happen to others and may have done.

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