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The FMS for the Lear35A is available!

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2 hours ago, ark said:

For example, the heading bug on the HSI is set at 290. If I hover over the HDG knob the tool tip shows the heading as 005. If I left click once on the HDG know, the heading displayed on the tool tip changes to 308, if I click it again, it changes to 251. Click again and it changes to 193. Right clicking causes the displayed heading on the tool tip to change to 251, then 308, then 005, 62, 120, 177 etc. Each forward click of the mousewheel does the same as right clicking, each backward click of the mousewheel does the same as left clicking.

 I think I now know what the tool-tip problem is -- units!  Notice the tool-tip value is changing about 57 degrees per mouse click instead of changing by just one degree per click. There are about 57 (actually 57.29) degrees in a radian, so I think the tool-tip code is somehow interpreting each click as a one radian change instead of a one degree change. Should be an easy fix (I hope). I'll try to get with Mark tonight on this and some of the other issues.


Edited by ark

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Hello again,

I have a question, Could I get the FMS 1.0 version somehow until the next update comes out? I didn't have time to download the first one, and version 1.1 is currently impossible to fly for me, since the lateral navigation doesn't work in any way, only in conventional VHF mode.

Thanks in advance.


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31 minutes ago, Monty43 said:

Hello again,

I have a question, Could I get the FMS 1.0 version somehow until the next update comes out? I didn't have time to download the first one, and version 1.1 is currently impossible to fly for me, since the lateral navigation doesn't work in any way, only in conventional VHF mode.

Thanks in advance.


There should be a new FMS version out sometime tonight or in the wee hours of the morning. By accident an old file got into FMS ver1.1 so that's why that didn't work. Mark at FSW is hard at work on a new version as I type this!


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8 minutes ago, ark said:

There should be a new FMS version out sometime tonight or in the wee hours of the morning. By accident an old file got into FMS ver1.1 so that's why that didn't work. Mark at FSW is hard at work on a new version as I type this!


Thanks for the fast reply, I am glad reading this!


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18 minutes ago, Polymerman said:

My two cents it doesn't work as a flight controller if it doesn't fly the flightplan. 

Yes, of course the FMS should fly the flight plan! As explained above, unfortunately an incorrect file got accidentally included with FMS Beta ver 1.1, and a new FMS BETA ver 1.2 will be out tonight or very early tomorrow morning.


Edited by ark
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V1.2 is now available!

Sorry about the update last night. We had a ton of issues and once we got them figured out i made a mistake updating an older file. So that caused the FMS to not capture the flight plan.

Things we now added:

1.We now have click spots on the HSI units. This is in 3 areas for 3 different popups. Top left, top right and bottom left.

Things we know that need to be fixed:

1. The 2D popup course sync function does not work yet. The 3D course sync does work. You middle mouse click to sync. This feature is for the non FMS mode. 

2. The copilot course knob when using the mouse wheel is reversed. 

3. When on the holding pattern maneuver page the option to change the Left or Right hand course will not show the update until you click enter. To update click L for left or R for right followed by enter.


We also have plans to update the user manual. This will include navigraph info on how to stay up to date and info how to install flight plans from websites that create a RTE file.

Add a manual for the new transponder.




Edited by Flysimware
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Good news and bad news. The HDG knob works well now.

I still can't get 1.2 to go to NAV LRN. Even when I'm perfectly lined up for the next waypoint, it just sits on ARM. This is my LEBL to LEMD flight detailed yesterday.

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For me the NAV LRN work perfect, I did a flight this morning to FSIA with APP GNSS to RWY 31 and Lateral guiadance work well, vertical guidance no, but I guess it doesn't has vertical guidance support for APP RNAV this FMS.

Thanks for the fast work fixing issue Mark and FSW team.


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21 minutes ago, Alistair Logie said:

Good news and bad news. The HDG knob works well now.

I still can't get 1.2 to go to NAV LRN. Even when I'm perfectly lined up for the next waypoint, it just sits on ARM. This is my LEBL to LEMD flight detailed yesterday.

Maybe there is some kind of Navigraph or P3D database issue. Try a different flight plan from a totally different location just to see what happens.


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1 hour ago, Pineapple_Wizard said:

Any update on when we can use Navigraph to update the database?

Ark said that "Navigraph said it may take a week or so for everything to be set up"


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3 hours ago, ark said:

Maybe there is some kind of Navigraph or P3D database issue. Try a different flight plan from a totally different location just to see what happens.


I guess that must be it. I've tried a few more flightplans and all is good.

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1 hour ago, Alistair Logie said:

I guess that must be it. I've tried a few more flightplans and all is good.

Well, I was able to fly your original flight plan -- just did the first couple of legs.

Try this with the original flight plan. After the FMC is loaded and you are in FMS mode sitting on the runway, if pushing NAV on the AP gives you a ARM indication, try clicking on the NAV button again . You might also try switching back and forth between VHF and FMS mode.


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