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About Pineapple_Wizard

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  • Birthday 03/03/1990

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  1. Did a couple flights with the new FMS. Pretty cool bit of kit. Few questions. Does the FMS not load in missed approach procedures or is that a planned feature not yet implemented? Also how does the VNAV page work? It seems to bug out for me and there is no documentation on it. Additionally is there a way to "activate approach" or do an extended centerline to intercept the final approach course? I remember there was a way to do it in the UNS implemented in the Q400 but I'm not sure its in this one. Thanks!
  2. Any update on when we can use Navigraph to update the database?
  3. Will there be an update for the GTN mod?
  4. I would say the 777 performs slightly lesser in terms of FPS, at least in the VC. Exterior models are pretty much the same in my experience. I've got an i5 4690k and a gtx 960. Overall thouigh, both have fairly good FPS, and sometimes better than the Aerosoft A320, interestingly.
  5. So I suppose "everything worked levels of at correct altitudes" implies that it flies on the numbers? Hardly a clear answer really. I understand that it "flies nice," but can it match the performance charts?
  6. How does it fly? Does it fly on the numbers? I enjoy Alabeo's DA40 because it just flies so nice but it really bothers me that it cruises much slower than it is supposed to.
  7. Another vote for the Lionheart Lear. It's pretty simple and doesn't really do complex navigation, but that's how the real thing is. It's incredibly fast, but easy to fly and looks fantastic too. It does incorporate some realistic features that represent the quirks of the real Lear. Make sure your tip tanks are empty on landing or you'll break the wings!
  8. Yeah, I've noticed it too. Some addons do not have afterburner effects either
  9. I have noticed this as well. In the Steam edition I've found that there aren't any touchdown effects, the contrails look flat and lifeless, some addon aircraft don't have afterburner effects, and aerobatic aircraft don't have smoke. Quite interesting, not a huge bother, but still one I'd like to fix nontheless.
  10. I currently have added [JOBSCHEDULER] AffinityMask=2 and HIGHMEMFIX=1 (decided just to put it in anyway, no harm done) ForceWindowedVsync=1 I have a pretty low end machine, and I'm getting locked 30fps
  11. I Just bought the Legacy a few days ago on sale for $25. Easily the best airplane in FSX I've ever flown. The sale lasts until the 1st of January.
  12. I find it interesting with all these people here complaining about 15-20 fps. With my system I'm lucky to get that at a big airport. I've never really upgraded either, so I've been flying with low fps for a number of years, and I'm totally used to it. I have no issues controlling an airplane in low fps because I'm simply used to it. I do however enjoy faster frames when I do manage to get some.
  13. A bizjet from 20-30 years ago is exactly what I want. I don't need to always fly, say realistically, or "up to date." That's the beauty of a simulator. I guess I can live with a more complicated autopilot, but no FMC, I'd rather be looking out the windows than pressing buttons...
  14. Personally, I don't want an overly complicated bizjet. If you have a bizjet that's has an FMC, LNAV, VNAV, and G1000s, than you might as well be flying an airliner anyway. I prefer bizjets like the Citation Excel, Falcon 50s and 2000s, and the older Learjets as well. Anything that doesn't have more than a simple autopilot. I like a combination of GA and airline flying. You get the speed and range of airlines with the simplicity and ease of GA flying.
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