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Makes the Sim Heart grow fonder...(smile)!

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On 6/26/2022 at 2:14 PM, Nemo said:

Like Mitch, after 6 weeks only in MSFS, today I made a flight from EDDF to EGPH. Honestly, on this route, and especially during landing approach to Edinburgh (ORBX airport and TE active) I did not miss MSFS in any way. On the other side, I'm still dreaming from a simulator with the features of P3D and the graphics of MSFS.

I took off (P3D) in an Ampib, from one of my favorite Orbx Washington islands...and I really have to say....the water detail, wave action,  sparkle, froth,  is truly something special.   Now,  XP12's water teasers look like a most serious threat to my saying that P3D's water is the best of the best....but, until I SEE XP12's water sloshing away on my monitor....P3D (full slider right) is Poseidon of the waves... 🙂

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I have both. I use P3D to fly and MSFS to do sight seeing with lots of external view time. With the server not being available and lots of lost connections recently I could still get my flying fix in P3D.

The physics in MSFS is very frustrating. I can ace my landings in the P3D Milviz porter every time, landing right on the numbers while the MSFS versions bounces all over the place and the power lever behaves like an on/off switch at low power settings.

I can also not get why the pilots records are still broken after all these updates. Surely the logic of wheels left the ground = takeoff can not be that hard to implement. I have way more landings than takeoff's in MSFS and have no idea what constitutes a sucessfull takeoff.

Johan Pienaar


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As someone who have use FS9 until 2018 (and still on my system) it's not hard to image use P3Dv4 for another decade.

I could say I'm "actively hate" MSFS for it's semi-online property, and ofc the overall appization of Microsoft in general.

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I use my first computer for P3D Simulator, on the second computer i use TrainSim World,and on the third computer i use to play World of Warships,i also use my car if i want to enjoy the scenery..I do not know if i will deal with MSFS / scenery in the future, i'm already bored..




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With SSDs relatively inexpensive, I don’t see any need to delete one or the other simulator if I find them both attractive and useful. I use MSFS a little more frequently now, as it makes sense to stay on top of developments there, since that is where the developers now have their focus. But I still find much pleasure in P3d flying the A2A birds (including the Flying Fortress), as well as the RealAir Duke, a classic of all time, and the PMDG tubeliners. Yes, the new MSFS scenery graphics are very detailed, whereas the P3d/Orbx combo appears more painterly than photorealistic. But for most purposes it is splendid, and I find the MSFS user interface and camera system to be klunky to the point of irritation. More importantly, I am not that fond of the MSFS flight models as currently implemented. I suspect there will be many improvements in time, so I will endure the growing pains. But there will be no deletions on my end for the foreseeable future 


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Guest Multisim
On 6/28/2022 at 8:31 AM, C2615 said:

As someone who have use FS9 until 2018 (and still on my system) it's not hard to image use P3Dv4 for another decade.

I could say I'm "actively hate" MSFS for it's semi-online property, and ofc the overall appization of Microsoft in general.

People who up until recently used an abandoned software created in 2003 and who "actively hate" a company that sells a software created by small totally different company, are usually not the kind of people you can have a grown up, constructive discussion about pros and cons of different simulators with. I'm not so sure that all this hatred is helping the P3D community or the software developers either.

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Yes """""""""""multi""""""""""""""sim, we know.....

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12400F - 32GB DDR4 - RTX4070 - 1440p G-Sync UltraWide - Sennheiser GSX 1000 - O11 Air Mini - 1TB NVMe + 2TB SSD - Windows 11 Pro - MSFS

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I still have P3d Installed.....I will keep it on as long as I'm involved with the iFly project. 

I suspect that I'll be getting back into painting 737s for them...this time....taking it to the MAX. 😉 

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Steve Dra
Get my paints for MSFS planes at flightsim.to here, and iFly 737s here
Download my FSX, P3D paints at Avsim by clicking here


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On 6/26/2022 at 2:14 PM, Nemo said:

Like Mitch, after 6 weeks only in MSFS, today I made a flight from EDDF to EGPH. Honestly, on this route, and especially during landing approach to Edinburgh (ORBX airport and TE active) I did not miss MSFS in any way. On the other side, I'm still dreaming from a simulator with the features of P3D and the graphics of MSFS.

Nemo...it does take time away from something to again, realize that you had a gem.  I have all the regions, and the 'heavy's' from Orbx...all the TE's...and as I was flying around in Washington TE,  man...to my eyes...it was a so VERY close match to MSFS-G(oogle),  that I mumbled to myself..."Mitch...why have you NOT flown P3D v5.3, for 6 weeks?!?!"   LOL!!!    So....I'm back to a pretty much weekly rotation, so I don't get rust on any of them. When I flew XP11...I had to really laugh, as I asked myself the same question again....did MSFS make you jaded?   Yep....but no more.   Will fly each one,  weekly just to not get 'arthritis' in the keystrokes and such....   The truth...bare truth, is that I love 'em all....and am really excited to receive/buy the coming XP12....the teasers are KILLER!  At least for my eyes...and 'wants'...   The only thing about my cranking up P3D v5.3 (and it has nothing to do actually with the flight sim itself), is that I have an older system, with only 12 GB's of System RAM, and after I choose any Orbx TE airport location....I could go out and cut the grass, waiting for the T.E. (whatever) to fully load in, and plop me down at the parking spot.  But once there...(and after my front and back lawn is cut)...just some really good visuals with Orbx T.E.  and P3D v5.3, and my ancient Dell....  All good...truly all good....


Edited by Sesquashtoo
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