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New Maps for LNM (update #4)

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4 minutes ago, bd515 said:

I get an error when I try and unzip this file  says operation failed  whats wrong with  the file ??

Probably because it's .7z file and it was compressed in 7Z format (not zip), so you have to use 7-ZIP uncompress program 🙂
It's freeware software 
available to download here:  https://www.7-zip.org/


Never give up ...  - here are details of the whip-round: https://zrzutka.pl/en/pewr2d  -> to help my younger son fights against Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (blood cancer).

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4 minutes ago, bd515 said:

I get an error when I try and unzip this file  says operation failed  whats wrong with  the file ??

Probably because it's .7z file and it was compressed in 7Z format (not zip/unzip), so you have to use 7-ZIP uncompress program 🙂
It's freeware software 
available to download here:  https://www.7-zip.org/


Never give up ...  - here are details of the whip-round: https://zrzutka.pl/en/pewr2d  -> to help my younger son fights against Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (blood cancer).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all. I read all I could find on the web about troubles with maps and LNM (2.6.11). I've been using this wonderful aid for all my flights (now on MSFS2020). Just can't do without. Recently I moved (on the sim) from Italy to Algeria and Morocco. I noticed that the map (OSM) was way less detailed there than in Notrhern Italy where I started from. Zooming in, I can't tell if an airport (diplayed correctly) is close to a street, river, lake etc. Way too pixelated, no geographical feature recognizable. So I went on the internet and found this post. Read it thorougly, tried some of the advice, but still no results. I downloaded the lnm-maps.7z file, dowloaded the proper unzip program. I have the lnm-maps folder. 266KB, 37 files, 39 folders. Copied the data folder in lnm folder, prompted to re-write (sorry for my poor English translation...) files, that I did. Lauched the program, I see the new map list, but when I try to use any, say Google maps def, I just see squares with numbers inside. Big, colored squares. If I zoom full out, I see the world map image 0.png that is in the Google maps def root. So, zooming in is just a magnification of that. Sorry for my digital ignorance, but I guess that somehow the program doesn't load the signle image files at the base of every square. How can I get this sorted out? All the rest works. I have internet connection 30mbps on average. LNM connects to the sim, I load my flightplans, I see the mountain altitude profiles, everything perfect. But the maps. Is there a config file or a option page I can copy from my LNM and paste here to get some advice about what's wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help and patience.


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Ciao Alex.

Yes. I enabled somehow the offline mode in the File menu. It's probably the only place I haven't looked in. All the rest have been tried. Probably twice. And the solution was there. Clear as the sun. I really feel.... well, I have a huge chioce of Italian words to describe that, but let's keep this on a polite level.

Thanks Alex, everything woks now and it's so amazing!

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29 minutes ago, Yiolo said:

Thanks for this awesome software. Its the only one I use with MSFS20. My life would be complete if we could use bing map for vfr 🙂


Thank you for the kind words. 🙂

Unfortunately Bing uses a different tiling scheme than the OpenStreetMap and others. No idea how to work around this.


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  • 5 months later...

Since I use LNM for about 6 months already, together with FS2020, I am very happy about these many features.

Well, actually, there is one point: I am missing a feature, which concerns more than one landing/starting in one flight plan. Ok, I just "paint" the approach at the airport of interest and do the rest completely manually. This is easy, because I only fly VFR. But at this stage, when I explore regions of  Switzerland or Austria, it is crucial to plan the intermediate route with a concise view of the topography. For this control I recently used the OpenTopoMap view. Unfortunately, since some time, it does no longer update. That is, at regions, where I already visited parts of it, only these parts are drawn as excpected, the rest remains very coarse or even invisible black. In contrast, OSM works nicely, but, as known, without topographic data provided. A Google search lead me here and I could find my problem in the contribution of @Foxpilot. However, the solution by checking "offline" is not valid, since it is unchecked ever since I use LNM, and it actually still is unchecked. So I installed the maps, provided by this thread. For my purpose for planning routes in mountain valleys, google-maps-ter now does the job. But I would prefer to stay with the OpenStreetMap project.

So, I am wondering, why OpenTopoMap does no longer actualize in LNM, and how I can reanimate it again.

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6 hours ago, Vetti52 said:

I am missing a feature, which concerns more than one landing/starting in one flight plan.

Sorry, unlikely to happen due to the effort. This would need a lot of changes.

6 hours ago, Vetti52 said:

So, I am wondering, why OpenTopoMap does no longer actualize in LNM, and how I can reanimate it again.

The OTM is loading fine here. Are the other maps updating? Offline mode in file menu selected by any chance?


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Thanks for your considerations.

Yes, all the other online maps load properly. It only concerns OTM. And, of course, all other maps only work, with offline mode unchecked. When opening OTM simultaneously from a browser, I can readily view and zoom everything in detail. So, I am sure, that OTM is functional. But from within LNM, there is no update while zooming. I am wondering, how it works in general. It looks like being cached, because all parts, which I have visited recently, are present. But when going into regions nearby, which I did not yet visit before, the map is either of low resolution or, when completely new to my flight areas, such as Cuba, it is even not existing. And at all places, the map is not updated. Zooming at some places visited already, I can see the names of cities in overlap, once in low resolution and hard to read, and another part of the name in higher resolution next to it. Usually, this could every time be seen for a short time, while zooming, until the image was updated from OTM. But now, it remains permanently unchanged. It looks like, the higher resoution being read from a cached version, and, if this is not present, the pixels of the low resolution image are simply enlarged. At some stage of enlargement, the complete image turns to be darkened or even completely black. Then only the LNM structures are visible. None of these effects occur, when using any other online map, such as OSM or google-maps-ter. Well, I just checked Stamen terrain, which shows another strange behaviour: At zoom factors less than 0.5nm per ruler tick it does not update properly. A square of about 4nm around the airport turns grey and does not update, while the region outside of this square is drawn. However, this looks like the upmost zoom factor for stamen anyway. Further zooming just enlarges the pixels. But usually I do not use stamen, OTM is way more informative.

More than one landing procedure in one leg is not available in FS2020 either, so I am not disappointed here. It is just a missing feature, because I am getting old. So sometimes I am getting tired pretty suddenly, and want to stop a flight in between, in order to continue next day. Therefore I have to adopt my own solution in LNM.

Thanks anyway.

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As of yesterday, I am experiencing exactly the same problem with OTM as @Vetti52. The Map rendering and download status panel indicates Loading and Done as normal but the resolution remains unchanged. All other online maps zoom properly.

Edited by Crewsaider
Edited to include additional detail
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@Vetti52 and @Crewsaider I just tested this and see no issues on Linux but on Windows.

This seems to be the root cause since the OTM uses Let's Encrypt: https://tech.slashdot.org/story/21/09/22/1752239/lets-encrypts-root-certificate-is-about-to-expire-and-it-might-break-your-devices

No idea how to fix this yet.😞


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Many thanks Alex for your response.  I just hope there is a solution, as it does not appear that  it can not be fixed from our end.  OTM is my chart of choice within LNM, my utility of choice (along with Addon Linker), making MSFS such a worthwhile application

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