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New Maps for LNM (update #4)

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I have LNM version 2.8.12 and just recently it began displaying pop-up tiles with the following message: "These basemap tiles will no longer be available as of October 31, 2023.  The site administrator can upgrade to the new map at stamen.com/faq."  

Not sure what this means.  Earlier versions provided a variety of different maps.  Can't find any in this version.  Afraid I missed the memo.  Don't know what my next move should be.


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9 hours ago, pannellg said:

I have LNM version 2.8.12 and just recently it began displaying pop-up tiles with the following message: "These basemap tiles will no longer be available as of October 31, 2023.  The site administrator can upgrade to the new map at stamen.com/faq." 

This means that Stamen (not affiliated with LNM) decided to drop their free map service but this is not a big deal since it is only one of many map themes in LNM.🤷‍♂️

This also means that I will remove StamenTerrain from the LNM map themes with the next update.
Or I change the map theme but you have to create an account at Stamen/Stadia to get map tiles for free. Will see.

From the FAQ over there:


What do I need to do in order to keep getting tiles after this date?

You can start the migration process at stadiamaps.com/stamen/onboarding/. You'll receive simple instructions for how to point to the new service, and full customer support to ensure you won't experience any disruption in service.

How much does it cost?

Once you have signed up for an account with Stadia, your cost is based on tile usage, meaning how many map tiles are requested through your app or website.

  • If your current usage is less than 200,000 tiles / month—FREE for non-commercial use
  • If your usage goes above 200,000 tiles / month or you are a commercial user—plans start at $20/month. The full pricing is here.


9 hours ago, pannellg said:

Not sure what this means.  Earlier versions provided a variety of different maps.  Can't find any in this version.  Afraid I missed the memo.  Don't know what my next move should be.

LNM still provides a lot of map themes. Simply use another map theme.

And no, there was no memo. Even I did not get one.

More to read about LNM map themes:




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I would prefer option two: allow us to create a Stadia account and use the 200000/month free tiles at least if possible. More options are always better...

Stamen is/was my favorite map theme it being the least cluttered and still informative. Sorry to see it go 😞

Edited by kutyafal
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On 10/4/2023 at 3:01 PM, kutyafal said:

I would prefer option two: allow us to create a Stadia account and use the 200000/month free tiles at least if possible. More options are always better...

No problem. 🙃
Just made a new map theme for the new StamenTerrain which requires an account right here: https://stadiamaps.com/stamen/onboarding/create-account/

Download the map theme file below and install it in LNM map themes (see links in my post above for installation instructions):
here https://www.littlenavmap.org/downloads/Map Themes/

You will see a new "Stadia StamenTerrain" map in the LNM map themes list and a new entry "Stadia API Key" in LNM options.
Create an account at "stadiamaps.com" and create an API key. Copy the key and insert it into the "Stadia API Key" in LNM options. Restart LNM and StamenTerrain is back.

Note that this service is free if you do not download more than 200000 map tiles a month. No need to use one of the paid plans and no need to enter credit card information.



There are more free map themes available at Stadia. For now I created an replacement for StamenTerrain.
You can modify the map theme yourself to access the other maps. Read the LNM manual and the included "example.dgml" file for instructions.



Edited by albar965
Removed external link
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On 10/4/2023 at 8:01 AM, albar965 said:

Create an account at "stadiamaps.com" and create an API key. Copy the key and insert it into the "Stadia API Key" in LNM options. Restart LNM and StamenTerrain is back.



Hello Alex,

After updating to the latest 64 bit version of LNM I created an account at Stadia maps, got an API key and entered it into LNM, downloaded the Stadia StamenTerrain map theme and put the stadiastamenterrain folder in the list of Map Themes, deleted the "old" StamenTerrain theme, and restarted LNM. But I still get the warning  "These basemap tiles will no longer be available as of October 31, 2023" message. So apparently I have done something wrong, but what?



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8 hours ago, ark said:

After updating to the latest 64 bit version of LNM I created an account at Stadia maps, got an API key and entered it into LNM, downloaded the Stadia StamenTerrain map theme and put the stadiastamenterrain folder in the list of Map Themes, deleted the "old" StamenTerrain theme, and restarted LNM. But I still get the warning  "These basemap tiles will no longer be available as of October 31, 2023" message. So apparently I have done something wrong, but what?

The tiles are still in the cache.

Go to LNM main menu Tools -> Files and directories -> Show map cache.
Close LNM and delete the stadiastamenterrain and stamenterrain folders to clear the cache.


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4 hours ago, albar965 said:

The tiles are still in the cache.

Go to LNM main menu Tools -> Files and directories -> Show map cache.
Close LNM and delete the stadiastamenterrain and stamenterrain folders to clear the cache.


That seems to have fixed it -- thank you!


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Bonjour Albar et déjà merci pour votre investissement.😀

J'essaie de suivre votre tutoriel mais ça ne marche pas pour moi.

Je me suis inscris à Stadiamaps, j'ai téléchargé le dossier Stadiastamenterrain

Je ne trouve pas le dossier map themes dans l'arborescence de LNM sauf dans Littlenavmap/data/maps/earth ? Est ce celui ci?

Quand je copie le dossier stadiastamenterrain, je ne le vois pas, même en affichant les fichiers cachés...et pas de stadia API key non plus...;

je ne comprends ce que je fais de mal

Pouvez vous m'apporter une aide svp. Merci


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3 hours ago, JL73 said:

Hello Albar and already thank you for your investment.😀

I'm trying to follow your tutorial but it's not working for me.

I registered to Stadiamaps, I downloaded the folder Stadiastamenterrain

I can't find the map themes folder in the LNM tree except in Littlenavmap/data/maps/earth? Is this the one?

When I copy the stadiastamenterrain folder, I don't see it, even when displaying the hidden files...and no stadia API key either...;

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong

Could you please help me. Thank you

Adding the maps to the installation folder (.../data/maps/earth) is not recommended. You can put them into any folder and then select this folder in LNM options provided you use the latest LNM. Have look here at the installation instructions: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/latest/en/MAPTHEMES.html It's all explained in detail with screenshots.


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Hi ALex,  Been to Stadia website created the necessary credential, obtained an API key, downloaded the StadiaStamen terrain zip file.  Then extracted the zip to produce a folder of same name, which I then put in my Utilities folder alongside LNM folder, under the Name "LNM MapThemes".  

I deleted any reference to Stadia Stamen and Stamen in LNM Data/Maps/Earth  Directory.  

After that, I pointed to that auxilliary themes folder I had created, and in the LNM Directory "Tools/options/Cache and File/", with the button  "Select Themes Directory", I selected that Auxilliary folder.

After a restart of LNM,  I went to LNM "Tools/Map display Keys" doubled clicked the keyspace alongside Stadia API key and entered the key given in Stadia website, and again restarted LNM.

Now, I do see in LNM "View/Them/" the theme "Stadia Stamen Terrain*", when I select that map theme, I still see the Stamen map with warning tiles.  Am I missing something, or has the new theme not been fully inplemented (until 31st October)?  Yes and I did read the LNM manual on the subject, maybe I missed something?

Edited by Glenn999
the odd spelling mistake
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10 hours ago, Glenn999 said:

Now, I do see in LNM "View/Them/" the theme "Stadia Stamen Terrain*", when I select that map theme, I still see the Stamen map with warning tiles.  Am I missing something, or has the new theme not been fully inplemented (until 31st October)?  Yes and I did read the LNM manual on the subject, maybe I missed something?

Everything you describe is done correctly. Did you delete the cache folders:


Go to LNM main menu Tools -> Files and directories -> Show map cache.
Close LNM and delete the stadiastamenterrain and stamenterrain folders to clear the cache.

This cache thing is a bit confusing since the new theme shows gray tiles from the old one because I changed the theme to use a new cache folder.🤔


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Thanks for your prompt reply!   I went back in again to Tools/Files and directories/show map cache/  and found the "StadiaStamenterrain" cache file with the three other Map caches (openflghtmaps, openstreetmap,and opentopomap).   Deleted the StadiaStamenterrrain folder, and restarted LNM, this time no gray tiles, that's a better outcome!

Thanks Alex


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Merci Albar, mais j'ai trouvé le problème. J'avais bien compris et suivi le tuto. Le problème était ailleurs...

Littlenavmap était installé par défaut dans C/program files, il m'était impossible de voir le dossier stadiastamen quand je le collais dans un dossier que j'avais créé et nommé "maps themes"

J'ai donc désinstallé complètement LNM et réinstallé dans D et là, plus aucun problème, le dossier est maintenant visible

La seule chose importante est de bien localiser le dossier cache et de tout supprimer sans que LNM tourne, comme expliqué au dessus

et effectivement stadia stamen n'affiche plus ces carreaux blancs, donc tout est ok

Merci à toi, je re-trouve mon fond de carte préféré 😀

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49 minutes ago, JL73 said:

Thanks Albar, but I found the problem. I had understood and followed the tutorial. The problem was elsewhere...

Littlenavmap was installed by default in C/program files, and I couldn't see the stadiastamen folder when I pasted it into a folder I'd created called "maps themes". So I uninstalled LNM completely and reinstalled it in D, and now the folder is visible.

The only important thing is to locate the cache folder and delete everything without LNM running, as explained above and indeed stadia stamen no longer displays those white squares, so everything's ok

Thanks to you, I've got my favorite background map back!

You can also use the default installation in "Program Files". No need to install in another place since you can select any folder for map themes.

Anyway, glad it is working.👍


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