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New Maps for LNM (update #4)

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Ok. Seems that no fix on LNM side is needed (*sigh*). Linux and macOS are running flawless (as usual). The problem appeared only on Windows.

There is no harm but also need to import the certificate manually since Windows updates this

What is needed is a new so called Root Certificate named ISRG Root X1 which allows Windows and LNM to identify a website using Let's Encrypt. See here about the nasty technical details: DST Root CA X3 Expiration (September 2021)

First update Windows to the latest. This might also load the new certificate. For me it appeared after a while in Windows and the problem was solved.
If all else fails you can import the certificate manually.

The certificate you need is the ISRG Root X1. You can check this in the Windows certificate manager. See screenshots below.

How to import manually (only if it does not appear after updating Windows😞

  1. Open the Certificate Manager certmgr.
  2. Right click on "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" -> "Certificates" and select "All Tasks" -> "Import".
  3. Click "Next"
  4. Select file name of the PEM https://letsencrypt.org/certs/isrgrootx1.pem  you downloaded from here: https://letsencrypt.org/certificates/
  5. Next and Ok






Edited by albar965
No need to import manually
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1 hour ago, Vetti52 said:

This is fantastic! And, yes, now everything works as before. BTW, following your procedure, I've got two equal entries "ISGR Root X1" in the root certificate. Hope, that is alright, that way.

Hi Peter,

there is no need to add it if the certificate is already there. But the two entries should do no harm.

On the other side you can remove both and MS Windows will fetch the missing entry again. At least that's what the cert app says. But I'd leave it as it is now.


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On 10/2/2021 at 2:57 PM, albar965 said:

Sorry, unlikely to happen due to the effort. This would need a lot of changes.

The OTM is loading fine here. Are the other maps updating? Offline mode in file menu selected by any chance?


Hi Alex,

I had the exact same issue with the 'OpenTopoMap' loading undetailed and not seeing any more when zoomed in, since about a week now.
Have two PCs here, one work, one gaming...
OTM worked fine on one, noy anymore on the other. The gaming computer had the OTM issue in LNM.
Looked around on Internet, came across this post, cleared Windows Register, re-installed LNM, but couldn't find a solution.
A brainwave recalled updating Windows once which helped in fixing a very different issue a few years back with DCS.

This time fixed it too by updating Windows on my gaming computer, and now LNM shows the OTM just fine, and when zoomed in it shows all the details again!!

Hope this helps someone else with this issue.

Am super happy with LNM, and am using it constantly when planning various legs of my MSFS2020 flight around the world in a helicopter.
Flying at 1.500' AGL, OTM in LNM is really handy for planning purposes!!
Am amazed at the capabilities LNM provides, what a great program!!👍

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  • 3 months later...

I got the VFR sectional, google maps etc installed. Great addition.  I'm assuming these don't update themselves. Is there a way to do that since the original dropbox download was from 2019?


The zip-file includes the following 12 (twelve) custom maps for Little Navmap® by Alexander Barthel:

# Google Maps (Default)
# Google Maps (Satellite)
# Google Maps (Terrain)
# U.S. VFR Sectionals
# U.S. IFR Enroute Low
# U.S. IFR Enroute High
# U.S. IFR Area Charts
# U.S. Terminal Area Charts (TAC)
# U.S. Helicopter Route Charts
# Norway Topographic Maps
# Sweden Topographic Maps
# Finland Topographic Maps

Using LNM with MSFS 2020 and currently the PMDG 737-700 on Windows PC

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On 1/11/2022 at 10:46 PM, Burnhaven said:

I got the VFR sectional, google maps etc installed. Great addition.  I'm assuming these don't update themselves. Is there a way to do that since the original dropbox download was from 2019?

There is no need to update the files since they point to online maps which are (or not) updated regularly.


BTW: Here are more maps for LNM https://flightsim.to/file/6411/map-extensions-for-little-navmap-lnm


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Hello all,

I was directed here by bushdivers.com, which had my attention due to the content for Papua New Guinea.  I have a question about uploading maps to Little Nav Map.  I have a .gpkg file, it's a map file, and I noticed that all of the map data in Little Nav Maps seems to be .dgml format.  Does anyone know how to convert the .gpkg file into a .dgml file format so I can load the map into Little Nav Maps... sorry if I'm resurrecting an old thread!  I have an .mbtiles map if need be!

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5 hours ago, aeroedge said:

I was directed here by bushdivers.com, which had my attention due to the content for Papua New Guinea.  I have a question about uploading maps to Little Nav Map.  I have a .gpkg file, it's a map file, and I noticed that all of the map data in Little Nav Maps seems to be .dgml format.  Does anyone know how to convert the .gpkg file into a .dgml file format so I can load the map into Little Nav Maps... sorry if I'm resurrecting an old thread!  I have an .mbtiles map if need be!

Never heard about these formats, sorry. DGML refers to online or offline maps. It all depends what Marble can do which I use to show the background maps.
KML/KMZ are supported by Marble but a bit buggy.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/18/2019 at 5:53 PM, Bina said:


I don't know if you have been using them already, but I have made a bunch of new maps for LNM, which make some widely popular map and chart data accessible from LNM. I think you'll find them useful too.

To install the maps, download and unzip the file, then copy and paste the folder data found inside it to the location where you have your copy of LNM installed. Say yes to overwrite, when asked. You'll find my maps in a drop-down list of available maps, below all other ones and marked Custom, as shown on the image below.


MacOS requires a few extra steps because the Data folder is located within the Little Navmap application. I used the following to get them installed.

Right click the LNM application > Show Package Contents > Contents > MacOS > Data > maps > earth

Then copy the 12 map folders from the new maps download to those already in this earth folder.

Thanks for this nice addition to LNM.

Bill Bennett

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Hi All,

Thanks ahead of time for thoughts on this issue.  I have been using Little NavMap since the middle of last year along with MSFS with little to no issues.  IThat included a flight from KACV to KBOK on Jan 16, 2022.  I most often fly only on Sundays.

Starting on my flight continuation from KBOK on January 23, when trying to access the OpenStreetMap, Most of the map is blocked out with the repeated message, "Contact [[User:DJ]] if you want to maintaion OSMdb and/or the wmflabs' OSM tile server."  At the time, the OpenTopoMap seemed to work fine so I used it.  This weeks flight from KRBG to KEUG, added the more make issue of not showing the airport overlay as normal and NO parking spaces, taxiways, . . .   This happened before the new map themes were added.  Those are excellent and thanks so much for them but they did not correct either the OpenStreetMap or NO parking spaces, taxiways issue. I studied the manual and tried adjusting the options without resolution.  

One possible influence to this problem is in the time between all working fine and not working fine, it the I lost internet connection and tried to make a flight plan creation anyway, which due to the blur map tile outside my recent plan I could not proceed.

Does anyone have any ideas what I may try next?

If I have missed clear instruction on this issue, please forgive me,

Thanks Again,

Bob Domine

Little NavMap Supporter

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