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FSHUD 1.3.103

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16 minutes ago, Bobsk8 said:

Let's face it, there are programs that have as their total focus, on controlling AI traffic like the FSLTL injector for instance. Then we have other programs  that just control ATC . To have one piece of software that does a good job at both, is probably not going to happen. 

FSLTL dont control the traffic just inject it and the default msfs atc control that traffic. that why the FSLTL devs can't improve the ai traffic due msfs limitations

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2 minutes ago, michdb8 said:

FSLTL dont control the traffic just inject it and the default msfs atc control that traffic. that why the FSLTL devs can't improve the ai traffic due msfs limitations

Well how come with FSLTL I don't see spinning aircraft on the ramp, or landing aircraft blocking the runways, after landing?


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020 ,    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  ATC  by PF3  ,

A Pilots LIfe V2 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310



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1 minute ago, Bobsk8 said:

Well how come with FSLTL I don't see spinning aircraft on the ramp, or landing aircraft blocking the runways, after landing?

that just are fixes that they do on the injector  but is not control they cant tell the ai traffic to stop or guide by taxyways or on air they just inject position or flight plan and later the msfs atc is the one that control the aircraft , and of course the FSLTL  injector does some fixes  but unfortunately due no ai traffic Api they cant improve the ai traffic 

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Ok since I get no feedback on simforums, I keep posting here.

The the mystery deepens and diversifies🤣

So, I re-flew my YSSY-WAJJ but with less resources hungry plane, namely the Fenix 320. I did by night to avoid to much traffic and with significantly reduced Graphics settings. Just to see the difference.

Here is my Flight plan, because further down it will help visualize some issue:


The part that I will be looking at is the H76 one between RUTOS and OVMIN.

But let's not get ahead our ourselves, and let's go back to earth to taxi.

The one thing that repeated itself was the delay in the runway crossing clearances.

Only this time I did a huge detour that avoided me crossing 07/25 (got lost actually🤪) and only crossed 34L/16R.

The clearance came, like in the previous flight (See above), very long time after. And not only did I get cleared to cross 34L/16R, but also 07/25 which I never crossed...

Bizarre, bizarre.

what did not repeat itself on the ground, was the take off clearance. I got it right upon lining up.

Then, the issue which I will simply quote from my previous post repeated itself identically:

16 hours ago, PAZFLOR31 said:

As I fly my SID and am about to reach FL200, which I was initially cleared for, I am instructed to climb to my CRZ Level of 320, so I keep climbing.

At about 30000' I check what my optimal cruise level would be and it's 360. So I am about to request this new flight level, but FSHUD menu only offers the option to cancel my flight?!

No cruise level change option... odd.

Ok, I think maybe I have to wait to reach 320 for the FSHUD to offer me further climb, and soon enough I reach it.

No change in the menu.

This goes on for a couple of minutes, and then out the blue I hear my copilot communicating with the tower and stating that we are crossing FL230 for FL320!!!!!

We had been at FL320 for a couple of minutes already...

TWR with a very british cool attitude responds: maintain FL320. And just after that the FSHUD menu wakes up and offers the change of flight level.

But now that I was more in a monitoring mood here's what I found:

Well, at the exact same position, at the exact same altitude the exact same thing happened.

During the H76 segment, at RUTOS I am told to contact BRISBAN center on 135.50.

My copilot reads back sets the frequency and then says nothing.

So I start nosing around, and although I find out the Brisbane center is actually on 135.50, I also find that on the FSHUD menu, I am tuned to the correct frequency but it is Richmon Tower.

Ole! As the Spanish would say.

So what happened?

What happened is that I got transferred to Brisbane center at a 60 miles before reaching the Brisbane FIR.

So what did my copilot do, he didn't want to speak to Richmond and kept to himself for about 12 minutes until the frequency was the Brisbane's one, right after passing OVMIN.

When he called, he gave the information that was valid when we got transferred, that is to say that we were crossing FL230 for FL320, when we had already reached 320 minutes ago.

Just exactly as in the previous flight.

So here there is a Controlled spaces frequencies issues...

All right, so I am going to interrupt my flight now and try in another area of the world, see what happens.

When I see all the little bugs that can hide in programs, not to mention when many programs talk to, and influence each other, I pity the one who has to chase the word not allowed throughout Kilometers of programming lines. What a Headache it must be.


Onto the next flight, which I hope will be near perfect.


Edited by PAZFLOR31

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2 hours ago, Bobsk8 said:

Well how come with FSLTL I don't see spinning aircraft on the ramp, or landing aircraft blocking the runways, after landing?

That is due to MSFS updates. I think one of the updates that has been released at the beginning of this year fixed a few of those problems. FSHud was one of the addons that benefited a lot of that update. FSLTL only injects planes (and flightplans) and then the MSFS system does its job. Or, in the case of FSHud, FSHud does its job. 

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1 hour ago, PAZFLOR31 said:

So I start nosing around, and although I find out the Brisbane center is actually on 135.50, I also find that on the FSHUD menu, I am tuned to the correct frequency but it is Richmon Tower.

I also had a few frequency oddities today.

I was flying with the radio tuned to 118.7 (using fake numbers here) and ATC told me to contact 125.5 (fake numbers) so I did (I switch freqs manually). And then it stayed silent... So I checked the interface and it showed me I should contact 135.0 (again, fake numbers). So ATC told me the wrong number...! I did change the freq and this time I got contact! The guy immediately told me to contact... 125.5...! Odd.

It also happens every now and then that ATC stays silent for a long time and when I check the UI it shows I should contact another freq... but it never said I had to (not even in the log)!

Odd bugs.

BTW I also never use the keys (1, 2, etc) to select a message but always click on them because when I use the key I am often switched instantly to ATIS. Reported the bug multiple times but they didn't understand what was wrong.

I have to add that FSHud is still the best ATC addon available LOL! It does do some things right! But I can't wait for BeyondATC.

Edited by tup61

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1 hour ago, tup61 said:


I have to add that FSHud is still the best ATC addon available LOL! It does do some things right! But I can't wait for BeyondATC.

You and the other poster are describing problem after problem, and you are stating it is the "best ATC out there". I have been flying PF3, IFR only flights flying well over  15 years, with zero problems, and that is with about 12-14 flights per week. ??

Edited by Bobsk8


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020 ,    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  ATC  by PF3  ,

A Pilots LIfe V2 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310



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29 minutes ago, Bobsk8 said:

You and the other poster are describing problem after problem, and you are stating it is the "best ATC out there". I have been flying PF3, IFR only flights flying well over  15 years, with zero problems, and that is with about 12-14 flights per week. ??

I also own PF3 and I think it is not bad but what I don't understand is that after 15 years of development and a lot of updates:

- It still does not have Navigraph SID / STAR support

- Has not a easy User Interface to select things like direct to / change flight level etc. , now you have all these hotkeys you have to remember.

The developer could have at least go a little bit with the future and have updated stuff like this.

I think it would help PF3 a lot if they did something about this stuff.


Edited by rob0203
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9 hours ago, Bobsk8 said:

I think when Beyond ATC is released, that will be the death  of FShud. It has too many problems. 

And BATC's problem is that it doesn't control AI. So, on that figure alone, FSHud will survive on through since it's the only currently in development option that controls AI where every other product simply reads the AI state from MSFS and adds realistic ATC based on the MSFS state. This has been confirmed by Captain the main developer. BATC doesn't control AI. It simply enhances ATC but ultimately the way AI behave will still be at the mercy of the MSFS engine. See my response and Captain confirming:

Me: In the original showcase video you can see aircraft landing halfway down the runway. This would allude to being under MSFS control. Same with the immediate departure turn instead of flying straight and then turning. Being under MSFS control which we all know is quite bad ATM, I'm wondering how the wonkiness of it all will factor into the ATC communications. Are the communications going to be based on what the aircraft is actually doing or being told to do or based on what the MSFS engine is doing. The thing about FSHud is that it's its own engine. So because of that, what ATC is saying is reflective of what the aircraft is doing or being told to do and will do. How well B-ATC can match what MSFS is telling aircraft to do will be the question. This is where the two programs start to split off. Do I think B-ATC will be verbatim, not yet. Ballpark, more than likely. As more information comes out it'll be easier to get a better idea. But if you're wanting full and complete AI and ATC synchronization, B-ATC has yet to show that. For now it seems more user oriented with "relevant" chatter based on what's happening around the user by pulling the airline/callsign info and phase of flight within the sim based off of MSFS.

Captain: This is a very accurate measure of what BATC is doing. It's worth mentioning that if I could control the traffic with any degree of reliability I would, but with the current way MSFS is set up it's not possible. FSLTL and FS Traffic have made long posts to that end explaining why it's so difficult so I won't repeat it here. But think of us as a small unintrusive layer on top of the traffic. Just like TUGs will pull out onto the runway right on your takeoff roll, airplanes will still get in the way and do silly things. No one can fix that at the moment. So we do the best we can with what we have.


So, BATC will not control AI. Only give added voices with procedural and varying enhancements.. Since BATC does not control AI good luck with proper procedures since MSFS is running the show. BATC reads the state of AI from within MSFS and enhances the ATC you hear. You can say I'm wrong all you want, but again, I've talked with Captain about this and he confirms everything with how BATC will function and operate within MSFS and it's relation to AI. Swing and a miss, sir. 

Edited by russianspd
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Also VoxAtc is in Beta for Msfs, I think it was the best program which controlled its own AI.

I remember when I still used it in Prepar3d: I had spectacular parallel approaches with AI planes on the runway next to me (like 18R and 18C)  And also never saw another program which seperated the traffic so great in  lines of 3nm on final. You really had the feeling of flying in a living controlled ATC environment.

The downside: it had a really old fashioned user interface also. But I heard they developed a new user interface, so really looking forward to that one also!

Edited by rob0203
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15 minutes ago, russianspd said:

It's worth mentioning that if I could control the traffic with any degree of reliability I would, but with the current way MSFS is set up it's not possible.

Later on Captain was told that he might be wrong and that FSHud actually controls traffic. So he is less sure if it is possible or not and said he would give the FSHud beta a try.

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1 hour ago, Bobsk8 said:

You and the other poster are describing problem after problem, and you are stating it is the "best ATC out there". I have been flying PF3, IFR only flights flying well over  15 years, with zero problems, and that is with about 12-14 flights per week. ??

Despite all the bugs I indeed think FSHud is the best ATC addon for ME. 😉 The things it does well, it does really well. 

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VOX seems promising if they do control the AI. People don't want flashy voices. They want AI control to match and work into what they're doing. If you want flashy ATC use VATSIM (but the "AI" and ATC are actual people but not the point but is included in the ATC realm)  or ATC Chatter or BATC when it comes out. No one product will have EVERYTHING. But the two runners who currently are bridging the gap are VOX/FSHud. 

Edited by russianspd
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28 minutes ago, tup61 said:

Later on Captain was told that he might be wrong and that FSHud actually controls traffic. So he is less sure if it is possible or not and said he would give the FSHud beta a try.

Correct, in a later discussion myself and another lead member discussed based off of someone's reply that those things didn't exist. Well they do. They do because developers are doing what Asobo has failed to do. To do that you need to go outside the lines. REX/Xenviro both do this and their weather depiction is what MSFS should be. 

Edited by russianspd

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1 hour ago, russianspd said:

REX/Xenviro both do this and their weather depiction is what MSFS should be. 

Sorry but no, it's not.

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