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Future Mars

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It's strange to see scenes from The Expanse shown at various points throughout the video.

At 3:54 (2060) I wonder what is meant by “Humans are merging with super-intelligent AIs”.

At 5:04 (2060) Many individuals establish nightly connections with conscious AIs, seeking companionship and unique interactions that bridge the gap between human and machine.  Is this for the socially awkward Martians?

At 6:00 (2065) Mars celebrates a momentous occasion – the birth of the first Martian baby. I predict the first accidental pregnancy will occur before 2040

At 8:12 (2080) Humans are uploading their memories to video sharing platforms. I hope there will be an “Edit” function.

At 9:34 (2090) Innovative device known as replicators have begun to revolutionise Martian construction and sustenance. These machines have the capability to fabricate everything from essential tools to food items, making resource management more efficient.   A replicator is basically the same as the re-materialise function of a transporter and just as unlikely, particularly for food items, which have cellular structures, proteins, DNA, etc.

At 12:05 (2100) People are uploading skills and knowledge directly to their minds using brain computer interfaces   I'm not sure about that. Assuming the skills and knowledge are uploaded from someone else's brain, there will be errors based on how the human memory works and, regardless of how advanced the technology is, I wonder if the target brain could organise the information successfully.

13:17 (2150) Expanding their reach beyond the red planet, humans have established thriving colonies on Mars's two moons: Phobos and Deimos. These lunar bases have become popular vacation destinations, especially for wealthy Mars citizens.  I can imagine mining operations but tourism would be very unlikely. For example: “Images and models indicate that Phobos may be a rubble pile held together by a thin crust that is being torn apart by tidal interactions.”

15:41 (2300) The Martian landscape is adorned with massive art installations so grand in scale that they're visible from space.  That's weird.

Dugald Walker

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15:41 (2300) The Martian landscape is adorned with massive art installations so grand in scale that they're visible from space.  That's weird.


Think present day giant billboards on the interstates:

Martian Biscuits Are the Best!

Feed Them to Your Honored Guest!

Ryzen5 5800X3D, RTX4070, 600 Watt, TWO Dell S3222DGM 32" screens spanned with Nvidia surround 5185 x 1440p, 32 GB RAM, 4 TB  PCle 3 NVMe, Warthog throttle, CH Flightstick, Honeycomb Alpha yoke, CH quad, 3 Logitech panels, 2 StreamDecks, Desktop Aviator Trim Panel.

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12 hours ago, dmwalker said:

At 3:54 (2060) I wonder what is meant by “Humans are merging with super-intelligent AIs”.


I guess they mean neurological implants that enable the merging of AI and human consciousness. 


12 hours ago, dmwalker said:

At 6:00 (2065) Mars celebrates a momentous occasion – the birth of the first Martian baby. I predict the first accidental pregnancy will occur before 2040


Me too. I think that prediction was  a bit tardy. 😁 With all those sexy astronauts around and early settlements a bit cramped for space... 


12 hours ago, dmwalker said:

At 12:05 (2100) People are uploading skills and knowledge directly to their minds using brain computer interfaces   I'm not sure about that. Assuming the skills and knowledge are uploaded from someone else's brain, there will be errors based on how the human memory works and, regardless of how advanced the technology is, I wonder if the target brain could organise the information successfully.


Not necessarily from somebody else brain. It would be knowledge transferred straight into  memory engrams of the receiving human, from the computers data base. 


12 hours ago, dmwalker said:

15:41 (2300) The Martian landscape is adorned with massive art installations so grand in scale that they're visible from space.  That's weird.


Perhaps feasible due to the low gravity?

It was all science fiction of course, plucked from various sources. But who knows, I would bet that certainly some of it becomes a reality.


12 hours ago, dmwalker said:

It's strange to see scenes from The Expanse shown at various points throughout the video.


One of the best science fiction shows ever. 👍

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2 hours ago, martin-w said:

Not necessarily from somebody else brain. It would be knowledge transferred straight into  memory engrams of the receiving human, from the computers data base.

It's just that, to me, “skills and knowledge” means human skills and practical knowledge which could only come from a human brain and would be stored on a computer and downloaded as required but not directly from brain to brain. It's a nice idea and the benefit would be that, for example, one could quickly become a fully functioning neurosurgeon without having to go through 10+ years of study and practice. Maybe it was inspired by the Original Star Trek – Spock's Brain episode.

Dugald Walker

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You lot are hilarious. You cant make up your minds if we are going to end up destroyed in a nihilistic inferno of have a glorious Utopian existence merged with AI. Keep taking your lithium.🤣

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4 minutes ago, FBW737 said:

You cant make up your minds if we are going to end up destroyed in a nihilistic inferno of have a glorious Utopian existence merged with AI.


Its not about making our minds up. Its about exploring what may or may not transpire. 

Last time I checked it wasn't possible to definitively predict (make our minds up) such things. Although, of course, you have the uncanny ability to determine that there is no other life in the universe and never has been.  But then, you are a superior being. But not as superior as a cat. 😾

Edited by martin-w

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12 minutes ago, FBW737 said:

You cant make up your minds if we are going to end up destroyed in a nihilistic inferno of have a glorious Utopian existence merged with AI.

It's all of the above. First we'll have a glorious Utopian existence, then we'll merge with AI which will subsequently dominate us and we'll end up in a nihilistic inferno. Luckily,, there is lithium on Mars.

Dugald Walker

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There are so many of these kinds of videos out there now and I grow weary of them.

Thousands of people make cool, yet totally unrealistic and often childish, Youtube videos.  Similar to the Tupperware or Avon sales schemes of the 70s and 80s, these folks have found a way to make money by making Youtube videos.  I have no doubt that some of these videos, if they contain the right sort of social and politically correct messaging, are being funded by propaganda outfits.

This particular video, along with several others, is brought to you by some guy named Tim Enalls via his Youtube channel "Future Business Tech".  Tim claims that he has "been in the Business Intelligence, Data Science, and Analytics fields for over 10 years. I've given speeches at multiple universities, including Auburn University. I've been on a Data Science podcast. I've had certifications in Analytics, Innovation, Project Management, and Six Sigma. And I’ve read hundreds of books about Technology, Business, Science, Futurism, and Innovation."

Tim currently works for an outfit called Optimized Payments that helps businesses increase their profits by finding cost savings in their payments systems, much of which has to do with credit card payments.  Just what we need, more consumer credit so a relatively small number of corporate folks can get even richer than they already are while consumer debt is at an all-time high and the average person's credit card debt, and interest payments, continue to increase making them debtor slaves to the system.

All of the channel's videos are about AI, Transhumanism, and virtual reality.  

I don't know why this channel is pushing this stuff so hard, but the bottom line with all this stuff is money and how to exploit the masses to make more of it.

I might sound like a card-carrying member of some Socialist group, but I'm actually a free market guy.  The truth is, though, that a true free market economy ceased to exist decades ago.  Everything in the economy is controlled and manipulated by a relatively small group of people. 

My admonition here is to beware of these free, cool videos on social media as well as almost every movie and TV show that Hollywood puts out.  There are ulterior motives behind most of this stuff, and most aren't aware of it.



Simulator: P3Dv6.1

System Specs: Intel i7 13700K CPU, MSI Mag Z790 Tomahawk Motherboard, 32GB DDR5 6000MHz RAM, Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Video Card, 3x 1TB Samsung 980 Pro M.2 2280 SSDs, Windows 11 Home OS

My website for P3D stuff: https://sites.google.com/view/thep3dfiles/home

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20 hours ago, dave2013 said:

There are so many of these kinds of videos out there now and I grow weary of them.


They are just for fun really, not to be taken ultra seriously. 


20 hours ago, dave2013 said:

My admonition here is to beware of these free, cool videos on social media as well as almost every movie and TV show that Hollywood puts out.  There are ulterior motives behind most of this stuff, and most aren't aware of it.


😉 There may be an element of that going on, too a degree, but lets not get carried away or people will be positing tin foil hat images. 

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Makes me happy I don't have that many years left.  I can hardly cope with today's world.

Example: I hate self checkout lanes.  I'd rather wait in line and have someone I can talk to check and bag  my groceries.

Mars?  Bah!




Edited by birdguy

The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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1 hour ago, birdguy said:

I can hardly cope with today's world.

Example: I hate self checkout lanes.  I'd rather wait in line and have someone I can talk to check and bag  my groceries.

I don't much like them either.  They're sometimes convenient if we just have a few items, but for a cart full of groceries they're not fun.

I have a very negative outlook on today's world for many reasons, some of which I can't discuss here.  I'm in my mid-50s and today is very different from the 1980s and even 1990s - worse IMO.  I can't imagine how you must feel being your age and having grown up in a time that was even more different, and in many aspects better, than nowadays.

Yes, things relating to technology like computers, video games, smartphones, Internet, ***flight sims***, etc., are so vastly better than 25+years ago, and I enjoy them greatly.  However, many other things are worse and that dampens the effect of the improved technology.

Much of the negative aspects of this country in particular is a result of too darn many people.  This place is getting crowded, and increased population means more traffic for one, more noise, and more shortages of things like housing, food, and energy, which leads to higher prices for everything.  Europeans already have had this situation for decades due to their high population density, but it is a newer phenomenon for many Americans.  My wife and I are already looking for a quieter, less crowded place to eventually settle.  Luckily this country is big enough that there are still a few places.

Getting back to the OPs post, colonizing Mars sounds cool, and like I've said before I support funding of space technology, but it's a pipe dream, just like some other things that I can't discuss here.  Too many people watch Star Trek and naively believe that we can have that fictitious, utopian fantasy world right now or in the near future.  They forget that Star Trek is set hundreds of years from now in the 24th century and that World War 3 happened before warp technology came about.


Simulator: P3Dv6.1

System Specs: Intel i7 13700K CPU, MSI Mag Z790 Tomahawk Motherboard, 32GB DDR5 6000MHz RAM, Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Video Card, 3x 1TB Samsung 980 Pro M.2 2280 SSDs, Windows 11 Home OS

My website for P3D stuff: https://sites.google.com/view/thep3dfiles/home

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2 hours ago, birdguy said:

I hate self checkout lanes


I was a bit peeved by them some years ago, when they were first introduced. I don't mind them at all now though. Same for contactless card payments, I was dubious about that too, now I use it all the time. 😁

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1 hour ago, dave2013 said:

but for a cart full of groceries they're not fun.


Depends which technology you're talking about. If you mean the basic self checkout technology, then that's not designed for a full trolley of products, just for a few items. You could scan an entire trolley of shopping but that would be less than ideal. 

The "self scan" technology is designed for a full trolley though. You get a scanner and scan as you shop. Then its simply a case of scan a bar code at the checkout, paying, and then off you go. 


1 hour ago, dave2013 said:

today is very different from the 1980s and even 1990s - worse IMO. 


Thousand times better in my opinion. At least in the UK. North South divide was worse, Falkland's war, riot's, unemployment, deprivation, miners strikes, decline in manufacturing, blackouts, bombings. 



Too many people watch Star Trek and naively believe that we can have that fictitious, utopian fantasy world right now or in the near future.  They forget that Star Trek is set hundreds of years from now in the 24th century and that World War 3 happened before warp technology came about.


I don't think anybody thinks we will have huge Mars domes housing thousands and be terraforming Mars next week.

NASA and others are working on thermonuclear propulsion as we speak though, offering much faster travel time to the red planet, nuclear electric propulsion offers even faster travel time, and the VASIMIR propulsion method which is being researched as we speak, offers travel time to Mars of as little as a week. Given the larger payload capacity of planned vehicles, including SpaceX Starship, we can expect a presence on mars sooner than you might think. 2030 isn't out of the question, but I'm betting on a little longer than that.  

Edited by martin-w

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Mars closest approach to Earth is about every 26 months. The next date is January 12, 2025. Just for interest, here are some distances before and after.  Would a window of plus or minus 3 weeks be about right for routine flights?

December 11, 2024    111.5 million km    0.74504 AU
December 13, 2024    109.8 million km    0.73399 AU
December 15, 2024    108.2 million km    0.72341 AU
December 17, 2024    106.7 million km    0.71331 AU
December 19, 2024    105.3 million km    0.70373 AU
December 21, 2024    103.9 million km    0.69471 AU
December 23, 2024    102.7 million km    0.68629 AU
December 25, 2024    101.5 million km    0.67849 AU
December 27, 2024    100.4 million km    0.67137 AU
December 29, 2024    99.48 million km    0.66495 AU
December 31, 2024    98.63 million km    0.65927 AU
January 2, 2025          97.89 million km    0.65437 AU
January 4, 2025          97.28 million km    0.65027 AU
January 6, 2025          96.79 million km    0.64699 AU
January 8, 2025          96.43 million km    0.64457 AU
January 10, 2025        96.19 million km    0.64300 AU
January 12, 2025        96.09 million km    0.64231 AU  closest
January 14, 2025        96.12 million km    0.64251 AU
January 16, 2025        96.28 million km    0.64359 AU
January 18, 2025        96.57 million km    0.64556 AU
January 20, 2025        97.00 million km    0.64842 AU
January 22, 2025        97.56 million km    0.65218 AU
January 24, 2025        98.26 million km    0.65680 AU
January 26, 2025        99.08 million km    0.66230 AU
January 28, 2025       100.0 million km    0.66865 AU
January 30, 2025       101.1 million km    0.67582 AU
February 1, 2025       102.3 million km    0.68380 AU
February 3, 2025       103.6 million km    0.69255 AU
February 5, 2025       105.0 million km    0.70205 AU
February 7, 2025       106.6 million km    0.71226 AU
February 9, 2025       108.2 million km    0.72314 AU
February 11, 2025     109.9 million km    0.73466 AU
February 13, 2025     111.7 million km    0.74679 AU

Dugald Walker

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