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About Jason_Peters

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/01/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Omaha NE, USA
  • Interests
    Flying (both Real & Sim), Boating, Motorcycling.

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  • Virtual Airlines

About Me

  • About Me
    I've been an avid Flight Simulation enthusiast since I was young, beginning with Microsoft FS 2.0, & SubLOGIC's Flight Assignment A.T.P.. I've owned/played every version of MSFS since FS 2.0!

    I'm a retired USAF Flight Engineer, with time aboard the E-4B (747), E-3B/C AWACS (707), & C-37A (Gulfstream V). However, prior to becoming an FE I was also a flying Crew Chief on the B-52H. I'm currently employed as a Charter Pilot with a Part135 operator and serve as Second-in-Command (SIC) on Citation II, V, Ultra, and Excel in addition to flying the company SR-22. I've also spent time in various King Air aircraft. I currently hold FAA Comm-ASEL, AMEL, IFR, and Flight Engineer - Turbojet certificate's.

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  1. This is looking great as usual! As a 747 Classic (USAF E-4B) Flight Engineer, I can't wait for this one. I get to play with 747's at work, and soon I'll be doing the same at home! ha! The 747 is an amazing machine, you guys that are willing to learn the systems are in for a treat.
  2. This is awesome! I did my PPL and IFR with the fine folks at Atlas Aviation located at KTPF, while I was assigned to nearby MacDill AFB. I've since moved to the Omaha area for another assignment, and KTPF was/is the only thing I dearly missed, what a great little airport! Thanks for putting this together! It looks great! Is it P3Dv3 compatible?
  3. I jumped in with both feet and updated my recently completed install. I had literally just completed my move from FSX the day prior, and was finally happy with P3Dv3. So, I wasn't 100%, but I gave it a go anyway. I'm happy to report, no issues! I updated both client and content per the instructions without any problems. I'm still sorting out issues with REX4-TD, P3Dv3 doesn't seem to care for the airfield bump maps and I believe I read the water animations cause issues as well. After removing those, the flashing ground has ceased and the sim looks really nice. I also noticed my graphics card (GTX 960, running 361.43) does NOT like dynamic reflections enabled for some reason. It keeps locking up the graphics driver, after which it recovers but this causes P3D to CTD. I'll have to experiment...
  4. As a Flight Engineer on classic 747's (E-4B, which is a modified -200) I just can not wait for this model! The 747 is one of those planes you just can't help but fall in love with once exposed...
  5. I recently purchased P3D and plan to move my extensive FSX installation over towards the new sim. I installed P3D to a new separate SSD, and intend to move all my sim related software to this drive. As I start to install things to P3D, should I uninstall items from FSX on the other drive to prevent registry and file location issues? Trying to get things re-installed as clean as possible...
  6. MJ, Thanks for the info on FSUIPC, should prove very helpful. I realize there are many P3D installers. However, I wasn't sure whether or not I should remove the copies installed to FSX on the other drive before installing a new copy to P3D in order to ensure there are no registry mix ups... Installing any new sim is always a chore!
  7. I decided to try the same earlier this year and wound up at United Virtual. So far it's been fairly enjoyable, and has added some much needed variety to my virtual flying schedule. http://www.united-virtual.com/
  8. What is the best way to move things over to P3D? Should I uninstall items from FSX as I reinstall them to P3D on the new drive? Is it possible to move my keyboard and FSUIPC configurations over? Any help is appreciated as I start to tackle this over the coming days, hoping to be flying my first P3D revenue flight for my VA this weekend!
  9. So, as an update the upgrade continues... I got a little carried away with phase one, and added the following in addition to what was described above: 500GB SSD for P3Dv3 to reside on Dell U3415W 34" / 21:9 Ultrawide Display Phase two begins today, as I install Prepar3D and get things up and running. So far the primary challenges I see on the horizon, are the costs associated with re-purchasing a few of my favorite aircraft which I intend to spread out over the next few months (hopefully the holiday sales will help with this) and getting UT2 up and running comparably to what I had with FSX.
  10. Well, phase one complete! (Though I wasn't able to avoid detection by the wife radar...but hey, I'm still alive! LOL) Made a few updates to the rig: Purchased/Installed the 4Gb GTX 960 GPU mentioned previously Purchased/Installed updated cooling fans as well as two additional fans (changed my Corsair h100 to push/pull config) The addition of the new fans, plus the change in config let me push the overclock a tad as well, so I'm now a stable 4.4ghz. Nice and cool, idling at 28-30C, full load at 68C, not too shabby! Phase two is next, looks like the P3Dv3 installers are starting to roll in. I'd like to start the transition this month as I'm excited to see how the upgrades work out. But, I'd still like to see a few more installers, and I need to spread the costs out as this change will hit the pocket book for a while to come. Hopefully, the upgrades get me the intended results!
  11. Hadn't noticed that, nice to to see Jim over at Flight1 is his usual peachy self, some folks just really push his buttons... LOL That is a hard pill to swallow, I could live without it, but the GTN really makes the 182 and Turbine Duke come to life... I think this discussion has me moving in the right direction, but it's looking like I'll roll slowly at first and let the add-ons catch up. Perhaps I'll order that GPU... Just have to figure how to keep under the wife's tactical radar... :ph34r: ... Keep the talk going fella's, what are those of us that look at the investment missing?
  12. Thankfully when I built the system I sprung for an 850watt power supply. So I think I have plenty of power reserve to swap the card. I was looking at: http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-Dual-Link-Graphics-04G-P4-3967-KR/dp/B012NOWERC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1443837456&sr=8-1&keywords=04G-P4-3967-KR I gave some thought to what I would want in the sim ASAP and the add-ons below are what I'd have to purchase again: A2A C182 PMDG 737NGX (Base only) RealAir Turbine Duke FlightOne GTN 750 Add the cost of P3Dv3 (I qualify for Academic though Professional is likely more appropriate) and the updated GPU and I'm looking at roughly $500 total (Academic License). Looking at the rest of the list the only remaining must haves would be the PMDG 777X & 300, and the VRS Superbug & TacPack (when available for v3) Which would be another $260 or so down the road...
  13. Thanks for the feedback fella's. I agree with the fact that a move ultimately supports the hobby. A hobby that has kept me entertained for some 24 years or so, I'd definitely like that to continue. Something I did not take into account with regard to a move to P3Dv3 is whether my system is ready to handle it. It is definitely a bit long in tooth (built it in 2011). Without getting into the kinda specifics that push us over to the hardware forum, what would need to be done in order to push the sliders to the right with about 30fps? Basic specs currently: CPU: I7-2600K (stable overclock to 4.2ghz, liquid cooled) RAM: 8gb GPU: GeForce 560ti 1gb OS Drive: 240gb SSD Data Drive: 500gb 7200rpm, 6gb/s FSX runs at a stable 30fps, unless I load PMDG type aircraft at large detailed scenery then it's 15ish. I'm thinking another SSD specific to P3Dv3, say 500gb or so, and an updated GPU (GTX 960 ?) would get it done. Thoughts?
  14. 450+ views and only one reply. Either 449 people have the same questions I do, or no one has a point of view to share except Mike (Thanks Mike! ). Really though, no one else has any thoughts? What's the scoop on this beast known as Prepar3d? What was it that made you jump into the money pit and toss FSX into the retirement bin?
  15. So, I'm an avid simmer. I have been simming since the days of Sublogic ATP, and MSFS 3.0, and as you might imagine I have quite the investment in FSX. With the recent release of P3Dv3, I decided it may be time to look into what it would take to upgrade to the new platform, and boy was that eye opening! After purchasing P3Dv3 Academic, and paying for any required upgrades for the various add-ons I really enjoy (A2A, PMDG, VRS, etc.) I'm looking at around $600 to upgrade!! :Black Eye: So, was it worth it? Is it that much of a leap forward? My FSX is running mostly stable and I'm fairly happy with it. I am just fearful of being left behind as far as the latest add-ons are concerned. $600 seems nuts to me for some reason, even though I realize I have spent much more over the life of FSX... Thoughts?
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