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About Wothan

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  1. It´s more a evolution than a revolution. The philosofy are quite similar - so if You can fly the 737, then the 777 will not be much of challange, apart from being much larger when taxiing. Regardin complexity, they are on the same level. The 737 has a HUD, Vertical situation display, while the 777 has the new LNAV system as well as ACARS / CPDLC and Simbrief integration, but weirdly not full GSX integration.
  2. @turbomax Thank You for Your very detaitailed explanation. Finally i got MSFS to startup and it's now running. I had the package file deleted in the .fscontent folder, and also didn't have any other files present, to no avail. What I did was to delete the file in .fscontent folder, turned off my VPN and restartet. Though I now have an update for one of my Marketplace Airports, thats also stuck on update, so something seems to be amiss with the MSFS update system, maybe one if their servers are down - who knows. I find the MSFS update processes very poor. I have bought a VPN simply inorder to get around the otherwise extreme slow update process. Each time I'm updating MSFS i hve to cross my fingers for it to succeed. Why can't the worlds biggest software company not provide a much better updste experience, wenn everybody ekse are able too - just to mention Steam, DCS, IL-2 etc.
  3. Thanks for Your reply - but it doesn´t help.
  4. Today I have tried to update to The install first opened the "Accessibility Settings" menu - pressing Next started the update proces, but it got stuck at 89% (only missing 1 package). I waited for a very very longtime, and then restarted the sim, but know it won´t resume downloading and says "Please wait....." with 0 kb downloaded. I have remaned my community folder and tried again to no avail. I can see that in my MSFS2020\Packages\Official\OneStore\.fscontent\ folder there is a file called "asobo-airport-eham-amsterdam", which I asume is a package file that should be decompressed, but isn´t. As far as I know the .fscontent folder is where update files (Package files) are stored during an update download, and then should be decompressed afterwards - this doesn´t seem to happen. Can anyone help ? I´m quite frustrated about MSFS2020 update processes. Why can´t the do a properly update system. Almost every time one has to cross their fingers for an update to succeed. Either it get´s stuck or takes forever to download.
  5. Well it would be a bummer if in order to get all those new features, we would find it much more unstable as well as seeing addons and features not working anymore. Then better wait a week or two.
  6. Right On the development roadmap they say "Sim Update 15 (05/07) Tentative" So it´s not written in stone that release will happen today.
  7. Are the issues with WASM and stability "only" an Xbox thing - or does they also occur on PC ? If only Xbox, then they might release SU 15 for Pc and then update Xbox later. Just a theory.
  8. In the Nvidia control panel set Texture filtering to High Quality - that will help on bluriness and maybe even ghosting.
  9. Have You checked Your USB power settings ? Check for all USB devices in the Device manager -> uncheck the option "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power".
  10. In this video is shown that Anisotropic filtering on/off in MSFS2020 does has an effect regardless is it is set in the Nvidea control panel or not, but I guess it enhances it doing so: MSFS - NEW VR SETTINGS 2024 - The Holy Grail Tweak for VR in Microsoft Flight Simulator (youtube.com)
  11. I have seen somewhere that when using DLAA / DLSS it´s important to set texture quality in the Nvidia control panel to high quality. Also set Anisotropic filtering to 16x in both MSFS2020 and the Nvidia control panel.
  12. Yeah - Your right Speech recognition is not mandatory with P2ATC. I think Asobo has given up on proper ATC because so many 3rd party apps are in the works - so why should they bother doing something that probably won´t be as good as these. With Sayintentios.ai You don´t need to say exact phrases. It simply feels very natural to speech to the controllers f.ex asking for You destination Tower frequency, Active runway, vectors to Your destination and so forthe. You don´t need a list with the exact phrases, just ask naturally and the will give a proper answer - it´s almost scary 😲.
  13. I took the plunge at bought a subscription for Saiintensions.ai after having tried it for 24 Hours. In a former post in this thread I said I found it too expensive, still find it expensive, but it seems the developer hasn´t much of a choice. The reason I bought it is that it really is the best ATC experience I got so far. Voices ar natural and communication with the controllers works absolutely fine, even when the "raw" detected speech from me is a bit garbled. Though the speech from me is garbled, the App seems to be quite good guessing what my intentions / request are. The problem I had with P2ATC is that proper speech recogition is mandatory for it to work. I often have to repeat myself too many times to feel immersed. The only issues I have seen so far, is getting wrong taxiways for taxiing from / to the runway. and sometimes it doesn´t get the destination name right when f.ex asking for vectors to a certain Airport (F.ex. Salzburg might become Sullesberg etc., probably because of my dialect or bad English pronouncements). But You can always use ICAO codes i.e LOWS (Lima Oscar, Whiskey, Sierra).
  14. Try this folder: C:\ProgramData\TDS\GTNXi\FPL
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