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Everything posted by ndflieger

  1. Hi,I just installed AS2004 last night (had to reinstall EVERYTHING after having to format my harddrive - ARRRGHHHH!) in FS9. I flew a couple of short flights using it, and things worked fine. This morning I attempted to install the MR 1 for AS2004. However, after clicking the setup.exe file, I get a message saying that "Active Sky must be installed on this computer first" (or something to that effect).Why is this setup progam not finding FS9? It also dosen't give me the option of pointing the setup program to the location of FS9...which in my case is C:FS9.Any help will be greatly appreciated!Regards,ScottKJMS
  2. Greetings all!I've searched the "reviews" section of Avsim (and that *other* simulation site too) without any luck, so I'll try asking here: Could someone please post the link to the Avsim review of the PMDG B1900? I'm considering buying it, but would like to re-read a review of it first. I know I saw the review when it was originally posted on the site...but I'll be darned if I can find it now.Regards,ScottKJMS
  3. Hi all, I agree the sounds of the FS2002 MAAM DC3 were better. However, I can live with the sounds that came with the FS9 version...with the exception of the boost pump noises. I don't know about the rest of you, but at least on my system, they have a very noticeable looping effect..not a continuous noise, and since they are relatively loud, they tend to drive me to distraction ;-)That being said, I love everything else about the product. I've been flying it for a couple of hours almost every night for the past 6 weeks or so now. I'm addicted to it and I want to compliment and thank the design team for the effort they put into this.Well, off to British Columbia in the DC3 :-)Regards,ScottKJMS
  4. Ron,Thanks for the info. I'll be looking forward to the release of the CD.Regards,ScottKJMS
  5. Is it (or will it) be available on CD? There is no way in the world I could download something of that size on a 26.4kbps dialup connection.Regards,ScottKJMS
  6. Ian,Thanks for the link - I hadn't seen that information. That most likely explains my situation.Just my luck I was probably in the "out of sequence" bunch.Oh well...Regards,ScottKJMS
  7. I don't think alphabetical mailings would explain it...my last name begins with the letter "C".Regards,ScottKJMS
  8. Glad you to hear that your order arrived!However, can't quite figure this one out...I received my order confirmation on May 30th, and have yet to see the CD in my mailbox here in North Dakota.Getting more that a tad bit impatient...However, I know it will be worth the wait.Regards,ScottKJMS
  9. I purchased the Abacus "Corporate Pilot" package when it first came out.I swore after that I would never buy another product from that company.Just my .02Regards,ScottKJMS
  10. Greetings all!Thanks for the tip regarding the haze issue for the Radeon cards.I have an ATI Radeon 9200 128Mb card. I added the tablefog line to the fs9.cfg file. Now I don't have that sharp, stark line that was dividing the earth and sky on the horizon.Many thanks to those who come up with these tweaks!!!Regards,ScottKJMS
  11. Hi Jim,Thanks for the reply.I always turn on the pitot heat prior to departure...It is most odd since even on airplanes that do not have the pitot switch, and I use the shift + H method, the phenomena still occurs.Oh well, I'll sort it out eventually...I hope ;-)Regards,ScottKJMS
  12. Greetings all!I am having a weird occurance in FS9. Anytime I'm in cloud at or near freezing or below freezing temps, I will lose my airspeed indicator due to pitot icing. What is strange about this, is that it happens regardless of my having hit the "shift + H" keys, or appropriate switches depending on the aircraft involved long before I encountered icing conditions. I have to "cycle" the pitot heat switch a couple of times to get the pitot tube to clear.This happens on everything from propliners to regional jets.I don't think ActiveSky has anything to do with this, but I thought I'd throw the question out here on this forum anyway.Btw, I am a registered owner of AS2004 and FSUIPC.Anyone else experiencing this..or better yet, have a solution?Regards,ScottKJMS
  13. Hi Jim,You mentioned the tearing/peeling went away after an upgrade. Which did you upgrade? The processor or video card or both...and to what?I do have the registered version of FSUIPC, but I thought in the AS2004 docs it said to uncheck most everything in FSUIPC and let AS2004 handle all the weather inputs. I will start playing around with FSUIPC settings and see what I come up with.Actually, the farther out I have the sight distance set in FS9 seems to make that horizon/sky line more tolerable, and it dosen't seem to affect the FPS at all either.Thanks again for your help and the top-notch support!Regards,ScottKJMS
  14. Jim,Success!! Thanks for the tip about changing the cloud layer number in that box on the right. Mine was defaulted to 10, and I changed it to 3 as per your suggestion. So far I have bumped it up to 5 and am happy with the results. The only setting I changed was the cloud layer number. The other boxes you mentioned I left "checked".I have noticed though, a tendency for the clouds (and the denser they are, the more prevalent it is) to exhibit, randomly, a straight line that moves, resembling something that is tearing or peeling. This is probably a FS9 anomaly, but is there any way to cure it? Also, is there a way to soften the hard/stark sky vs. ground line that delineates the horizon?Once again, thanks for the tip on changing that setting. That moved my FPS back up to where they should be :-) I apologise if I missed this in the documentation.Regards,ScottKJMS
  15. Hi Jim,Yes, it really bogs down when Cumulus/Cumulonimbus clouds are present, especially if there is precipitation (I am using the FSW better FPS clouds, 32bit texture. Dosen't make abit of difference if I check or uncheck the rendering option). Although I have the "limit cloud layers" (or something like that) checked in the AS2004 options menu, there still do appear to be several layers of clouds. I'm sure that all those clouds are contributing to the problem.Another thing that I've noticed is that when attempting to use the ActiveRadar, I load my flight plan and nothing appears after processing it. I use the latest version of FSNav to create the flight plan, then export it to FS9. The plan is in the list of those from which to pick, but the ActiveRadar will not pick it up for some reason.Anyway, thanks again for your help in trying to figure out the problem.ScottKJMS
  16. Vic,Thanks for the info. I hadn't heard that about the ATI drivers. I will have to research that a little bit. It's to the point now where I've been messing with it so much I'm about ready to give up and just use regular weather so I can get back to simmming.Regards,ScottKJMS
  17. Jim,Thanks for the reply. All of that you suggested has already been tried. No difference in the abysmal frame rates.Regards,ScottKJMS
  18. Greetings all!I'm not trying to be negative or anything, but I am suffering a massive framerate hit with AS2004. I have read the manual front to back several times using the settings suggested therein, done a search on this forum under "framerates" and followed the suggestions posted...all to no avail. I am a registered used of this product and FSUIPC. I also am a registered user of the WxRe version of ActiveSky for FS2002.I am currently running an Athlon AMD XP 2500+, 512Ram, ATI Radeon 9200 128MB graphics card. I have WinXP Home Edition as my OS, and there are no programs (including anti-virus) running in the background when I'm simming. I have my framerates locked at 20, and when I use AS2004, they plummet to 3 at times...probably average about 9 or so. Now I know that my computer is not a powerhouse by today's standards, but when I'm not running AS2004, the framerates are in the upper teens to the locked limit...and this is in dense scenery areas, using the standard MS clouds. I did download and install the FSW set for FS9, but that didn't make any difference.Before I purchased AS2004 I ran WxRe v1.92 (which ran flawlessly in FS2002) in FS9 and didn't have any framerate issues. There were wind issues, but that is another matter since WxRE wasn't designed with FS9 in mind.Anyway, after 3 evenings of tweaking and changing settings over and over again, I pretty well frustrated and somewhat miffed - especially after shelling out the buck for AS2004. After such a positive experience with WxRe in Fs2002, I was really enthusiastic installing AS2002 in FS9. So, needless to say I am quite disappointed. So, if anyone has any ideas/suggestions/etc...I would love to hear them. I would really like to get this product working on my system.This is not meant as a slam towards Damien & Co., nor their product. I am just unfortunately one of the minority for which it does not seem to work.Regards,ScottKJMS
  19. Jim,Don't ask me how or why, since I made no changes on my end, but I was just now able to download the wx without any problems.Scratching my head on this one...Regards,ScottKJMS/CFII
  20. Hi Jim,Thanks again for the quick reply! No, I am not running any of the items you mentioned above. Here is my ini file://wxRE configuration file - be careful with edits here[General]WXREOfflinePath = C:Program FilesActiveSky wxRE11072003_0000ZExportPath = OperationMode = OfflineDefaultOfflineFile = cycle00Z.wxdDisableCloudTransitions = FalseDisableMessages = FalseLowBandwidthWinds = TrueExportMetars = FalseAutoTimeZoneDetection = TrueMETARUpdateInterval = 15FDUpdateInterval = 45UpdateMETAROnNewStation = TrueUseShortTermTAF = FalseWindsAloftSimulation = TrueFS2004Writes = FalseIdlePriority = FalseVATSIMMetars = FalseDefaultForceRange = 80ZuluConversion = -6RainVisReduction = TrueOvercastHorizonVis = TrueDisableForceWindUpdates = FalseTAFProcessing = TrueWakeTurb = TrueDisableUpdatesWhenForced = FalseStartPaused = FalseCloudTransitionInterval = 30MinimumCloudThickness = 400UseSystemTime = TrueDisableCAVOKClouds = FalseProxyAddress = NONEProxyPort = 80If I have to, how does one revert to v1.90? Just reinstall that one on top of the v1.91? Or is an uninstall of the whole program necessary?Regards - and thanks again,ScottKJMS/CFII
  21. Hi Jim,I use the "offline mode" and only use the files offline.I have had no connection/www surfing problems at all.Thanks for the quick reply!ScottKJMS/CFII
  22. Hi all,I'm running FS2002 on the original Win98 release.I've been using ActiveSky for some time now and really like the program. A couple of days ago I installed v1.91 (was using 1.90 prior to this). At first I could download wx with this latest ver, but the past two days I have been unable to. I don't know if it's a coincidence or not. The program will say that it is downloading the METAR files, but even after 20mins there is only the CycleXX.WXD file or the file that has the METARXXZ.met file with only a couple of kb's in it. However the program still says it's downloading the files. After a half hour (it NEVER took that long before - maybe 10mins at most using the low bandwidth option) of this I try to shut the program down, and the only way I can do it to ctrl alt del to bring up the task window, and then it takes about 4 tries to shut the program down, with the result it locks up the computer and I have to reboot.If anyone has any ideas/suggestions, etc...please let me know.Regards,ScottKJMS/CFII
  23. Monday!!!???Don't those government workers realize there's some serious flight simming that takes place on the weekends? ;-)Thanks for the info, Jim.Regards,ScottKJMS/CFII
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