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Everything posted by LN_OSS

  1. One word... Splendid!!Thanks for charing them Ed :)Stian
  2. Hi fellas!.. I was flying from Oslo-Paris-London-Paris-Oslo yesterday!!Here are some shots.. Luckly we did get into cockpit on both A319 at Oslo and A380 in Paris!CheersStian
  3. There you go :)If you want to see more.. Check Airliners.net for more and seach Stian Svensen!CheersStian
  4. Great!... Cargo will be updated to then?Stian Svnesen
  5. Thanks :)..Will check it out to night!CheersStian
  6. The blow that comes from the wheels when taxing on ground in snowy and rainy weather!!How to remove that effect??... What is the name of that effect file?CheersStian
  7. LN_OSS

    My Todo List

    Lookinf forward to Air France paints m8!!Coming today?.. Its sunday hehe :)Stian Svensen
  8. Thanks for answer Dan :)..Aaah ok... But i can only see it on the left side.. On the right it looks like they are inside the lenses :)CheersStian Svensen
  9. As far as i can see, only on the ledt side!Stian Svensen
  10. Hi!...I'm stuck now...I have reinstalled the birds... First the 747-400X... No lights will show up other than the LL...And the same after the 747-8 is installed....I do not have the DX10 preview mode on... What to do?.. I want lights!CheersStian
  11. Great thanks!..But still no lights outside for me. Just landing lights... What is the name of the light files that PMDG uses for the lightning?Maybe i have to restore them from my FSX CD!CheersStian
  12. I dont have lights at all.. Just landing lights!..What is the file name on the files that should give lights to this bird?CheersStian
  13. I did that a couple of times.. And did not work at first.. But after some testing i manage to get it as it should :)Thanks!Stian
  14. Im trying to buy the 747-400X and the 747-8 expansion...But when selecting both and when im hitting the chackout button.. Only the 747-400X comes up...And if i remove them all and just select the MD-11X.. Then hit checkout.. The 747-400X is back...Whats wrong?CheersStian Svensen
  15. OMG :D... luvely news !!!Stian
  16. LN_OSS


    One shot by me !Stianhttp://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b10/ossven/klm772LR.jpg
  17. Hi guys !After a month in my hangar the VC on the 744 is appearing black. How do i fix this ?And yes i have also tried to reinstall with the same result !!CheersStian
  18. LN_OSS


    Ok Graham..When removing cargo from payload the containers on the model also dissapear :)..Any other hints ??.. Come on !!! bring em all
  19. LN_OSS

    Vapor effects

    Yeah i was just dreaming about to see it so had to add it on that shot :)CheersStian
  20. Hi there :)Owen Hewitt did do an update on it, but now you have to pay for it over at FSD :) http://www.fsd-international.com/It's a nice bird and well worth to buy if you like the C17 !Stian
  21. Yep as the pics above ehe :)..Stian
  22. Hi Bob !.. She looks much better now on the ground with all wheels on ground !..She still floats a bit on arrival and departure.. Maybe you could try a bit more to get that correct to ??Stian
  23. Yep maybe i'll try to reinstall to..IS there any files that gotta be removed manually ?Stian
  24. >Sorry but I'm still not seeing anything close to the picture>of the Malaysian livery?>>I do exactly the following, load the 777-200LR, default>settings for loadedit, full fuel, in spot view the wheels are>nicely touching the ground>>Adjust the fuel load using the Setup panel to 50%, same thing,>wheels are touching the ground>>Repeated same for the 200LRF and 300ER, no problems>>Several other testers have tried the same procedures with no>problems>>>John>PSS SUPPORT>support@phoenix-simulation.co.uk>Well.. i have tried all fuel settings etc.. I have also talked with my friends that got the bird (3 persons). They do also got the floating problem !So its wierd that you guys at PSS dont have the problem when the customers got the problem :)..Hope there will be a solution on this.Stian
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