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Everything posted by LN_OSS

  1. Sweet shots!..Love the light :)Stian
  2. Awsome shots!Last one is :( Stian
  3. Now time to show off my other Premiair DC10-10 repaint.... It was painted like this before they did get the full livery....Just a short flight today... Will do Mallorca to Denmark (Copenhagen) later the coming week!Want me to post shot when that flight is done to?CheersStian
  4. I think it will be released yes!.. Want it?..For the fde.. No replace for it yet :(CheersStian
  5. Thanks John :).. Glad someone finally wrote a note hehe :)Stian
  6. Wow what a great set of shots Ed :)..732 is for sure a sweet bird!Please, check mail Ed :)Best wishes!Stian
  7. Thanks :)Its the CLS model yes.. Best one out there!...The repaint is made by me, and not released :)Stian
  8. Hi fellas..Yesterday i posted a flight with a Novair L1011... The plan was to fly from Stockholm to Faro..But due to snag with engine nr 3 og the yellowbird.. I had to set her down i Copenhagen..After a day + night in Copenhagen, our rescue came.. Premiair DC10-10....Have fun :)CheersStian
  9. Hi Fellas..It ended up as a short trip from Stockholm to Copenhagen with this old yellow bird... (The only L1011 i have flown for real)I was planning a flight from Stockholm to Faro, but due some snag with engine nr 3 we had to make a visit to Copenhagen...Flight will Continue a bit later, but then with another threehooler from the 90s :)Hope you like the shots!.. The continue will follow!CheersStianPS: Paint is in progress, will also get Blue Scandinavia logos....
  10. Oh my god!!!Thats so awsome Ed :)... What a biiig suprise!You used the shot i sendt you... AaaahReally looking forward to get her in my inbox :)..Wish there was a shot of this quality for Rich International to...Thanks m8Stian
  11. Nice!.. But use adv model, not -500 :)Stian
  12. Thanks fellas ;)More to come!Stian
  13. Woooow Ed.. That is sooo awsome!..What a great start on this weekend :)...THANKS!Stian
  14. Smashing shots Darryl :)Stian
  15. An amazing paint and shot :)..Great one there :)
  16. Thanks guys!!Glad you liked them :)... More to come!@ Steffen... Yes payware, aerosim Classic Liners 2CheersStian
  17. Tanks :)I do also use fde by HJG :)More flights to come!Stian
  18. Yeah i tried haha :)... But as a 1011 fan as you are, there a no way to catch you :)......Thanks for the mail Ed...New shots coming with TWA :)Stian
  19. As said before the weekend... Follow up flights was comming..I did it with Delta between KSEA-KLAS...More to come laterz :)And Ed, i want the TWA soooo much... Please? CheersStian
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