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Everything posted by phjvh

  1. Hi,Looking for these?%((@c:WaypointAirportCity))%!s!%((@c:WaypointAirportRegion))%!s!%((@c:WaypointAirportName))%!s!%((@c:WaypointAirportIdent))%!s!etc.They and many more can be find in the MS-GPS.Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  2. Hi,No single bitmap in my HUD.Velocity Vector is related to (A:Velocity body X,Y and Z, m/s)As in:................................(A:Velocity body X, m/s) (A:Velocity body Z, m/s) atg2 rddg (A:Velocity body Y, m/s) (A:Velocity body Z, m/s) atg2 rddg Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  3. Well,Beautifull hud!!!!The small circle is the "Cue", dependant of the flightdirector.The big circle with wings is the velocity vector.You have to steer the big one over the small one.The velocity code of course must be ok!The horizon line code looks complicated with the moving heading numbers so i don't understand why it should'nt rotate.Anyway this is my solution:other ladder elements-------------------------------------------------------------------------------(A:Attitude indicator bank degrees, radians)other ladder elements(A:Attitude indicator pitch degrees, degrees) /-/So all ladder elements rotate individually and shift together.Hope it helps,Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."Soy for the very bad .jpghttp://forums.avsim.net/user_files/136781.jpg
  4. Ha,First a picture to make clear what is needed or wanted.Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  5. No, it gives current QNH where ever you are, Bethlehem etc...!Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  6. and (>K:BAROMETRIC)?Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  7. Hi,16210.5 (>K:KOHLSMAN_SET) gives 1013,25 or 29,92 (QNE)(>K:BAROMETRIC) gives local QNH.(I think)Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  8. You could try to make TA the trigger to set Kohlsmann,something like, not tested:(A:Indicated Altitude,feet) (L:Transition Altitude,feet) > if{ 16210.5 (>K:KOHLSMAN_SET) } els{ (>K:BAROMETRIC) }Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  9. In that case this could be an example:%((L:vnav,enum) 1 == (A:VERTICAL SPEED,ft/min) abs 100 < and)%{if}VNAV%{else}%((L:vs,enum) 1 ==)%{if}VS%{else}%((A:RADIO HEIGHT,feet) 500 > (L:vnav,enum) 0 == (L:flch,enum) 0 == (A:Autopilot altitude lock,bool) and and and)%{if}ALT HOLD%{else}%((L:vnav,enum) 1 == (A:VERTICAL SPEED,ft/min) abs 100 > and)%{if}VNAV PTH%{else}%((L:n1ref,enum) 0 == (L:flch,enum) 0 == ! and)%{if}FLCH%{end}You see, 5 diff vert modes in one string (of course own L:var's!) A good trick is to change the color or background color when there is an armed and active mode.Like here:%((A:Autopilot approach hold, bool) (A:NAV1 signal,bool) (A:RADIO HEIGHT,feet) 100 > and and)%{if}G/SJan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  10. Eugen,System malfuntions, advisory's, cautions and warnings like: L CTR FUELPUMP, C HYD SYS PRESS etc.or MCP, Flightmodes, like: AP, ALT HOLD, VNAV etc.Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  11. Eric,You 're completely right, it is quite complicated.I did it in XML (not the above code), but it is possible to steer the throttle with N1; still "swinging"! Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  12. Hi,You could try, when reaching max N1, to nail the throttle at the current power position.Something like:(A:AUTOPILOT THROTTLE ARM,bool) (L:CRZ,bool) && if{ (A:TURB ENG1 CORRECTED N1) (L:N1_Max1,number) >= if{ (A:GENERAL ENG1 THROTTLE LEVER POSITION,percent) 163.84 * (>K:THROTTLE_SET) } } Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  13. Hi,Try:%((A:KOHLSMAN SETTING HG,mbar))%!d!or%((A:KOHLSMAN SETTING HG,mbar))%!4.2f!and%((A:Kohlsman setting hg,inHg) 0 max 99.99 min)%!2.2f!or%((A:Kohlsman setting hg,inHg))%!2.2f!Hope it helps,Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  14. Hi,A description of what's happening.Just try some settings of Radio Height.I know they work in my 767Imagine "established" and below 70 ft.Your VS is about -700 ft/min.Then throttles cut, approach off and ALT HOLD ON!That means while descending the plane is struggling to keep altitude.Pos pitch is the result, still descending!At that moment, eg pitch > +2 degrees, alt hold off and ATT HOLD ON to keep the pos pitch, while descending untill touch down.Then everything off etc.My Code:(A:RADIO HEIGHT,feet) 70 < (A:RADIO HEIGHT,feet) 30 > and if{ (A:AUTOPILOT THROTTLE ARM,bool) if{ (>K:AUTO_THROTTLE_ARM) } (A:GENERAL ENG1 THROTTLE LEVER POSITION,percent) 0 > if{ (>K:THROTTLE1_CUT) } (A:GENERAL ENG2 THROTTLE LEVER POSITION,percent) 0 > if{ (>K:THROTTLE2_CUT) } (A:AUTOPILOT APPROACH HOLD,bool) if{ (>K:AP_APR_HOLD) } (A:Autopilot altitude lock, bool) ! if{ (>K:AP_ALT_HOLD_ON) } } (A:RADIO HEIGHT,feet) 27 < (A:RADIO HEIGHT,feet) 17 > and if{ (A:PLANE PITCH DEGREES,degrees) -1 * 1 > (A:PLANE PITCH DEGREES,degrees) -1 * 6 < and if{ (A:Autopilot altitude lock, bool) if{ (>K:AP_ALT_HOLD_OFF) } (A:AUTOPILOT ATTITUDE HOLD,bool) ! if{ (>K:AP_ATT_HOLD_ON) } } } (A:SIM ON GROUND,bool) (A:AIRSPEED SELECT INDICATED OR TRUE, knots) s1 115 < l1 55 >= (A:RADIO HEIGHT,feet) 16 < and and and if{ (A:GENERAL ENG1 THROTTLE LEVER POSITION,percent) 0 == near if{ -16000 (>K:THROTTLE1_SET) } (A:GENERAL ENG2 THROTTLE LEVER POSITION,percent) 0 == near if{ -16000 (>K:THROTTLE2_SET) } (A:AUTOPILOT ATTITUDE HOLD,bool) if{ (>K:AP_ATT_HOLD_OFF) } (A:SPOILERS ARMED,bool) (A:TURB ENG1 REVERSE NOZZLE PERCENT,percent) 2 > and if{ (>K:SPOILERS_ON) } } etc.Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  15. Hi, My approach for flare etc:Use Radio height extensively:Between 70 ft and 30 ft cut throttles, appr hold off, alt hold onThis gives pos pitch!Between 30 and 20 ft if pitch > 2 degrees + then alt hold off and att hold on.On ground and speed < 110 then att hold off, reversers on etc.Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  16. Hi,What doesn't work?"Alt hold var" or "alt hold"?This K only sets "alt hold var" to 8000.If you want to hold 8000 you have to add ap panel altitude hold.Hope it helps,Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  17. Hi,(L:Autoland,bool) if{ (A:Autopilot master,bool) ! if{ (>K:AP_MASTER) } (A:AUTOPILOT THROTTLE ARM,bool) ! if{ (>K:AUTO_THROTTLE_ARM) } (A:SOMETHING,bool) ! if{ 1 (>K:SOMETHING,bool) } ..... } els{ ..... }Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  18. Tom,Completely right.I used etc. and now again rolling-nrs without pixeldelay.The scrolling effect is quite bad.Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  19. Hi,Reading with good scrolling effects of airspeed, altitude, dme is no problem, but to make good scrolling effects with the heading hold var, vert hold var, speed hold var and altitude hold varstill give bad results (no scrolling)and using delays give bad switching between 0 and 9What to do?May be a good example?Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  20. Hi,Try:(L:Autoland,bool) if{ (A:Autopilot master,bool) ! if{ (>K:AP_MASTER) } (A:SOMETHING,bool) ! if{ 1 (>K:SOMETHING,bool) } } els{ ..... }or(L:Autoland,bool) if{ (A:Autopilot master,bool) ! if{ (>K:AUTOPILOT_ON) } (A:SOMETHING,bool) ! if{ (>K:SOMETHING_ON) } } els{ ..... }Now no on--off--on--off movements etc.Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  21. Hi,Here a piece of a PFD.......(A:Attitude indicator pitch degrees, degrees) /-/ (A:Attitude indicator bank degrees, radians)40---------------40nn----------nn30---------------30nn----------nn20---------------20n-----n----------n-----n10---------------10n-----n----------n-----nn-----n----------n-----n10---------------10n-----n----------n-----n20---------------20nn-----nn30---------------30(A:Attitude indicator pitch degrees, degrees) /-/ (A:Attitude indicator bank degrees, radians).....etc.Hope it helps,Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  22. Hi,This is my working code for the HSI Switch:(L:HSI STARTUP,enum) 0 == if{ 4 (>L:hsi,enum) 1 (>L:HSI STARTUP,enum) } (L:hsi,enum)Plan --> Rose Ils(L:hsi,enum) 1 - 0 max (>L:hsi,enum)Rose Ils --> Plan(L:hsi,enum) 1 + 5 min (>L:hsi,enum)At startup always at position 4.May be it helps,Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  23. Hi,The spaces between == if{ ?Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
  24. Hi,Something like this (not tested):(L:STARTUP,enum) 0 == if{ (L:Your Panel Var,bool) ! if{ 0 (>L:Your Var1,enum) 0 (>L:Your Var2,enum) etc. etc. } els{ 2 (>L:Your Var1,enum) 2 (>L:Your Var2,enum) etc. etc. } 1 (>L:STARTUP,enum) } (L:Your Other Switch Code,enum)??Jan"Beatus ille qui procul negotiis..."
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