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About JET 1

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  1. As far as I remember, the FO voice should be coming out of the right speaker (he sits to your right) unless the headset option is in use. All other sounds (??) come out of both speakers.See here for clarification: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/366990-fo-audio-issue/
  2. Maybe some problems with the right channel of your stereo speakers? Are all other sounds playing normally via the RIGHT speaker?
  3. Found it! My memory failed, it was only relevant to Radar Contact and FS2Crew working together. Just something similar to this problem. Sorry!http://forum.avsim.net/topic/367318-fs2crew-and-radar-contact-4/
  4. I'm sure I saw a topic on a similar problem just yesterday, but can't find it anymore :Hypnotized:The solution was to set Windows Speech to "do nothing" when a particular thing happens.. or something to that effect. Sorry, no idea what it was..
  5. The only thing missing is GPS/RNAV approaches.
  6. Really? I could have never told the difference! :(
  7. Some kind soul has uploaded some nice videos of the NGX version in action. Thank you!http://www.youtube.com/user/tastyryan
  8. I guess the sequence has changed then. That's all I can think of. You could try something else to that effect, like skipping greetings altogether or using the "no pushback" option.Btw, I thought AES was keyboard controlled. Wouldn't sending key presses work as a crude interface?
  9. Don't have the NGX version, but if the dialogue has similar logic as the older 767 or 737 versions, you could just greet the ground crew, initiate pushback with AES controls, and once done, call the crew to disconnect and switch to taxi mode. Essentially just don't ask FS2Crew to start the push.
  10. Plus the option to switch to a younger wife every five years! B)
  11. Congratulations Bryan and the whole team!I'd love to try it out but as you may remember, this poor unemployed pilot can no longer afford a new FSX computer. Oh poor me! Hope some kind soul will make a nice video showcasing the features of your all new flagship.
  12. Kevin,Let me emphasize I really appreciate you making the video and it seems like a wonderful review!However, I may be asking the obvious, but is there any way you could edit out the music and reupload or did you simply record the whole thing as a single track?I was able to watch only ten minutes of it before my lid blew off. The music is really distracting and I'd really like to hear what you're telling us :Sigh:
  13. Pax and cargo doors cannot be controlled from the cockpit in the real aircraft. There are indicators that show their status, but they are actually operated by other crewmembers or ground crew. The controls and mechanisms are on the doors themselves or under access panels in the case of cargo doors. That is why you often hear the captain call the crew on PA to "arm doors and crosscheck" or something similar at the gate.
  14. As far as I know, it's technically not possible I'm afraid... FS2Crew needs to be installed on the same PC.Simplest thing would be to run the online client on the main PC.
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