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Everything posted by N2056

  1. I've noted that the object needs to be elevated slightly or flickering sometimes occurs. Have fun playing with the idea!Robert
  2. I have MSN. I turned off the messenger in XP because I found all the unsolicited 'stuff' I got from it to be irritating.Robert
  3. Again...the 'taxi' markinghttp://forums.avsim.net/user_files/138127.jpgRobert
  4. Yeah, this could be good...there's a helicopter flight school at the airport I'm working on. I started working on the R-22's last night. I created and placed the circles in about 15 minutes.http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/138109.jpgThis much fun should be against the law!Robert
  5. Tried an idea...make a textured poly in GMAX and use it to 'paint' taxiways at the airport I'm working on using Afcad and EZ-Scenery. It's really fast once you get the 'stencil' done! Here's how it looks.http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/138107.jpgI think there are a lot of possibilities with this...:) Robert
  6. I have several projects going at once, and I enjoy sharing the progress of my work here at Avsim by way of the forums, but none of them really 'fit' the subject. How about a forum dedicated to work in progress? Robert
  7. I've been working on the local airport (KSEE, El Cajon, CA). I'm using Afcad, and have noticed that the alignment of the texture 'tiles' seems fixed. In the pic below the joint lines in the concrete should line up with the taxiway. The pattern is also seen in the asphalt apron texture.http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/137608.jpgCan it be adjusted?Robert
  8. I'm working on modifying the local airport in fs9...got a great hanger in gmax, can't get it to export to use. I get stuck on this screen-http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/137107.jpgWhere is the x file? I use modelcommander and middleman because most of my work is airplane modeling. Thanks!RobertThorp T-18 N2056, KSEE
  9. Thanks guys! After lots of trial & error last night I have an elapsed time indication using rolling digits. Well, digit at least. The original macro returned an integer value-no scrolling effect. I removed the 'int' entries that were in the bottom line of code, and that got the 100ths position to 'roll'(getting it to roll accurately was a battle).Right now I'm using the original macro for all the other values. When the hundredths get to 0 the tenths position increments without scrolling. Otherwise it slowly 'rolls' all the time. I don't know how to make it wait and scroll only when the value changes.Anyway, it looks good, and even though only the 100ths digit rolls the effect is good.Note: The string was a temporary display to compare the rolling digits to (accuracy check and alignment). It's not used in the final version.Robert
  10. I'm actually a big fan of the search feature, somehow I missed this in all the searches I've done over the last couple of days in various forums. I'm still working at putting rolling numbers in my RPM gauge to show elapsed time using the (A:General eng elapsed time:1,seconds) variable, and this macro would be great for all the different digits I need to shift...I understand that the part is at the top of the code, but how to call it is still unclear. Here's the macro...@1 sp0@3 0 > if{ l0 10 @3 pow * sp0 }l0 int 10 @2 pow % 10 @2 1 - 0 max pow / int And the calling:@ExtDigit((ALGVar),nDigit,nDecimals)Where:(ALGVar) is the A,L or G var from where to extract the digitnDigit is the position of the digit to extract, starting from the right (honor to RPN! )nDecimals is the number of decimals to be included in the calcs.Here's my gauge...right now I can see a number in the window when I look at the gauge in FSPS, but I don't in the sim. @1 sp0 @3 0 > if{ l0 10 @3 pow * sp0 } l0 int 10 @2 pow % 10 @2 1 - 0 max pow / int @ExtDigit((A:GENERAL ENG ELAPSED TIME:1,seconds),1,0) %((A:GENERAL ENG ELAPSED TIME:1,seconds) 3600 / d 1% 60 * r flr )%!04.0f!:%!02.0f!(A:General eng1 rpm,RPM)Sorry the indents don't show...Robert
  11. In the post concerning modulus in this forum I found a perfect macro for the rolling numbers I want to have that will show elapsed run time on my Tachometer. Can someone explain how to use macros?Thanks!Robert
  12. If I multiply the A: value by 4.7 I get a pretty accurate count in seconds, but only at idle (600 RPM). Increasing RPM also speeds up the count rate.I also placed a stock Cessna 172 Tach on the panel. It's way slow at idle too, and appears to also be affected by RPM.At high RPM the Cessna tach is pretty accurate.The Elapsed Time parameter should not be affected by RPM.Is this a known problem? I've been looking around the 'net, but find nothing.Robert
  13. To figure out if my slow clock was due to a math error or a timing error in the sim I modified the code to display the run time in seconds.5 seconds real-time=1 second on the display. No math involved in the code. I used (A:General eng elapsed time:1,seconds). The display also is correct to the stored value on the hard drive.Any idea where/how in the sim this is generated, and can it be fixed?Robert
  14. I checked the items recommended above, but no luck. One thing I came across last night was this...%((A:GENERAL ENG ELAPSED TIME:1, seconds) 3600 / d 1 % 60 * r flr )%E1 %!05.0f!:%!02.0f!So I went back to 'school' and learned that strings are used in conjunction with text lines. After some reading, trial, and error I now have a digital readout of elapsed time on my tach.I sat in my plane with the engine idling, and noted that my timer is slow...'bout 3.5 minutes to get 1 hundredth on the 'clock'. Should take 36 seconds-time to learn xml math...At this point I think it's a matter of using this parameter with the math modified to shift each band bmp the required amount (more school to get that part figured out). At least I have SOMETHING on the tach!http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/135263.jpgRobert
  15. Well, I think I have figured out how to position the mask and bands, but getting them to move still eludes me.The Tutorials at fs2x.com and the freeflight design shop are quite helpful if you're new to this xml stuff like me...Robert
  16. It looks like I need to have a vertical band of digits (0-9) and a mask image to limit them to the window on the gauge. I have those bitmaps done, but I'm having trouble understanding how to position each band (100's, 10's, 1',etc) and how to get each one to "slide".Can anyone enlighten me?Robert
  17. I've made a tach in xml, but I don't know how to get the hours to show. I've searched the net and found how to get the time to save, but I doubt that puts the numbers in for me...I'm guessing there's more to it. BTW, from time to time I post pics of my project in the screenshots forum-search for "thorp"Robert
  18. I've been working on textures for the VC panel...pics are here:http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=sho...d=219010&page=2I like how the line of switches turned out-they're animated and clickable.Hope you like 'em!Robert
  19. I've been trying to learn how to use this effect on the VC guages I made for my Thorp project. The gauges are basic xml-essentially a background bmp and a needle (modeling a basic vfr panel helps!)I have PSP9, Imagetool, DXT-BMP, and FS Panel Studio. I have been reading the Panels SDK, but I have not had success. Can anyone enlighten me?Thanks!Robert
  20. Here's the weekly pic...http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=sho...id=216982&page=I'm forging ahead on the polished version after learning some more about using smoothing groups in Gmax. The fuselage looks a whole lot better now.Robert
  21. Check this pic...I think I'm going to do the paint jobs on my dad's original plane, give it a generic panel layout, tweak the flight dynamics, and unleash it on you guys...while I continue to work on the current version, which may take some time to get 'right':-lol http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=sho...id=216514&page=Any takers?Robert
  22. I've posted a few pics of what I worked on this week...Improved textures with what I think will be the final combination of reflection and specular highlights.http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=sho...id=216217&page=Robert
  23. I've been fooling around with textures trying to get a good polished aluminum skin for my Thorp T-18. The texture in question is applied to the fuselage. This might be the winner...what do you think?http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/130827.jpgThanks for looking :-) Robert
  24. I successfully ungrouped what I had with a successful export at the end. Now I have to get to work on the tree structure...I will not group parts for convenience...I will not group parts for convenience...I will not group parts for convenience...I will not group parts for convenience...I will not group parts for convenience...I will not group parts for convenience...I will not group parts for convenience...I will not group parts for convenience...I will not group parts for convenience...I will not group parts for convenienceI really appreciate your time helping me sort this out.Robert
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