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  1. Thanks Ben will keep the list in case I can manage it but for now dont have time to do a build...I like the parts you suggest... Ben
  2. Thanks for the replies Randy and meshman Bill
  3. Not able to build and would like opinions on companies like cyberpower or ibuypower...they look related. Any experience with them or other good quality company appreciated. Budget will be around $1200 thanks Bill
  4. Many thanks Ramon . amazing how a space between pack and 1 or 2 works :-) Bill
  5. Pray tell where? I searched and came up empty Thanks
  6. Just to add my 2 cents and the "I told them so" during the beta..flight had nowhere to go in the format they were oferring it...would really have been better to work on FS11 or whatever.....
  7. Thanks CoolP . I also wrote them about the demo and got this reply if anyone else is interested
  8. I only have default scenery at prsent Thanks
  9. I live in Miami and the scenries are pretty accurate. The price is certainly right but i have to wonder about frame rates on my old Q6600...soon upgrade :-) Any thoughts appreciated Maybe I will try the demo as well although they did not say what restrictions or ommissions come with the demo Bill
  10. I will tuck this away in here. thanks to Flight and being on the beta my interest and desire to fly FSX has been rekindled.....I had not been flying as much as beforeI bought REX2 at the discount price and did a few flights today....All I can say is WOW what a difference. And they have an update to release shortly which should improve things further. The clouds, water etc tremendous. And they give great support.I am off looking for some scenery.....
  11. most welcome Carlos...have to look at budget before days endregardsBill
  12. CarlosI took a look at the web site but could not find any bundle pricing...the links to sim market does not workthanksBill
  13. Thanks Tim and Stephen...its too good to pass up....Bill
  14. Hate to say this but still running a Q6600 CPU...Think it will run ok frame rate wise on FSX....I manage ok otherwise...looks too good to pass up.Also I assume it is a download rather than mail? Flightsim sotre is outside the US?credit card ready :-)ThanksBill
  15. I had already deleted avsim from the saved passwords and then got the prompt to remember when I log in again but still no luck. I also started FF in safe mode and disabled all addons. No luck. I tried google chrome and doesnt work either. Also not in the exception list.Not sure I want to do the remove all just now as I use PC for home business as well. Cant afford to lose any logins eventhough I do a weekly PW back up.A strange thing did happen just now though. I entered the incorrect PW and avsim threw me out with an error to another page and at that point FF filled in the password. So maybe its a script or something in the avsim pop up that is causing my issueReally appreciate your time and effort. I will keep trying :-)ThanksBill
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