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  1. When I exited and later started up the sim these anomalies are gone. I suspect that they were caused by materializing on the runway then using the drone to look around the airport, then taxiing up to gate E 4. Moving around with the drone seems to in turn move objects around. Anyway everything now works as expected.
  2. I just purchased. Using with Inibuilds official GSX profile 1.3. I noted right off when trying to dock to gate E4 with PMDG 737 that the jetbridge is sitting at rest over the taxi in line, and one has to taxi through the jetbridge and then the parking spot is way too far forward. Very disappointing. Why are the jetbridges so inaccurately placed, and the GSX profile seems off as well. Using GSX Pro. Anyone else noticing this issue? Greg
  3. I can use either the Frame counter supplied with GeoForce Experience or the one that comes on my ASUS monitor to display the frame rate on my monitor. Since the SU13 update neither one works. The ASUS monitor one displays only the screen refresh rate. The GeoForce Experience one only display N/A. Both were working prior to the update. The FPS counter native to MSFS 2020 in the Developer mode works, but I don't like it. Oddly when I first launched the game, on install day the GeoForce counter was working fine. But after installing SU13, it no longer showed up. I wonder if anyone else has this issue. I checked the NVIDIA forums and there are sporadic reports of this, but no solution or anything specific to MSFS. Using Windows 10.
  4. Interesting. I had no idea there was that much variation. I was looking at roughly the average price reflecting the three price tiers. And don't forget the additional monetization from everything sold for MSFS addons on the Microsoft Store of which Microsoft gets a cut. And whether its 1.2 Billion or half a billion its still a ton of money, they could do better for consumers in terms of service.
  5. This is what we get for a 12million copies sold X average price $100 = $1.2 Billion in revenue to Microsoft.
  6. Thanks everyone, I has not seen these posts. Looks like I will move up to 536.23. I have had some issues lately where MSFS launches and during the long loading process minimizes to the tray and cannot be brought back up, and I have to exit it via Task Manager and start over. Not sure if that is a driver issue. But I will update and see how things are.
  7. I am getting this warning every time I start up MSFS " "drivers > 535.79.0 should be installed due to DX 12 issues" I am using DX12 and an old driver 528.24 that seems to work OK. Anyone recommend a more recent stable driver for MSFS when using DX12 beta? There are so many releases lately and with the latest one 536.40 some folks have been complaining of crashes on the MSFS forum
  8. I have the exact same issue. Please see PMDG forum. Delete the livery specific hours file and they will disappear, but not sure for how long. Please open a support ticket at PMDG as I did with this detailed information. The more folks that do this the more likely it will be pursued by PMDG. Currently they do not seem to have many complaining of this or know the cause.
  9. I just discovered this topic. I was having some possible corruption of PMDG FMC file settings, with failures occurring that I had never programmed. PMDG support recommended based on other's experience to delete my MSFS cloud settings. That presumably would delete all my controller settings as well. Has anyone successfully deleted their cloud settings and then recovered their controller settings? I suppose the way to do it would be to back up the wgs files, delete the cloud settings, and then replace the backed up wgs files and then start MSFS 2020 and hope that they synch back to the cloud? Like others it took me a very long time to program all my controllers, and it would be painful to have to reprogram them all. Agree it is disgraceful that Asobo has not addressed this issue with an in game way to backup and restore controller settings if the cloud information is lost. Cloud storage is far from perfect. Greg
  10. I pressed the Restore button to reinstall MSFS default textures and remove Accuseason from the Community Folder, for upcoming SU12 update tomorrow, as per manual. But then the manual does not say how to get Accuseason textures back into MSFS again. Do I have to completely reinstall it somehow?
  11. I recently purchased Accuseason and like it a lot. However I note when flying out of Honolulu the greens of some of the mountains seem very odd looking, almost lime green or luminescent green and very unnatural. Even at altitude they really stand out in distracting way. I tried all three different tones, and warm does tone it down a bit, but they seem still way too bright a green to look natural. Seems more like one side of the mountains is affected this way with the opposite side looking more natural. Found that to a lesser extent near Auckland New Zealand as well. What might be the reason for this? Thanks, Greg
  12. OK, Thanks. Weird they would offer to download it again as if it was a separate program. Greg
  13. I purchased MSFS Standard Edition from the Marketplace, and downloaded it and it seems to run fine. I am using a PC. In the General Options I see I have "PC Settings". But when I open the Marketplace Library to Launch MSFS I see several entries. One is Microsoft Flight Simulator icon with Digital Ownership, Modified yesterday another is one is Microsoft Flight Simulator with its icon,Modified yesterday and a third is Microsoft Flight Simulator:Standard Edition Purchased Yesterday and it shows a cloud and offers to download the program and needing 120 GB of disk space. Did I install the XBOX version by mistake? Why are there three entries? Is there a difference between the versions shown in the Library? When I purchased it I don't recall there being options about which one to download. Thanks, Greg
  14. Dave, OK now I know what the problem was. I went to the NVIDIA website and chose GEOFORCE drivers, not all NVIDIA drivers. The GEOFORCE drivers link does not include Windows 1o drivers for some reason. Thanks Greg
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