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About johndrago

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  1. Did your saved states work ok? In the last 737 update, there was a note to delete all saved states before the update, as it was causing issues with an invalid master caution warnings. John
  2. Hi Kyle, So basically follow the same pinned instructions you made for the 737 for the 777? Any changes to this posted process: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/463861-installing-fsx-and-fsxse-updates/ Thanks, John
  3. I have not updated to sp1d yet. Now that 1.10.6461 is out, is the recommended update procedure still to uninstall and reinstall using the 1.10.6461 downloads? Thanks, John
  4. Yep, this is the only way I'm able to do it currently. John
  5. After landing, I tap the brakes to disengage, turn off the active, and then turn off the autobrakes. Works fine for me this way. John
  6. I see this as well, and it screws me up. Why does it go in the wrong direction when using the BLIB feature? Thanks for helping adapt to this. John
  7. Hi Ryan, Thanks for the response. First, let me say that you guys did a FANTASTIC job on this aircraft, and the others as well. You go the extra mile to make sure that you can come as close to the real thing as is possible on a simulator. Now my question... I'm prepared to be hit for this, however I'm really being serious (friendly), and if it comes across as anything other than that, I apologize in advance. Question: Since we all are dealing with an OLD simulator (FSX), and the limitations of it, AND the many different types of hardware with null zones, noise, and all the other things that are hindrances to the FBW simulation PMDG has tried to make as close as possible, given the limitations, has PMDG considered the possibility (don't even know if this is possible) of adding an override option via the PMDG options in the FMC to allow the trim to operate like the 737, meaning NO FBW? Yeah, I know.... far fetched, no flaming please. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if outside issues such as hardware, software, no force-feedback, etc are already hindering the huge effort you guys made to simulate this feature, but all of these other issues are "ruining" the experience, or not allowing PMDG's hard work to give the experience it's aiming for, is it worth an option to override it? Kind of like how PMDG's stance was about building a weather radar. You weren't going to do it unless it could be simulated accurately. I'm not saying it doesn't work for some people, but from what I've seen, and what others are reporting, it seems as if it's hard to really simulate it within the simulator's confines. Thanks, and I really do appreciate the product. I can live with it and learn it properly to adapt, I've just been thinking about how to improve this issue so that all can enjoy. John
  8. This is what I've been seeing as well. They behave very different. With that said, thanks for taking the time to give us a guide to follow. This will help me a lot to gain control of the trim. Thanks, John
  9. Hi Rob, Based on what you've written, can you suggest the best way to utilize the trim ref speed display to keep the plane in trim without ending up with the over trimmed situation you mention that I seem to keep running into on climb. I keep expecting the trim to work as smooth as the 737, however I understand this plane is different. What I'm looking for is a quick tutorial on how to use the trim ref speed to make it smooth. Thanks, John
  10. I had this happen for the first time a couple days ago. It froze with sound remaining for about two minutes or so, then it released and the flight continued normal for the remainder. It was an almost 7 hour flight from KDEN to PHNL. The freeze happened within the first 30 minutes of flight. I don't use ASN, just FSX real weather. John
  11. This has happened a few times now, and it happened before any SP: After I land and pull off the active, I use FS Recorder to watch instant replays of my landing from different perspectives. One replay doesn't seem to cause a problem, but two or more will cause brake pressure and temp failures even though I have disabled all failures in the PMDG options. When this happens, I can no longer taxi to the gate because the failures are simulating six of my tires on each main blown. I've tried going to the fmc and resetting all failures, however it doesn't stick. I can repeatably reset the failures, and it will cycle for a second, and then all 10 failures come back. To salvage the flight, I end up having to slew to the gate. 1. Why does this happen on replay? 2. Why does this happen even though I've turned off failures explicitly? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, John
  12. This has happened a few times now, and it happened before any SP: After I land and pull off the active, I use FS Recorder to watch instant replays of my landing from different perspectives. One replay doesn't seem to cause a problem, but two or more will cause brake pressure and temp failures even though I have disabled all failures in the PMDG options. When this happens, I can no longer taxi to the gate because the failures are simulating six of my tires on each main blown. I've tried going to the fmc and resetting all failures, however it doesn't stick. I can repeatably reset the failures, and it will cycle for a second, and then all 10 failures come back. To salvage the flight, I end up having to slew to the gate. 1. Why does this happen on replay? 2. Why does this happen even though I've turned off failures explicitly? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, John
  13. Have you watched your landing live to see if it's a playback issue (know with certain animations via FSrecorder and fsx instant replay), or an fsx/pmdg issue? For example, FSrecorder shows all animations with the NGX on playback, however there are certain animations with the 777 (flaps,ailerons, speed brakes, etc) that don't show. If you do a search, you will find discussions on this. John
  14. I was wondering about the custom panel states, that I created based on the default system panel states from sp1. Does anyone have a definite answer on this? Thanks, John
  15. Hi Robert, Can you please confirm if it's necessary to remove the panel states from sp1 prior to installing sp1B? Thanks, John
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