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Everything posted by Murray_CHYZ

  1. Tim:He's talking about the original poster of this thread.
  2. >Oh....we have a girl in the game!!! :( :) ;)I was wondering how long it would take. :D
  3. >Hi all. The PMDG 737NG terminal procedures cycle 0409 is now>up.>Visit http://home.sw.rr.com/filesherenow/page1.html or the>PMDG site to get them.>>Regards>TerryThe link is...broke/incomlete?
  4. >You apparently are way over my head in this discussion, but>out of curiosity, what is a "Parallel Entry" in simple terms?>> Hello Bob:Start FS-Flying Lessons-Instrument Pilot - Lesson 3: Holding PatternsIt's all in there!Regards, Murray
  5. I know what you mean. UT tends to have a "few" more planes in the air than is realistic (to say the least) at larger airports... when traffic is set to 100% in FS.I tend to set FS traffic to 50% when using UT and flying between busy airports. I wish UT could check it's own data base of scheduled flights, and produce AI spawnings based on that. What I really dislike is sitting behind a number of planes on the taxiway, and having one, two or all of them suddenly "disappear". Realistic? Not!Murray
  6. >Hi all, >>whilst were on topic...i have never been sure...>>>what is a null zone?>>THanks, >>RossHi Ross!A null zone (or dead zone) is an area on either side of the center point, of an axis. A controller has a Y axis (pitch up/down), an X axis (bank left/right), a Z axis (yaw left/right), etc.The "null zone" can be increased or decreased so that a given axis will not change until the controller is moved beyond the point that has been set.For example, if you find your controller reacts too abruptly to say a banking movement (left or right), you can increase the null zone for the X axis. You will then have to move the controller further, before it produces a resulting movement... in this case, a bank.For the most part, "you" will have to decide what is the correct setting for a null zone, IMO, based on your controller, your system, and your personal preference.Hope this helps!Murray
  7. Hi Andy:You'll have to include the type of controller you're using I believe. Also, include a little background info like...- does/has this ever happen with other sims/games?- have you tried calibrating the controller lately... using utilities for your controller, within FS, etc.- what FS version are you using- are you using the newest drivers for your system components- what other programs are you running, if any, while running FS... stuff like that.Murray
  8. Hi!You probably realize this already, but just in case... you posted to the wrong forum. Not trying to tell you what you can and can't do. That's not my place. Just trying to be helpful!Murray
  9. Jeroen... thanks for your effort and thanks for shareing. Good job!Murray
  10. >> So hope you did not take offence anymore than I did to the>original pharsed question (I did not)....Understood... thanks again!Murray
  11. >Thats the PFD's ILS indicator.>>When an ILS frequency is tuned the VOR thingy in the NAV>display will disappear. From what I can see in the picture,>NAV1 is tuned to the Winnipeg ILS frequency.>>What appears is in the PFD is supposed to be ILS Identifier or>it's frequency (in this case the ILS id = "IWG") and the rest>is front course and ILS DME data.>>>Why it appears in yellow is not something I know right now, a>737 pro should pop in here with the answer to that. (It is>usually white and not crossed out) :(>>>EDIT: whoops .. late as usual ... :(Thank you Terence. I appreciate your help. Guess I should read the manuals again. "So little time, so much to learn" :)Murray
  12. >> "Is this a known problem?">> If it was in fact a "problem" sure....>Thanks for your reponse. Although a simple, "this is a normal feature", would have been sufficient. If you ever have a plumbing related question, ask away! If it was not you're intent to be sarcastic... please forgive my response... and thank you again for your help.Murray
  13. Is this a known problem? Please view the screen shot below for details...http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/88818.jpgThis happens periodically (with no intervention by me)... it corrects itself and then goes again. Any advice? System Specs here (nothing OCed):AMD 64 3000+MSI 67021 GB DDR 400 RAMnVidia 5900 FX Ultra 256 MB4 x WD Raptors (2xRAID0)Windows XP Pro SP2 (yes SP2)Newest drivers/updates installed and FS9 is tuned with the suggestions from the PMDG's site... support area.Thanks!Murray
  14. >I have gone back to using the joystick even>though I realize it is not exactly realistic but the chances>of me getting a PFC yoke is slim to none. The level of control>has really blown me away. This is simply my opinion.Have you tried tweeking the controls for the CH yoke and pedals? Using the software from their website, I was able to improve the control quite a bit!Before tweeking them, I felt as you do now.Regards,Murray
  15. And could you PLEASE model a co-pilot that does not insist on eating his lucnch in the cockpit... or at least, could you model one that eats soemthing other than egg salad. The air is not as "thin" up here as it should be! If you get my meaning.Ragards,Murray
  16. I have a CH Flight Sim Yoke PC (gameport) and CH Pro Pedals. I paid $260.00 Canadian for the set 5 years ago. They work as well now as they did new. I use them for all my civilian flying where a yoke is appropriate for the plane. I also have a Saitek X45 HOTAS that I have had for years and paid $135.00 Canadian. I used to own an X35 that I purchased for $60.00 American directly from Saitek's website, from the "refurbished" section. They worked perfectly for the 2 years I owned them (sold them locally for $90.00). I use the X45 Hotas for all my military and approriate civilian flight sims.I have NEVER had a problem with either products.Final note... The Saitek Cyborg and the MS Precision 2 sticks are very precise and sturdy products as well. I own both of these and have them attached to my second and third computers here at home.Hope this helps!Murray
  17. I am... I would be even more excited if I knew that Tim Metzinger (or some other extremely talented person) would be offering an Advanced Tutorial for it! PLEASE!!!Regards,Murray
  18. >Hi Folks,>>Just to add a "tease", you are going to love the new version>of Radar Contact, because it won't allow AI planes to hit you>(YEA!!!!)>>Now you have to wait for the next release of RC, which won't>be too long I hope. We are still working on some other neat>things (he he)>>Ain't I bad :-)>>Cheers>>BobHey Bob how are you? Bob, I used to own a copy of RC a few years ago. At one point the CDR I copied it to got lost. I sent an e-mail and got permission to download another copy. Well, since then I lost it... again! (DOH)Would it be possible to get another copy. I know this is asking alot, but, I thought I would give it a go.My full name is: Murray WhetenI was living at: Merrimac Dr, Dartmouth, NS CanadaI purchaed the software with a MasterCard (can't give number here for obvious reasons)Also, I am more than willing to purchase the NEW version, but alas, I perfer to download. Will version 3 "ever" be available for purchase via download. The reason I ask is because if you send me a copy here in Canada, I will have to pay a brokers fee, and taxes (8%). This coupled with the exchange rate makes RC very expensive.Thanks,Murray
  19. Ahhh... "Wake Turbulence"... thanks! I think I'll leave it on for the effect. I'll just have to be a better pilot next time and "move" out of the way. Perhaps the 757 had an emergency and could not go around.Murray
  20. Hello fellow flyers,Just had an experience that was "a first" for me. I was flying from CYHZ (Halifax, NS, Canada) to EGLL (Heathro). I use FSBuild, ActiveSky, UltimateTraffic and the default ATC.During the "long" flight, I decided to cancel the IFR as I wanted to have a "quite" two channel approach. I asked for FF so I could call EGLL tower later and ask for a "full stop". I was given permission "straight in" to 27R (which I already had in the FMC). I was about 15 NM out. At about 3NM out with GS captured, gear down, flaps at 30, speed at 157, and dual channel set... I received a "caution" from the TCAS. I looked down and notice a "+2". Ok... no problem... I've been cleared by ATC... who ever it is will get waved off. All of a sudden at about 800 ft, BOOM I either got tagged or was pushed down by the "back wash" (sorry, don't know what it is called).Well sir, all hell broke loose. Alarms, warnings... I tried to reinitialize the AP as I was still close to being in line with the runway. At this point I could see the bugger who tagged me as he was finally waved off... it was a 757.I could not recover the AP so I went for a manual approach... I should have performed a missed approach. I flared at the proper time but alas, I was to fast and tore off my landing gear... SO close, but I crashed. A LONG flight for nothing! Well, not for nothing I guess.Anyone else have a story like this the want to share? Post it here!PMNG, thanks for "realism"! Murray
  21. Yes, I would be interested in that as well. I owned PMNG previous "Fly" product, and never upgraded to the "Fly II" version. I have since lost the former.
  22. Shoot... I did a search for "spock" and "kirk" before I posted and nothing came up. Oh well... it was news to me! Murray
  23. He! He! Go to spot view and take a close look... the copilot is the easiest to recognize... you'll then know who the "famous Captain" is.Very funny guys!Murray WhetenOH! Do I win a prize for that? :-jumpy UPDATE: Seems the 737 crew is also quite famous. :) Although I personally would prefer to have the captain and copilot from the crew of the B1900 with me on a flight.
  24. Thanks a bunch. I got everything I needed from those links. Except... where do you put the SID/STAR code once it's written. Terry's tutorial does not say. Yes... I'm an abvious noob! Thanks again!MurraySide Note:The PMDG is by far the best product addon I have ever purchased... Flight 1's Meridain is a darn close second. I have them both now and I have not slept (much) in the past 6 days.The great docs, the excellent tutorials (from the community)... I'm simply overwelmed with excitement and satisfaction.Thanks PMDG, thanks Flight1, and specail thanks to all you in the community for offering your time and effort. If I every win the lottery...
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