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Everything posted by Murray_CHYZ

  1. Hey Steve... don't feel stupid. This is a complex addon. It's easy to miss stuff like that. I do it all the time. You'll learn it all in good time. Just relax and have fun. Rome wasn't built in a day.If you have anymore questions, ask away (after a search... but you know that already).
  2. Hi Steve:I just flew Tim's day 2 tutorial (the one you mentioned) and followed it to the letter. Everything went fine except for one thing. As stated above, the course for ILS09 is 93 degrees. The tutorial says to use 95 degrees.And also as stated above, both nav radios (the one on the right and on the left)need to be tuned to 108.3 in the ACTIVE window. You have the ACTIVE and the STANDBY set to 108.3 in radio #1 (left side), but do you have the ACTIVE nav set to 108.3 in radio #2 (right side).
  3. Hello Arthur:Hey that's great to hear. Oh, you may find that you will be able to spend more time at your PC now. A refresh rate of 85hz is much easier on the eyes than is 60hz.Good simming!
  4. >On a related topic, does anyone have any insight into the>release date of squawkbox 3? i'm planning a section on>VATSIM flying, and I would hate to devote a lot of time to the>SB2/SBRelay/AVC/AVCTuner setup I use now if SB3 will be out>soon.>>Best wishes (free of germs),>Work on the book now (at one price) and add a suppliment (separate price or free maybe) at a later date. That way we ( the many waiting customers :) ) will get the part we want now. PLEASE!!! :-jumpy Thanks!
  5. >Hello Murray,>>Thanks! The good news is that Bryan certainly found a cure by>making adjustments in the timing of the panel showing and the>sounds that come with it. Most panels now work as advertised>on my PC. I will test his latest beta asap and hopefully the>few remaining problems will be solved then.>>Cheers,>One last question Arthur if you don't mind. How fast can your monitor refresh at 1600x1200.If it can refresh at a faster rate than it is presently set, would you try to set it higher (within specs) and see if that effects your sound problem. You would have to remove Bryan's patch (the beta one he sent you)though. If it's too much trouble, please don't bother. It's just a theory I have based on some previous problems with slow refresh rates and fast video cards.Thanks!
  6. >Hello Murray,>>Did you install the latest drivers from ATI (Catalyst 4.12)?>And did you use the cat-uninstaller.exe program before that?>>Cheers,>Yes... to both questions Arthur. Thank you.I just tested things at 1600x1200 and had no sound issues. So it appears that is is not strickly the X800.I read the other posts to you from Bryan. I hope he finds a cure for your sound problems.
  7. >I purchased and installed a PCI sound card (Turtle-Beach>Santa Cruz) and have no more issues with sounds not playing. >So the moral of the story is that on-board sound sucks (or>something like that ;)>>regards,> Sorry but I have to disagree. My last three boards have had onboard sound and I have NEVER had sound issues. Mind you, I'm not talking about "cheapy" boards either. My present board is an MSI K8T Neo-FIS2R (about a year old... hmmm! Time for a new one!?!)BTW, not trying to pick a fight. Just letting people know that not everyone has problems with onboard sound.
  8. Arthur:Hello! I noticed in your sig that you have an ATI X800 Pro. I have one as well and since installing it a few weeks ago, I have had a few graphics problem with the PMDG 737 at 1280x1024. I wonder if the sound problems that you're having has something to do with the X800.I will set my resolution to 1600x1200 and see what happens. I'll get back to you.James:What video card do you have?Regards,Murray
  9. >maybe delete (rename) your fs9.cfg file and let fs9 recreate>it at the next start? just an idea...Thanks for your help. I did not delete it but I did notice that in the [display] area (mentioned above) that the resolution was set at 800x600x32 (???) I don't know if this makes a difference, but I set it to what it should be and took a test flight. Things "seem" to be ok now. The only thing I did not have running was AS2004.5. I will try a longer flight with AS2004.5 running and report back with the results.Thank you both for your help. It is much appreciated.
  10. I recently purchased and installed an ATI x800 Pro. When flying the 700 (have not tried other PMDG variations), some of the grahics in the 2D panels disappear after flying for awhile (after about an hour or more).More specifically...1) all the digital readouts go blank/black2) the pop-up screen icons dissapear (M Z R etc.) but the click spots are still clickable.3) various small pamel gauges disappear or are highlighted.If I switch between views and return to the 2D panel, it returns to normal for awhile and then begins to go bad again.I am using "all" the newest updates and drivers for all my software and hardware. The only thing I have changed is the video card. I had and nVidia FX 5900 Pro and experienced NO problems... ever... with anything. I have the x800 set at "quality" with 4X and 16X at 1280x1024. These setting don't cause any problems with any other FS addon plane or any of my other games or benchmarks.Any thoughts?
  11. OK John, I did some more testing and this is what I found.1) If I select the PSSConcorde_1.FLT the radios work right from the start.2) If I select the default Cessna, switch the Avionics on, and then change to the PSS Concorde the radios work. If I move to another airport at this time, the radios stop working.3) If I load the PSS Concorde the radios don't work... but if I go to the FS menu and load the SAME PSS Concorde, the radios work!I hope I have not confussed the issue with all this John. Maybe someone can use it to find some solution.I'll leave you be now. :)
  12. Sorry John!Forget my last post. My solution only works until I move the plane to another airport. If I move it again the radios work. If I move it again they stop working????Perhaps it has something to do with the PSS Panel Config program? I don't know!?!
  13. Hello again John!Don't bother doing what I just suggested ( unless you want to :) ). I have found the problem (in my case anyway).In just about every addon aircraft, they tell you to start with the default aircraft (the Cessna 172) set things they way you want, and then load the addon. Well, I have NEVER done this and have NEVER had any problems with any addon (believe me when I tell you I have MOST of them).Anyway, the reason the "pssconcorde_1.fln" (the one included with the tutorial) works, is because (I am assuming now) it was saved following the proceedure I mentioned.Well, I have been simply creating a flight and going directly to the PSS Concorde. When I do this I cannot change the frequency numbers in any of the radios. On the other hand, If I first load the default aircraft, flip the Avionics switch to on, then load the PSS Concorde, I CAN change the frequency numbers in the radios.What I can't figure out is why the hotkey I set up for the Avionics switch won't work with the PSS Concorde???I will post anything else I find.Thanks!
  14. Hi John:Why don't you try creating "a new" flight using the PSS Concorde "cold and dark" config. Then follow along with the tutorial... making sure you do "everything" it says you should do (don't skip anything). Perhaps there is some step or combination of steps that is causing the problem.This is what I did and I believe is the case for at least one other (if I understood him correctly).Like I said above, I think it has something to do with FS9's Avionics control (off/on).If I do what you did I do not have any problems either. It only happens when I follow the Tutorial in a flight I create from scratch. And also, as I said above, I can "fix" the problem by hitting "Control + E" after the engines have been started (2&3 only or all four).Thanks
  15. UPDATE to previous post...With the aircraft in the afore mentioned state, I hit "CONTROL + E" and the radios came on??? I THINK it is something to do with the FS Avionics control system. The Captain Sim 727 has a similiar problem but that can be fixed by assigning the Hotkey I mentioned in the previous post.Hope this helps the developers to fix the problem.Murray
  16. Hello:Just to add to the mix, I have the same problem with the radios. The first 3 attempts at the tutorial flight I had NO problems. I have tried to create a flight from EGLL to KJFK. The radios are dead.I have the VFE onINS onGPS onNAV onRAD/INS to INS**I have the INS setup for navagation (first 9 waypoints set)Followed the Tutorial to the point where engines 2&3 are started and the radios are still dead at this point.I have also set a hotkey (SHIFT+A) to toggle Avionics on/off. That does not help either.
  17. Thank you brother. Please don't stop now. Your time and effort is very much appreciated.Cheers!Murray
  18. Try the Tutorial. It tells you how there. Break on then Ground Power switch to close.
  19. May I have a copy too please?the_snake_bite(at)msn.comReplace the (at) with @.Thanks in advance!Murray
  20. YAWN!(There's no need for me to add a smiley face... is there?)
  21. I can't believe it... you kids robbed old Santa's post to PMDG. Let's see... hmmmm... one lump of coal or two?Santa
  22. Yer old Santa has been getting alot of requests from some of the (older) children this year... a 747 or some such thing.Now, there is no way in heck me and the elves are gonna be able to fill all these orders if you guys don't get yer thumb out. Um depending on you to help keep "my" kiddies happy. Cause if they ain't happy, the misses ain't happy... need I say more!Come on fellas... you've never let old Santa down before... you don't want ta start now!Merry Christmas everyone!SantaOh... Johnny! I'm not gonna tell you again... Santa has never, and will never, bring you a Playboy Bunny. Try the Easter Rabbit... what... oh... Easter Bunny! Maybe the Tooth Fairy!?! But not me... got it!
  23. >Hopefully you can get the 747 out before the exchange rates>for the dollar go up again LoL>>Cheers>martinPlease don't discuss exchange rates Martin. I live right next door (north). Although for me, it's sort of like paying HST (Canadian -Harmanized Sales Tax). :)
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