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About zazaboeing

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  • Birthday 11/06/1982

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    Sao Paulo - Brazil

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  1. Amazing shots as usual Ryan! Such a pitty we can’t use GTN650 instead of the 430 (as a companion when using tds GTN, it stays useless). This acft is amazing though!
  2. It was so easy to set a specific weather manually and have it everywhere you go, not bothering with unexpected changes. You could just have the same weather in every scenery while testing different sceneries and aircrafts for example.
  3. Yes, just noticed that! Now I have hundreds of wxr points plotted :smile: Do you think you can implement this feature in the future, Kostas? Is it difficult? Thanks again for the fast answer!
  4. Sorry, just now I realized the topic was about ASN, sorry about that! It's really sad that AS16 doesn't support that.
  5. Hi Kostas, I was talking about AS 2016, I can't see how to apply it globally. And that's the function I use most.
  6. I'm sorry, this may be too easy but I'm just not finding this button Apply Globally. Can you please screenshot it?
  7. Hi, how do I increase the range to Global? Mine is limiting to 1000nm but I want the weather to be the same everywhere. How is it done? Thanks!
  8. Hi guys, I traced down the problem I have and discovered it's related to using LINDA in my P3d V3.3.5. All is installed and reinstalled, setup accordinly, but everytime the P3d crashes when exiting. When disabling LINDA it doesn't occur. Any thought? Thanks, Rafael
  9. I'm too having this problem and as I just got the answer from a support ticket, they blame it on the F1 and doesn't seem to care. :mad:
  10. Hi Kyle! Too sad to know MD11 is not Steam compatible :sad2: Will it ever be? And yes, I read and installed the simconnect files as instructed before installing the NGX. What files should I see in the DLL folder? Thanks!
  11. Hi, I am moving to a new PC and with FSX SE installed, I've downloaded the latest versions of my NGX purchases and after installing it, the plane acts weird (full right aileron stucked). Then, I've realized the Options Menu is missing, and all my DLLs (except the HUD interface one) are not on the PMDG folder. Tried everything to reinstall again: safe mode, running in administrator mode, disabing antivirus and firewall, etc ... to no avail. Please, help! Thanks!
  12. Is there a changelog for SP1D somewhere? Thanks!
  13. You can still takeoff IF the forecasted weather (TAF) for your ETA is above minimums and you fill a second alternate airport. This varies country to country's regulations.
  14. That's why I was expecting some answer like "added to the list". Thanks anyway.
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