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Status Updates posted by byork

  1. Hi, I'm the FS2Crew dev... may I ask.. do you fly the 737 in the real world?

    We're looking for new consultants for the MSFS 737 version of FS2Crew.



    1. ahsmatt7


      Funny you ask now. Im finishing up training on the 757/767 at a major US Based airline but have been flying the 737 prior to that for the same airline. Im technically still current On the 737. Id be happy to help in any way.


  2. James,

    Try going to:


    Let me know how it goes.

    Don't share that link.  We haven't officially release yet.




    1. james42


      That's got it, thanks Bryan. I never had the bar at the top with the links to login in to my account etc. Its there now, thanks again.  

  3. Would you be interested in helping test FS2Crew for the FBW A32NX?

    We need some new eyes on it; we're very close to finishing it.

    Email me if interested:  admin@fs2crew.com


    1. Watsi


      Hi Byork,

      I would love to test this. But unfortunately my time doesn't allow it. So sorry.


  4. Mark, did you get my email with the two new gauges files for the TO Button issue?

  5. Hi Richard, fyi, beta feedback is to be submitted via email, not posted in the forum 😉


  6. Hi,

    Please email me at: admin@fs2crew.com

    Regarding FS2Crew for the 737 and this comment:


    When processing the "Before start checklist BELOW the line", the FO replies "I've got a door light here", while ALL doors are closed. This only happens with the types 800-BCF and 800-BCFS.


    I'll need you to confirm the fix.



  7. Hi, please don't create multiple threads in the UGCX forum that cover the same topic.  Please give the programmer some time to respond to your thread.

    It's probably just an issue with that airport.



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