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About ahsmatt7

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    ATP-ME here in the states.

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  1. I get what you’re saying. Believe me, it’s not far from the truth! It’s the internet after all. Par for the course right? At the end of the day, us real pilots can be a real pain too! Always disagreeing even though we are saying the same things half the time! We are an interesting bunch!
  2. That’s what we do best! Inflate our own egos and then disagree with each other! Got to have something to complain about!
  3. You’re absolutely right about level D sims. My airline has some of the newest sims for our fleets. They all fall short in delivering 100 percent real experiences. One can always feel that it’s a computer that is being flown instead of the real jet. As you said, the ground/air transitions are just not correct. They are extremely close, but not perfect. It makes doing crosswind landings and takeoffs a procedural event instead of a true piloting event. I will say though, there’s something to be said for people who can fly the sims really well because of the above limitations! Taxiing the fenix is annoying at best. To be honest though, it’s not really that far off from real life. We are flying different jets all the time and the nose wheel steering it’s not perfect. As a result, you drift to one side and have to keep correcting. Then the jet goes to other side. So on and so forth. I use the rudder pedals on straight aways instead of the tiller in real life.
  4. Absolutely! Glad to offer insight where it’s applicable. One can discern the difference between developers who take the time to pay attention to details when coding the flight dynamics. It sounds like the A300 is fairly well coded. I unfortunately don’t have the add on myself. Have you purchased the PMDG 777? So far this is one of the best add ons I’ve flown for msfs to date to give a convincing experience flying an airliner. I say this in terms of the four forces of flight, pitch, power and the changes in performance regarding these things. For example, think of thrust changes on approach and the associated sink or ballooning when making too large of thrust changes. Or, how it’s fairly difficult to slow these jets down in descent. I have the thrustmaster HOTAS warthog. It’s not a yoke, but it does give me the same resistance I can best expect with home hardware. What are your thoughts on said Boeing yoke? I may give the A300 a try. Another user on this thread is pretty adamant about it being the best add on ever for its price point. May have to take them up on that. Any other questions you have, feel free to ask!
  5. I’m a type rated 737 pilot in the US with a couple thousand hours on the jet. The PMDG 737 does fly and handle quite well for being on your home computer. There’s also convincing feel and behavior when flying using Flaps 40 compared to Flaps 30. When in the flare, and when ground effect becomes evident, the PMDG does a decent job of feeling like the real jet. Interestingly enough, when flying the real thing, I have been taken by surprise at how close it feels to flying at home in the PMDG. My only gripe is the initial feel of rotating. PMDG 737 feel stuck to the ground and the control movements don’t feel as smooth as the real jet to start the rotation. In the real jet you have very precise control of the rotation. In my opinion, this is not the case with the pmdg 737. Their 777 feels much kuch more convincing. Ive flown the 737,757 and 767. The 767 feels much lighter on the controls than the 737 in my opinion. The 767 feels like a far dump truck. Long story short, just because an airplane is bigger doesn’t necessarily mean it will feel bigger. Food for thought.
  6. What specific N1 settings are you seeing with high flap settings? you mentioned something about it diving deep into the systems. Are you saying that when one starts to fiddle with a given system in manual mode, the logic of said system falls apart? In other words, the systems only go as deep as what one would see on the displays or the overhead panel lights and what not? Make sense? I don’t the jet yet and I’m very curious to hear you go into a bit more detail on your opinion. I haven’t been able to find a good review yet.
  7. Looking at those two pictures, the whole cockpit is not to scale. I noticed something was up with the displays when I first loaded the triple up. I thought they were too small. It’s clear they are. Oh well. It’s still a good airplane. Doesn’t surprise me though. PMDG is slacking these days.
  8. Does the ini build have a comprehensive failure system? It’s not advertised to have one and the reviews I looked at say it has a limited failure system. Most likely referring to the mx functions. Until it does, your comment is still a stupid comment. IF tfdi doesn’t actually deliver on their failure system then yes you would have the upper hand in this shouting match. Then again, if you are someone that doesn’t care about failures, then this is stupid because now you’re holding your cards close just to make idiotic comments about a product. But anyways, did you purchase the pmdg 777?
  9. The ini a300 is $44.25 USD. Still more expensive than the tfdi md-11. You just made another stupid comment. I’ll level with you and concede that you aren’t wrong in saying that some devs are trying to claw back to P3D pricing. That’s a fair statement. But Tfdi isn’t one of them…:unless you’re really that dense and only choose to buy one variant. The fenix isn’t that much cheaper either. I presume you won’t be touching the pmdg 777 or their 737?
  10. That’s such a stupid thing to say. Each variant comes out to 40 bucks if you buy both variants. Can’t say that about ANY study level jet in msfs right now.
  11. How did you get that smaller screen in one your pictures. The Picture in Picture one?
  12. What’s the normal flight time that you do?
  13. Your reading comprehension is terrible. Or you just have an extremely big bias when reading posts. Either way you should read that post again.
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