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Everything posted by orbmis

  1. Hello,, I've been considering using P2ATC recently, and have found this solution to be quite interesting, as it seems to avoid many of the complexities & costs of other solutions. However, I am a bit confused re: how it works in a PTT situation. I understand the PTT sender picks up the assigned joystick button 'press', and sends the appropriate notification over to the receiver app. But I'm not following where the physical microphone and/or headset should be connected to. I am guessing it should be the P2ATC client computer, but wondering if there are any potential issues with delays/latency from the sender app over to the P2ATC receiver computer (in my case, a notebook). Thanks for any assistance on this... much appreciated. Mike
  2. Looking at the possibility of using Pilot2ATC w a networked notebook; so that I can understand things a lil better, would I need -2- licenses of Multiplicity, one each for both computers? Thanks, Mike
  3. Lots of valuable knowledge to be gained from the various forums.... more than happy to help out with a donation.
  4. Hello,, An outstanding document, quite a detailed tutorial. Thanks for the assistance. Much appreciated. Take care, Mike
  5. Hello, Can anyone help me with info as to how to load the Cold & dark startup/situation. I thought I had recalled seeing something along the lines of Shift-6 after the a/c loaded, but i do not see anything for a selection of Cold & Dark. Right now, FSx always starts the Hawker from a 'engine running' point, and I'd like to do some work with Cold & Dark. Thanks to all, as I've been spending quite some time on this, but to no avail yet. It might be hidden somehwere deep in the 'documentation, but I haven't found it yet. <sigh> =============================== PS -- All set... found the Shift-8 solution =============================== Thanks, Mike
  6. I agree,, the package is relatively inexpensive. I was concerned about installing the package, and then having no way to revert back other than a restore from my backup. Now that I understand the setup, it's time to tap into the wallet again. Thanks for the info...much appreciated. Mike
  7. Hi John,, I've been considering a purchase of the Embraer Soundset X from TSS. While you say it was different, do you feel it is better, richer?? How was the install process?? Is there a method to easily back out of the TSS sounds, and revert back to the Feelthere sounds that came with their ERJ package?? Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Mike
  8. Should HIGHMEMFIX be placed in the MAIN section?? I've got mine in the GRAPHICS section, so just want to check to ensure I haven't placed mine in the wrong place. Thanks,mike
  9. Hi Everyone,,,Thanks for all your input,, much appreciated. There didn't appear to be anyone who seemed to like the idea of the 465, so I will prolly go the 460 route and give my local guy a bit of time. If not, Newegg looks like they have a number of offerings, so that could work.Thanks again for everyone's input!Mike
  10. Hi Peter,,Thanks for your thoughts. I'd like to hold out for the 1GB GTX 460 to arrive, but my supplier can't get any solid info on when one could arrive. I can find the faster 460, but it would have only 768MB, rather than the 1GB. Just trying to figure which would work better. I'm sensing it would be better to go with the 460, but just want to ensure I'm not making a big misstep going in that direction.Thanks again,Mike
  11. Hi Everyone,Prepping for my FSX configuration, and I have a question re: video card selection. Previously, I was considering a EVGA GTX460 1GB card to sit with the i5 760 processor. However, my local vendor has this video card on back order, with no firm info on when it will be back in stock. As I was looking around, I spotted 2 alternatives... an EVGA GTX460 768MB, and an EVGA GTX465 1GB. The GTX 460 is clocked at 675 mHz, while the 465 is clocked at 607mHz.Question is,,, which would be the better choice for FSX,,, going with the smaller but faster GTX460, or with the larger but slower GTX 465?Thanks for your thoughts.Mike
  12. Hi Everyone,,,Just looking for some feedback on this build configuration that will be used primarily for FSX...Asus P7P55D Deluxe MotherboardIntel i5 750 2.66ghz Quad ProcessorCorsair 4GB 1333 MemoryEVGA GTX460 1GB Video CardCorsair 750W PSUCorsair H50 CPU Liquid CoolerAntec 300 caseWestern Digital 1TB 7500rpm Hard DiskI would expect to give the i5-750 a fair dose of overclocking to help things a bit.Does this seem like a well balanced setup?? Do each of the components play well with the others?? Thanks for you assistance.mike
  13. I also can confirm I've had no issues and/or conflicts with the FlyTampa KBOS.take care,orbmis
  14. Just go to the AVSIM Library, and do a search for apchart.zip This should find the program, in the Flight Simulator X - Gauges library.orbmis
  15. Hi David,Very Nice Work! Having been a fan of your ERJ-145 tutorial, this work is another fine addition for the ERJ community. Thank You for your efforts!Best Wishes for a Merry Xmas and a Happy Holiday Season!orbmis
  16. Hi Ray,,Thanks for the reply. I'm currently flying either a PMDG 737 or Wilco's ERJ-145, so I usually fly with the flightplan loaded to the FMC. Occasionally, I'll fly the route by hand, using RC4's info in the text/interface box.Thanks again for clearing this up.orbmis
  17. Hi Everyone,,,Just finished another trip with RC4, and a thought came across my mind. Is it REQUIRED to load the flightplan into FS2004 in order for RC4 to function properly?? Seeing as we load the FP into RC4, it seems a bit redundant to me.No complaints, no issues. Just wondering if I can cleanly eliminate that step from my checklist when flying with RC4.Thanks,orbmis
  18. <Blush> <sigh> How'd I miss that?!? Sorry for the mistake, and Thanks Again for the Help!!orbmis
  19. Hi John,,,As requested, log file sent. Thanks for your help!orbmis
  20. Hello,Flying a FS2004 flight plan from KBOS to KLGA, and my 1st waypoint is BOSOX, whic is listed as 29 nm from KBOS. My RC controller info does state that I have Altitude restrictions. KBOS departure control sets me up for clearance to 1000 ft, but never moves me up any higher. I made it to my BOSOX waypoint, and beyond, but still was at 1000. When I decided on my own to move up to 8000, ATC advised to watch altitude, as I had been cleared to 1000.I've read the RC 4.3 manual on DP's & SIDS, but do not understand what I may be doing wrong here. Obviously, going on the premise it is me somehow, and not RC.Thanks for any help you may offer.orbmis
  21. Hi Everyone,,,Was just looking at my directory holding my FS2004 flightplans. While there, I noticed there were a number of files w/ a .RC4 file extension. I'm pretty certain they are related to Radar Contact, but could anyone advise re: the purpose of these files. With that, are these files temporary in nature, i.e. are they created each time a RC4 flight is taken? Thanks for the info,orbmis
  22. Hello,,>>If you add the ORLANDO2008_LC folder first, and the>ORLANDO2008 folder second, the LC folder will have a higher>priority (i.e. 2) than the regular folder (i.e. 1) even though>it's beneath it on the list. It has to do with the order FS>displays the information. Geee,,, and I thought the lower the number meant the scenery had higher priority. Thus, scenery with a priority number of 1, (at the very top of the list), always had the highest priority over everything else, then #2 was the next highest priority, etc.Or am I missing something?thx,orbmis
  23. Hello,Just brought down your new Orlando scenery, and the readme calls for 'making sure that the ORLANDO2008_LC folder is beneath the ORLANDO2008 folder in the scenery list'To clarify,, should the landclass folder have a larger priority number, i.e. 8, than the regular folder, i.e. 7? Or should it be the other way around?Thank You for your efforts,orbmis
  24. Hi Scoob,Thanks for the link to the ERJ support forum, as my problem has been reported there by Olivier101 on 12/04/2004. This thread confirms more than 1 user with the problem. Moderator _ak confirms it as a bug, and indicates 'Sorry guys we will try fix it for SP'.Would you know whether this bug was ever corrected, and if so, where might I be able to locate the patch? As a couple of the users indicate, it is a frustrating bug.Also, as to your question, gust lock is not engaged. Pretty much the F3 doesn't not spool up the thrust at all after the landing.Thanks for your help,orbmis
  25. Hi All,I'm having a problem when taxiing after a landing, and just cannot find/figure out what I may be doing wrong. Hopefully, someone may be able to provide some help.After landing, and when I exit the active runway, I am trying to proceed to my terminal gate. It seems I am not able to increase thrust to keep my speed up, and then the Legacy comes to a stop. At that point, I'm pretty much stopped cold, as attempting to increase thrust (F3 key) doesn't do anything. I just stay at idle thrust, not moving at all.Hope someone can help me here, as it does take a lil bit away from the whole flight experience Thanks for your help,orbmis
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