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About WarHorse47

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  • Birthday 03/14/1947

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    Great Pacific Northwest
  • Interests
    Family, flight simming, photography, Corvettes... but not in that order.

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  1. Got it. Thanks, Carl. I knew of the "panel" knob, but never turned it to 100% nor did I realize it turned on the cabin lights. One would think the cabin switch would turn on the cabin lights. What would I do without this forum. --WH
  2. Anybody?? Guess nobody has an answer or else nobody flies at night?? Once again I took a late evening flight and activated every overhead switch for internal lighting and still could not turn on the overhead light for the cockpit or the main passenger cabin. So, there is no switch for these lights?? In the dark once again.. :wub: --WH
  3. I just completed a night flight in the DO228. During startup I had difficulty in getting all the interior lights on and was wondering if I was missing some light switches somewhere. For example, I couldn't get the cabin lighting or the general panel lights to turn on with the overhead switches ( I got the instrument and exterior lights okay). I ended up using the keyboard "L" key for all the lights, then turning off what I didn't need. Any suggestions or am I missing something? Thanks --WH
  4. Works fine for me in FSXA. Yes, I mostly start with "Ready to taxi" but not always. --WH
  5. I just took a test flight in the updated version 2.0. It seems that the GPU likes to tag along until the aircraft attains a specific taxi speed. After landing at my destination, the darn thing showed up when I slowed down to make a turn onto the taxiway. Perhaps I'm missing something, but is there an external power switch somewhere that might turn off the external animation for the GPU? Thanks --WH Err... nevermind. found it. Lower left panel. duh. :wub:
  6. My three year old AMD Radeon HD 7870 recently failed, and the tech shop recommended replacing it with a Radeon R7 360 by MSI. So far I'm not impressed with the performance and am having to tweak FSX to get some smoother framerates. I'm not sure what to do at this point other than to find a better card. I'd stick with the new card if there was more information on how to configure it for FSX. My system is a Dell XPS 8500 desktop, i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40 ghz AND 16 GB Ram. And I'm running Windows 8.1. So, I'm looking for any advice, suggestions or links to other sites that might help me. Oh, and if you feel that the Radeon R7 360 is not a good card for FSX, feel free to say so. Thanks --WH
  7. Make a copy of your aircraft.cfg. Take a look at the aircraft.cfg for the [gear_warning_system] section. Change gear_warnng_available=1 to gear_warning_available=0. Done --WH
  8. Martin, If you start with Taxi mode, make sure you unlock the landing gear before you attempt to retract. Not mentioned, but there is a switch just to the right of the landing gear lever. --WH
  9. What? Nobody updates their Carenado products?? --WH
  10. I noticed under my Account history that several of my Carenado products have updates. I had assumed that if I recently purchased a Carenado product that its already updated, or do I still need to apply the update? Also, if I run an update do I need to preserve my addon textures and aircraft.cfg file? How does everyone else handle updates without losing addon textures, etc.? Thanks in advance --WH
  11. Always fun when there is no manual specific to the cockpit. I believe (and I may be wrong) - look at the four switches near the upper right corner of the Proline 21 PFD. The switch is one on the upper row, right. --WH
  12. Curiosity got the better of me, so I picked up the 300 this morning. Really enjoying it. And yes, I'm noticing the differences between the 100 and 300, so I'll be interested to see what you write up Thanks, Ray. --WH PS - I have yet to figure out how to quote someone on this forum. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong?
  13. I have the Carenado Phenom 100. I'm giving serious thought to getting the 300, but wanted to know if someone could identify the differences between the two models. Specifically, what does the 300 have that the 100 lacks? The 300 appears to be just a bigger version of the 100 with a few additional Carenado enhancements, but its hard to tell from just looking at the screenshots or reading all the forum comments. Anyone care to elaborate? Thanks in advance. --WH
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