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About xkoote

  • Birthday 02/18/1977

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    Aviation, automotive

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    MD-80 Captain

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  1. What is already mentioned above. And don't worry about it being not realistic. I have seen sometimes in FS that the comm. ranges are a bit limited. In real life you can receive ATIS from about 180 nautical miles away. Giving you about 6 or 7 minutes to confirm you have the right STAR and runway entered. Happy Landings ...
  2. Glider1, I either have my framerate set to unlimited or 20. I have tried the two of them. I have also tried turning VSync on and OFF, but don't know exactly how it works. Say with my setup and flying in Dubai, I get 18 to 25 fps (which I am comfortable with) depending on time of day, spot or cockpit etc etc. What would be the best setup? VSync on? Off? Frames unlimited? Or how many? Thanks in advance for your help. I'll try reading up on the VSYNC to framerate question as well but would appreciate your input. Cheers,
  3. Damn, was just about to post about this. I have been testing my bum off at OMDB. Don't know if more airports are affected. Every 5-7 seconds BAM, a drop in FPS. What frustrates me is that when not in stutter mode, I get more than double the FPS, so I KNOW the system can take it. What I also noticed is that: the stutter slows down the SIM. In other words, it is not a simple drop in frame rates for me. But I actually cover less ground during the stutter. You would expect to cover the same amount of ground whatever the FPS. (Only the distance covered per frame would change) But not here. Say I'm on final at FlyTampa Dubai. I can visibly see the plane kind of "slowing down" over the ground, then "accelerate" (actually not accelerating, but returning to normal FPS), then after 5-7 seconds again.... It's like I'm driving my car while braking and throttling. Very very strange....... Again, the most frustrating part is that when the stutter isn't active, I get double the FPS. The ONLY way I could eliminate it at OMDB is to turn down all sliders related to mesh, texture etc etc. FXAA, AA, Sampling, water detail (at least up to high) did not trigger the stutter. But as soon as I crank 1 or 2 of those sliders above min......it comes back.
  4. After the Asiana accident in SFO a few years back it has become commonplace to avoid using FL CH under 10000 feet. When the swiss cheese holes line up, you will get the accident that happened in SFO. I usually use V/S under 10000 feet.
  5. Sup, In the video you are seeing, the airplane is flying in VNAV mode. That is the only mode that departs an altitude with only changing the MCP altitude window. When in VNAV, the FMS calculates your top of descent, but it will not descend unless it gets an altitude restriction to go to. That is what he is setting. And that is also why the airplane just continued down when he turned the MCP window further down to 2000. The VNAV did not have the MCP restriction anymore. There are other restrictions VNAV might have. But for you, that is another lesson. That being said, the 777 almost always finds a way to bring you in hot in VNAV. At 10.000 feet, I'm comfortable with about 45nm to go to touch down (Track miles). This can be read from the progress page. It is the distance remaining to your destination airport's 4 letter ICAO code. Anything less than 45 and you will have to extend flaps early or use speed brakes down low "most probably". As for the landing, the key is to be stable. Follow the flight director and practice without wind. Good luck,
  6. Not on the MD-80 it won't. The control surface will move the control tabs. For lateral control it will move the roll spoilers when you rotate past a certain control wheel angle. For the elevators, you will get hydraulically assisted full down elevator power when the difference between control tab and elevator passes 10 degrees. Both these have annunciators.
  7. As a side note. As an MD80 driver I always got in the thought process of thinking how the flight control check during taxi out was of only part use. The MD80 flies on control tabs. So when you deflect your control column, only a small tab moves. Same for the elevator. So you could have a working control tab and a jammed aileron and never know until you're airborne. Of course the aileron/elevator has now less that can jam it. No cables or pulleys because those go to the control tab. As for the original topic, I find it pretty stupid if an airline's book doesn't say you verify with the synoptic. It's there and it's a FBW aircraft. You have no mechanical feedback of a jam. You can rely on failure sensors bit then what is the point of testing anything. Cheers,
  8. In the same topic as previously mentioned, I have set values for the -300ER as well which includes changing its default door to door 2L. Try it out...
  9. Glad to be part of this community
  10. Hello Robert (and PMDG), so I was rummaging through my aviation geek teenage past and found this little old gem. I had to crack a smile. It dates back to when some here weren't even born. Cheers, I remember you got this file (don't remember if they had PDF's those days) and an .air file to replace with your favourite aircraft version "ON LINE"!!! One trip to the internet cafe and one (preferrably black) floppy disk later and I was in business. Do you still have these gems hidden away somewhere Robert? This is so funny. It makes you realize just how far Flight Simming has come! Congrats on your company Robert. I can see first hand how she's grown..... Oh, and I want a replacement .air file since I lost mine. You know, so I can send a support ticket for P3D compatiblity. Cheers,
  11. I have never seen that message in the ACARS process. I need to fill in the flight number after the route is loaded. If I forget I get no messages. The only difference is that the Progress page title is not populated with the flight number. Time to hit the pdf's....
  12. xkoote

    Exit 1L Data

    What I noticed is that SODE is still in its infancy. I have 3 airport that use SODE. - Drzewieki Design Moscow: Uses its own key combo, parks the jetways at default positions - Aerosoft Rome: Depends on aircraft.cfg data in a different way than, - ImagineSim Atlanta which for one uses the v 1.3 setup. ImagineSim sees the doors as entered in the ini file without problems. Door 1L and 2L. With LIRF this isn't the case. But now that I have only SODE 1.3 installed, the old UUEE works as before. But LIrF stopped working. Due to its infance this still requires a lot of patience Xander
  13. Charlie, The reason for the difference in speeds at very light weights may have to do with minimum controllable airspeed. Most probably at that weight, you need 140 knots to have the margin needed in the event you suddenly lose 115.000 LBS of thrust on one side. With the derate settings you have less thrust to overcome with the same rudder. Thus a lower speed can be rotated at (with all other things equal). Cheers,
  14. xkoote

    Exit 1L Data

    LS, I have since solved the problem after half a day of poking around. I had a hard time searching for a definitive answer of what was wrong and the documentation for SODE was vague until I opened the SDK pdf file. In short, the problem was that the exit parameters for the PMDG 777-300ER (Haven't started on the -200LR yet) were wrong. Especially the door (exit) height. The default values of my -300ER [exits] number_of_exits = 4 exit.0 = 0.4, 50.179, -9.607, 12.298, 0 //Door 2L exit.1 = 0.4, 65.954, 10.121, -3.736, 1 //Fwd Cargo exit.2 = 0.4, -62.184, 10.121, -3.736, 1 //Aft Cargo exit.3 = 0.4, -77.069, 5.341, 2.906, 1 //Bulk Cargo 1. The value 12.298 was too high and I constantly got an error that the door was out of reach. Going in the xml files of SODE for Rome showed indeed that the vertical limit was 11 point something. So I lowered it to 6 (random lower value) and the gate started reacting. After some fine tuning I managed to get the gate to dock nicely to door 2L. 2. I then set out to make door 1L available as a second door and managed to find the values for those too. I could now connect both jetways to the -300ER. 3. The B77W that should be added in the AircraftParameters.ini should match the atc_model value under the [General] section of the aircraft.cfg file. I was changing the atc_model value of the individual aircraft. This doesn't need changing. These were the values I used in the INI file. [b77W] 1L = 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.8, 3.8 1L Upper = 2.0, 0.0, 10.0, 3.4, 3.7 I will now explain the only limitation I found, and someone please add in if they know the solution. As you can see from the exits, I placed door 2L as the main exit (exit.0). Why? Because I want the CTRL+J to work as I want to (Connect to the 2L door) when not using SODE. So exit.0 is 2L and exit.1 is 1L. Now it seems that SODE keeps a natural progression of doors. 1L, then 1L Upper, then 2L. So it sees my exit.0 as door 1L (while it actually door 2L) and exit.1 as door 1L Upper (while it is actually door 1L). That is why I have to name the doors accordingly in the INI file. And I also have to keep that in mind when connecting the jetways. 4. My new and updated exit section for the -300ER is: [exits] number_of_exits = 5 exit.0 = 0.4, 50.179, -10.607, 5.5, 0 //Door 2L exit.1 = 0.4, 82.179, -8.107, 5.3, 0 //Door 1L exit.2 = 0.4, 65.954, 10.121, -3.736, 1 //Fwd Cargo exit.3 = 0.4, -62.184, 10.121, -3.736, 1 //Aft Cargo exit.4 = 0.4, -77.069, 5.341, 2.906, 1 //Bulk Cargo I hope this can be of use to someone. The reason I posted is because of the frustration I had and the lack of guidance to make the setup work. Again, if someone knows how to let SODE know what is main exit 2L and what is secondary exit 1L please share. Regards,
  15. Cliff, the above answers are if your Hydraulic Systems are powered. If they are not, no amount of keystrokes will move them. You may be trying to position them to the proper takeoff setting on the ground. If so power the hydraulic system and use whatever combo you have set up for them. Cheers,
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