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About Pilotdude3407

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  1. Check out page 56 of the POH. That gives a pictorial representation of the selector valves. Read everything you can on the fuel system.
  2. I will say that I don't think A2As radials are 100% accurate on startup. I think they may be 90% but as stated before, we do have limitations within the sims that have to be worked out. I will say that the 90% realistic start of A2A would be sufficient to probably 99% of simmers. Let me preface this by saying I'm not comparing A2A and PMDG. They both have a great place in the swimming community and both do excellent work. Without knowing jack about sim coding, I can respect needing to "simplify" things due to the limitations of the sim, as well as only having one person with a finite amount of mouse buttons doing the job of three aviators, six hands and six eyes. If I may add my suggestion that I think has been said in different ways on here already: Make the simplified aspects hidden somewhere else. i.e. Making the switches independent and able to be held down with a right click of the mouse. Maybe making just the starter switch connected to the "brake" of the prop so when it is depressed, it simulataniously releases the prop and cranks the engine. I would also be ok with the AFE doing the starts "realistically" as if you did have a full crew and let the animations reflect a genuine start as you would encounter on the real aircraft...such as counting blades and individual switch movement. Again, I completely respect the limitations of any given simulator, but if at all possible, try and hide the "cheats" elsewhere in the coding.
  3. That's not bad for a starting place. I guess further detail where it says "check functionality". What would be looking for? How would we know if it wasn't "in spec" so to speak. The flight portion is nice.
  4. Hey guys (I guess PMDG). Is there anywhere I can find or obtain in-depth maintenance checklists for the 777? Before you released the 737, you made mention of running "an airline's post deliver maintenance verification checklist against the electrical system on the NGX". I know my own airline's maintenance manuals for our airplane give very detailed tests and checks and what to look for. I didn't know if we could get our hands on something similar. Not to "check your work" but just something that will give us some in-depth tests to run that a regular line pilot would not be responsible for. Or if nothing else, some sort of delivery or post heavy check checklist they would run when they (whatever airline) showed up to pick up a new plane or one that would leave heavy check. Just a thought. Thanks!
  5. Pilotdude3407

    Three questions

    Turn off the CA and FO flight director
  6. You must not be a very good "manager" if you throw a teenage temper tantrum like that every time someone calls you out. An FYI, yes, for your job you are required to read and know all of your manuals. Being a 121 pilot myself, I can assure you that claiming you didn't read your manuals and that is what senior people and managers are there for does not fly with the FAA. Do you seriously allow your employees to run wild without knowing their manuals for whatever it is they are doing? OSHA most certainly does not put up with that. Again, your tantrum you threw along with your very unprofessional view of company materiel and procedures further shines light on what it is you really do. Back to the topic at hand...I am not chastising people who ask questions . I'm happy to help but if you show up and ask trivial questions without doing the most basic of research and then admit to not doing the most basic of research and want people to spell it out for you, then that is what will get you jumped on. Don't put words in my mouth... I'm very clear as to what I have a problem with and the above posts can attest to that.
  7. I'm not saying you have to read every last word...we all have lives and this is not how we make a living. What I am saying is, at least meet me half way. Don't come on here and say "I'm not going to read the manuals...but how does this work?" Are you kidding me? Are you honestly ok with people coming on here, not doing a lick of research and having people waste their time writing exactly what is in the manuals and not at all difficult to find. I'm just saying, show a little effort and people here will bend over backwards, but show up and admit to being lazy, then you will receive grief for it. This is not an unreasonable request.
  8. So let me get this straight.... You are not willing to do any work yourself on flying this plane and learning about it, but you come here asking for help on something you aren't willing to do the work on from others who have taken the time to look stuff up? That about right? I have zero sympathy for you. People here love to help other people but when you blatantly come out and say you refuse to read any documentation on your product, how can you expect any other reaction than what has been given to you. You bought a high level simulation that requires a little bit of study, regardless of whether you are ever going to fly it or get a CPL. If you want something so basic as to not have to read a manual, then stick with the fsx default model. I know you think I'm being rude or hateful, but this is how life works. If you walk into school, college, or your own job saying I refused to do any reading on today's assignments because I don't have the time, but "hey you (who read the assignment), what is the answer?" Then you will be met with backlash. Don't be that guy.
  9. Over a year ago he showed us pictures of a full airplane, flying, and cockpit...you can't tell me that it isn't further along than it is.
  10. You watch your mouth! The 757 is one of the best looking planes flying today.
  11. I read this in the DAL manual as well. I am not really sure what would happen with fluid transfer. Maybe overfilling the system. That could cause leaking, possibly over pressure.
  12. And...per the manual, because I know you've read it, what triggers the fuel imbalance checklist and eicas message? I'll give you a hint...it isn't just triggered by a specific fuel amount difference.
  13. Pilotdude3407

    Hot Brakes

    A couple of quick questions... What state did you start the aircraft in? They seem to be having issues with C&D By chance could this have been a dragging brake? (Don't know If they model that...it would be on the failures menu) Do you have any external rudder pedals? They also have some issues with these but read the manual to figure out how to set them up Any time during the taxi or takeoff was the "brakes" message on the screen? That's all I have. If you answer those questions, some of the smart people will be able to help more. Also, take any and al, screen shots of the issue and jot down exactly how you did things so they can trace any issue.
  14. Of 2011... I remember when the J41 was released and they said this was the new wave of PMDG and that everything would be built better and faster because of this new way...2 yrs later we get the NGX. Then they said...well it took longer because of XYZ...but don't worry, the T7 will be a fraction of the time because a lot of the coding can be seamlessly transferred over and it's more about making airplanes than building new code and ways of doing things...2yrs later, the T7 was released. Sooooo, I'm going to say preliminary that we are looking at 2015. Either way, it doesn't matter because this is now the 3rd big awaited release and it took forever and we didn't know a release date until a week prior...and even then they sprung it on us. The 74 will be here when it's here.
  15. While we are at it, a few other topics to not ask about as well as some things to avoid: Is PMDG going to make an airbus? Why hasn't PMDG made an airbus? 747V2 release date Any aircraft release date "Pre Buying" of any aircraft Rain effects in the VC Arbitrary animations in the cockpit like opening windows, shade, cockpit door etc. EFB in the T7 "But CS did XYZ on their airplane..." Comparing in any way shape or form CS products with PMDG products Something doesn't work on the NGX/T7 like "I" THINK it should work so it must be a bug I'm having XYZ problem with the NGX/T7... "Did you read the manuals?" No. "Read the manuals" Not reading the manuals Assuming the NGX and T7, while both Boeing aircraft, are in any way alike in their systems, handling, or FMSs Asking questions before doing a generalized search to see if there was possibly another topic on it These are just a few I can think of off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more. This is in no way giving you a hard time, or being ugly. While true, it is actually meant to be funny. Incidentally, I'm confused why PMDG hasn't sticky'd a FAQ thread with all these questions and more plus their "official" answers to them. Then we could say..."read the FAQ before you post anything".
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