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  1. Hi Martin Will Cold & Dark start on the apron be available ?
  2. And just to expand on this thought a bit further - if you're in the Software Development business ( as Orbx is ), and haven't figured out how to turn an opportunity ( such as this is ) into profit, then ... ???
  3. From the front page announcement on AVSIM "blah blah blah . . We look forward to an official announcement at the E3 coming this week." Did anyone really believe Microsoft would actually disclose the legal "Sale of the FS Franchise License" at the Electronic Entertainment Expo venue ?
  4. MS "Flight" development is at a full ground stop. MS "Flight": is the eleventh Dirty Deed ... Done Dirt Cheap! This outcome is exactly what I long suspected, and certainly comes as no surprise. Any hopes pinned on future MS development or support for "Flight" are sheer lunacy. It's been proven with the previous dispatch of MS ACES FSX developers. Learn from history . . . Accept the EOL, Get over it, Forget about it, and Move on!
  5. Your work is truly truly TRULY appreciated! :Applause:If you do not mind too much, is there a glimmer of a possibility we could view a similar comparison of FLIGHT usingFSX + GEX + UTX [+REX] ? :unsure:TIA!
  6. No GroundSpeed available, from the horse's mouthCustomizing Shift+Z Information
  7. Ahh, there it is. I had long suspected I was a bit odd.
  8. Not to sound too harsh, but most of that is available from the instrument panel.[TextInfo.1]FrameRate=1,1LockedFrameRate=1,2AverageFrameRate=1,3
  9. *******,Compliments on your professional effort. I read the previous posts regarding comment preservation & ordering. Just to add a bit more feedback for your consideration here.... I utilize a freeware tool called WinMerge for comparing line differences between two similar files. Please consider keeping the exact same order as the original, at least to the extent possible, to facilitate a quick comparison between the original and tuned results. Thanks!-Ed
  10. And some highly questionable statements including the following quotes:"The team at Fly Away Simulation has added a whole new dimension to its flight simulator portal, following an exciting announcement by Microsoft. Microsoft..." "Fly Away Simulation have already begun opening up sections of their website to cover this release"and of course, this one,"While there is no official release date for Microsoft Flight, users should expect the release to be before Christmas 2010."I'm not trying to throw Fly Away Simulation under the bus here, but I can't find any new "dimensions" or "sections" on their portal. Not even a forum dedicated to Microsoft Flight.
  11. Seems Janice is not at fault, the press release is here:http://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/microsoft-flight-now-featured-on-fly-away-simulation-169229.phpIt appears Fly Away Simulation is the source behind the "news". Press Release Contact Information: Joe SouthcottFly Away Simulation Advertising68 Aldersbrook RoadLondon, Greater LondonUnited Kingdom E12 5DLVoice: +44(0)8704901870E-Mail: Email us HereWebsite: Visit Our Website
  12. Microsoft Flight featured on Fly Away SimulationPosted by Janice Wood · September 12, 2010Microsoft’s next flight simulator release, Microsoft Flight, is now being featured on the Fly Away Simulation flight simulation website. Microsoft recently announced that it will be releasing the next in its series of flight simulator packages for PC users, with the next release being called Microsoft Flight. Microsoft Flight is set to become the biggest complete flight simulator package available to PC users, according to Fly Away Simulation officials, who note, “With enhancements in technology, and more powerful machines for the software to run on, the graphics will be like nothing yet seen in a simulation package.” Fly Away Simulation already features Microsoft Flight preview videos, a screenshots gallery, discussion forums and news articles. The main attraction at Fly Away Simulation’s website is their flight simulator downloads section. The download section boasts more than 3,000 add-ons and enhancements for flight simulator packages, with a user base of more than 125,000. With the release of Microsoft Flight around the corner, users can expect hundreds of downloads such as aircraft, scenery, tools and utilities to be made available following its release. While there is no official release date for Microsoft Flight, users should expect the release to be before Christmas 2010. All aspects of the release will be covered on the Fly Away Simulation website in real time, company officials add.
  13. I'm wondering if there's an addon for AI parachute jumpers that freefall from 10k', open chutes around 3000' MSL, and land randomly near the field. Maybe repeat every 30 minutes or so. It would be a nice added realism for one of the local airfields. Is this possible in FSX?
  14. Hey welcome Vince,With regards to this topic I often wondered whether using pulsed LED had ever been considered. Two possible benefits over CW would be brighter luminance of the LEDs, and second, a provision to embed a detectable signal that can be positively "locked" on.- Ed
  15. This used to be a nuisance for me as well with two large bay windows back in the coach section. :( Have you thought of vertical blinds, or heavier draperies?Make sure you have the latest TrackIR v5.0.030 (build 6225).Yes the track clip pro will improve your situation. The difference between the TrackClip Pro and TrackClip is like active LED light vs. passive reflection. Still the receiver will none-the-less sense the light source from the glass door no matter what. First, you have to minimize the "Noisy" light. Next, adjust the Light Filter threshold in the Advanced Camera settings to see if that helps. Then look at getting the TrackClip Pro.
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