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Everything posted by Luftwulf

  1. Is there any fall-out from reorganizing the Airplane folder? I would like to create new folders and move plans around. Thanks, LW
  2. Could someone tell me if there is additional settings I need to set once the NOAA plugin is installed, other than the control panel setting of the plugin itself. Does this plugin override the XP weather engine? I noticed I could no long select Use Real-Weather and Winds-Alot so I assumed that the plugin has taken over and all settings are controlled in the plugin panel. Thanks
  3. Take it from a recent convert, just stick with it. I felt the same as you, the viewing was hard to get use to, as well as using the nobs etc.... however slowly after several flights I was hooked and now it has become a natural flow for me.... in fact after I flew the JarDesgin A330 (recommend) last night I found the workload was much easier because of the camera control of XP or X-Camera. I think the freedom built into XP with the camera is a major plus and one I had not taken into account. So in short, over time I have found the flow of the cockpit much easier in XP over the others.
  4. This is just my thought process and experience and not meant to say what is better and what is not.... just to say what is better for me. I have fully converted from FSX to XP. I recently had a crash on my PC and had to re-install all of my FSX add-ons, and I had a lot. However, that was not the worst part, the tweaking and trying to get rid of this and that problem was. So, recently my PC was hit by lightning and I decided to just quit. I considered purchasing P3D, however that price tag coupled with my RE-purchase of my PMDG planes was enough to make me pass. I then went back and started looking at X-Plane I first looked at what investment it would take to get started and I was shocked to see the quality of add-on available by the community. Granted when I was looking I noticed the negative comments about XP was the lack of airports included in the base install, however the community has more that made up for that. You have to ask yourself, do you want generic renderings or quality.... the community has produced quality, so I was impressed there. I also wanted to know the quality of aircraft available. I would regularly fly the PMDG 737/777 and the Aerosoft A320 with some A2A, Carenado, and CaptainSim thrown in. I was impressed that I can pick back up with XP with close to the same level of detail I had before and I knew Carenado was developing for XP. And of course there is future development and platform. XP being 64 and P3D being 32.... I see the limited life in P3D as you can only take that architecture so far and XP having room to continue to grow. While the third-party options are not as plentiful, I can see that XP is beginning to catch up. The last thing is after I installed XP and begin to spend some time with it, I discovered where XP really shinned and what I felt really mattered..... I have found that the flight model to be superb and in my opinion far better than anything I have experienced previously. As a PP and the feel I had was surprisingly realistic. Anyway, that was just my process and I have not looked back. The decision at first was a hard one because of all the funds I had invested previously but looking forward I will invest it in something I see a future in and with less frustration than the past. Clear Skies
  5. Firstly, Great Avatar! My settings are as follows: Poolsize = 0 Display Texture MaxLoad = Swap Wait Timeout = 2 Graphic Texture Max Load = 2048 Texture Bandwidth Multiplier = 60 Missing Texture Alert (not checked) LOD Radius = 6.5 Max Sync Batching Jobs = 3 Fiber Time Fraction = Process Affinity/Mask = Checked Core2 Core4 Core6 Force VC Shadows = Checked Cheers, LW
  6. Thanks Jim, I used the Basic FSX Conf. guide as a baseline and found setting the LOD RADIUS to 6.5 and adjusting the Scenery Complexity to Very Dense and the Autogen Complexity to Normal/Dense has corrected my issue with the loading. Further investigation leads me to believe as stated in the guide and elsewhere, that with all of my ORBX add-ons installed (Global, Vector, OpenLC....) I see no need in running the Autogen density very high, in fact Normal appears to suffice. I also adjust the Water effects to Low 2x. I have always kept the setting Texture_Max_Load to 2048. I am running the DX10 Fixer but no other tweaks to my cfg file. As for the Texture_Bandwidth_Multi, I don't believe that is set to 120, however I will have to go back and double check. After a couple short test I am happy with the results, just need to make a couple of long flights to ensure stability, however my FPS is 40+ and holding. Thanks again Jim for the insight. Cheers, LW
  7. I have had this issue as well..... any feedback to the fix you found would be helpful. LW
  8. I made sure both airports were set and checked the report and visibility was over 9000 meters, however each time I approach an airport my the weather outside drops to 0 visibility no matter what the weather is out side. If I keep forcing an update on the weather eventually I can make it go away, however it takes some time. Any assistance would be appreciated as this is frustrating. I am running FSX. LW
  9. Thanks Stephen, I average over 30fps and have no other issues with my system as I feel it is beefy enough, however I assumed the Carenado planes just cannot handle it..... and where as you said I have had no issues with the 737NGX or the PMDG 777 or Airbus Extended. It also appeared that when winds were marginal it worked well, however flying in 20 kn winds were rough for the Carenado planes and they could not cope. I noticed that marking it with Heavy Aircraft made it settled down, however maybe too much. I believe I will disable for now or just use/test the Heavy A/C setting. Thanks, LW
  10. I have struggled finding the right Bump setting for light aircraft. For example I have tested most of my Carenado planes and have not had great success. I was wondering what settings you guys are using with your GA aircraft and more specifically Carenado etc.... and how much luck you have had. Thanks in advance LW
  11. You will get a variety of opinions and I have used both and AS in its various iterations. I believe they Opus and ASN both do a great job depicting weather, however in the end I feel it comes down to preference/options. I have tested both, however I really like Opus's DHM and how it ties into the turbulence model so I have stuck with it. I fly the PMDG 777 a lot so the advantage there is ASN has is the weather radar..... both interface with the winds import. So it comes down to what options you like for me, try both and see which one you like, I think they both do an excellent job at rendering weather. All the graphical goodies are produced by REX 4 Direct (Highly Recommended). LW
  12. It did help as I followed the guide above and was able to resolve my issue. Thanks for your help on the forums as it saves the rest of us a lot of time. By adding the lines to my cfg I was able to determine that some of my FSX core files had become corrupted or was missing so I was able to replace them from a clean install backup. I also reinstalled all of my Orbx products, most recent library and deleted and rebuilt my Facilities/Scenery Indexes and Shader Folders for good measure. I also removed the FIBER_FRAME_TIME_FRACTION line from my cfg file as from an earlier posts it appears to be not needed. So far I have not had anymore issues and will do some more testing, however loading different areas resulted in no errors. Thanks again for the guide and help. On a separate note, I did notice when loading different a/c that some of them had load errors on certain textures which I thought was odd, but they worked regardless. LW
  13. Just read through the Crash to Desktop Guide which is an excellent write and much appreciated. I am going to follow this advice to help me pinpoint the exact offending texture that maybe missing.
  14. I started receiving this pop-up box from FSX that states "Failed to read from file". This came at the end of 2 flights and I was able to ignore the box and then taxi and park, once I clicked Ok on the box, FSX crashed. Something else I noticed at the time was the beeping sound that I believe is the FSUIPC warning for a possible impending OOM crash, however I never got an OOM crash. I recently installed Orbx Vector and Orbx OpenLC EU software and however have been running FTX Global since release. I researched this error and there are a couple of conflicting recommendations however one I noticed was the FIBER_FRAME_TIME_FRACTION=0.1 tweak could be the possible issue, however I have been running this tweak (probably not needed) in my cfg file for a long time without issue. Before I start tearing my install apart I was wondering if anyone has had this issue? I feel lucky as I have not had any issues in the past and I wonder if the Orbx install is taking more of my FPS and power to render. I checked the SceneryConfigEditor for errors but will double check to make sure I did not miss anything..... I did remove some scenery to help FPS and had to replace the detail1.bmp file back into the Scenery folder as it somehow got deleted, so maybe it is trying to reference a file that is no longer there? Could be a scenery Airport file because if I remember correctly, the error happened either near, on final, or after landing at the destination airport. Thanks for your assistance.
  15. I'm having the same issues as the OP. Just did another flight with same issue and did not experience this before. Flight starts out as normal, however 2/3 in VC unresponsive etc.... LW
  16. How many of you do a regular reinstall/refresh of FSX? I thinking about doing this annually as my FSX install usually gets bogged down as tim drags on. One thing that has stopped me is the time involved in getting back up and going, but that maybe less than I think. LW
  17. I know where you are coming from.... I started getting the MSVCR80.DLL error last night. I have not had problems with my install for a long while and then a flight with the newly purchased and installed PMDG 777-300 and half way through it crashed. Like times before, you have to be a bulldog with FSX.... from the research I have done, it appears to be a issue for me with the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package... but have yet to do some testing and have waited posting anything until I do. But like you said, it can take some wind out of your sails. LW
  18. I asked this over at the official forum, but has anyone run into issues where water is a green tent and I have had a costal section in Germany that had a small patch of Caribbean color to it. I use REX, however I thought I read somewhere that FTX uses its own set of water textures as they are tied to the seasons..... LW
  19. I primarily have GEX NA and freeware of Europe, couple of factors for my purchase: 1. To purchase the rest of the world would have cost me a lot more, cheaper to purchase FTX Global. 2. The night lighting effects with 0 FPS lost is not attainable anywhere else plus is a bonus with the textures globally. 3. Comparison shots did not bother me, just reaffirmed that it is a good product. There is always some give and take from product to product. 4. I know there will have to be subsequent patches to fix issues, those do not bother me and the developers track record I know they will be addressed at some point. All the other information I gathered, processed and decided it was the right purchase and have never looked back. LW
  20. I've lost my Back restore for GEX.... does anyone know if I can install FTX Global over the top of GEX without any issues? Thanks, LW
  21. I was going to disable my GEX NA but my Backup folder is missing. I have a backup of all the default FSX files and folders from my original install, however how/can I manually re-install the original files? I am going to purchase FTX Global. Thanks LW
  22. I have been following this one for a while and I guess I will wait. I enjoy the Airbus X Extended and it is great value for the money and a very well developed package. I'm a fan of the A330 and the Wilco was junk so this one is long overdue..... although I am still tempted to just pick this one up. LW
  23. What exactly do we need to backup before we start using? I have a stable high-end system, however I can always use a boost in the high traffic areas! I always like to save different states of my fsx when I am tweaking so I can go back if need be and also post the results in txt file with backed up files. Thanks!
  24. Anyone flying the CS 737. I have the 707 and enjoy flying it and have been tempted to pick up the 737 but was looking for feedback from the forum. I see that it has been almost a year with no new update :rolleyes:
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