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Great Ozzie

RTW Race Team
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Everything posted by Great Ozzie

  1. Base it on your airspeed e.g. groundspeed (airspeed close enough unless in some brutal winds) is 120kts = 2nm/min... if flying 9000' and Pattern Altitude is 1000'... 8000' to lose. I would steepen it up a bit... 7-800fpm. So about 11-12 mins (22-24nm) out start the descent to be at or slightly above Pattern Altitude shortly before entry.
  2. A possible OZx stand-in. Ant's Tiger Moth would be a very nice one as well. Stag Lane is "gone" and Hatfield (EGTH - where de Havilland AC later moved to) is filled with houses... I found nearby Panshanger (EGLG) a nice turf strip... AMY ready to go...
  3. Great! I should have trimmed down some more as to not waste too much of folks time... but hard for me to do. Cera Sim Bell 212 OZx HMLA-267 paint by jeansy
  4. Gathered most of my pics from pre-race practice till yesterday's round-robin from FACT... SmugMug Slideshow Link
  5. I thought I read somewhere (years ago) he named it after his girlfriend... Make sure you click the pic otherwise you'll be wondering "what participants?" too.
  6. It's been quite some time since this came up (I too thought the 2d Hdg Ind had a hdg bug). You can either build/download a sub panel or the following will work: First make a backup of you DHC2 panel.cfg Substitute another gauge for the DHC2 Hdg Ind in the 2d panel. I have in mine the C172 Hdg Ind. //gauge07=DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2!dg, 329,640 gauge07=Cessna!Heading_Indicator, 332,637,118,116 The // will rem out (remark) the DHC2 gauge... and shows what was there for future reference. So that section of the panel.cfg will look like this: ---------------------------- [Window00] file_1024=beaver_small_background.bmp file_1024_night=beaver_small_background_night.bmp size_mm=1024 position=7 visible=1 ident=MAIN_PANEL gauge00=DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2!suction, 124,548 gauge01=DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2!asi, 214,505 gauge02=DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2!attitude, 341,504 gauge03=DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2!altimeter, 464,504 gauge04=DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2!glideslope_vor, 584,504 gauge05=DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2!clock, 123,662 gauge06=DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2!turn_bank, 216,640 //gauge07=DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2!dg, 329,640 gauge07=Cessna!Heading_Indicator, 332,637,118,116 gauge08=DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2!vsi, 462,640 ---------------------------- That will give you a Heading Bug in the 2d panel.
  7. Stan... Have you tried the old "trick" of loading up a flight with the default C172 - then once loaded (and running) on the runway, switch to the aircraft you want?
  8. Flying as Wingman for MikeG SBSV - FHAW FSX - Tom Ruth L-1011 Tristar
  9. Formation flight #5 SELT - SPIM Flight times ---------------- Rob O. - 1:49:31 Eamonn - 1:49:26 ---------------- Difference = 5 secs = 30 Minute bonus rgo
  10. Baton Holder Landed Safely @ SPIM End of Formation Flight Baton is Free at SPIM
  11. I Have the Baton SELT - SPIM FSX Lionheart Creations Epic LT Formation Flight
  12. ILS Approach to Rwy 11 St. George, Alaska (PAPB) in the Epic LT (it was a dark and stormy morning...)
  13. I Have the Baton PASY - PAPB FSX Lionheart Creations Epic LT
  14. Safely arrived at YPDN. 3 Tail team flight successful participant.
  15. Participating in the 3 Tails team Flight YKKG - YPDN Using FSX - in the Manfred Jahn Lockheed L-1049G Super Constellation
  16. I Have the Baton YAYE - YKKG A2A W-o-P P-51D in FSX Formation Flight
  17. I Have the Baton UATT - UADD FSX A2A ** P-51H Thoroughbred Leg
  18. To All Who Shall See These Presents - Greetings, I am participating in the Tri-Motor Team Flight FACT - FALW In the FSX Craig Richardson Ford Trimotor
  19. Flying as Wingman KNVY - KFSO FSX Lionheart Epic LT
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