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Great Ozzie

RTW Race Team
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Everything posted by Great Ozzie

  1. Those little contacts in the molex connectors have a pair of dog ears (example here) that snap into the connector itself. It's possible - tho not likely - those dog ears are missing allowing the barrel to slide within the connector. A slight tug on each wire should suffice to check. I know... it is very frustrating with a new build and have a component doa. An opportunity here to say thanks for your posts Martin - one a handful of people I trust. I almost missed the "issue" part in the thread title - was looking forward to what you had to say about your new build.
  2. Wouldn't hurt to look at the connectors themselves - to ensure each in wire in the connector is snug in its location.
  3. Saw this article recently... https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/articles/Samsung-950-Pro-M-2-Additional-Cooling-Testing-795/
  4. Ryan, Lewis has now updated the link for the paintkit. -Rob
  5. http://www.a2asimulations.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=42953#p324360 However, seems Lewis is still working on updating the links. I'll bump that thread.
  6. I just PM'd him Rick. Hopefully you'll hear something soon. -Rob Edit (21:40z): Rick, I see Lewis has just responded to your post at A2A Forums...
  7. Yeah Rick... just PM Lewis (Lewis - A2A). He should get you squared away. -Rob
  8. Mouse over slightly to the right of those buttons...
  9. From one of our Comanche owners and A2A Team: http://a2asimulations.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=124&t=47614#p362129
  10. There a thread Lewis started - New Update - GPS - Preview - the first pic shows the 750 & 650 together in the A2A C172. -Rob
  11. Always nice when someone with experience steps in.
  12. Money. Edit: Sorry... I found the real reason:
  13. Hi Devon, In the U.S. there is §91.209 Aircraft lights. And (afaik) one will need a PPL (for night privileges). In terms of practicality (for flying at night), a motorglider could fit the bill. One will need a logbook endorsement for the motorglider - §61.31 Type rating requirements, additional training, and authorization requirements ("Additional training required for operating a glider - Using self-launch procedures"). If carrying a passenger §61.57 Recent flight experience: Pilot in command for nighttime currency will apply. -Rob Edit: I believe that for the motorglider, §91.205 Powered civil aircraft with standard category U.S. airworthiness certificates: Instrument and equipment requirements also applies.
  14. Tom, Whatever words I try to muster seem desperately insufficient. Hurts to hear how serious your description of the cancer -- thank you for letting us know. Yes, a salute and sincere thanks for the work you have put in at AVSIM and for your support throughout the years for AVSIM's RTWR Race Team. My family's prayers for you during this unimaginable time - And for wisdom for you and the staff how to proceed, that AVSIM will continue to prosper in the years ahead. -Rob Osborne
  15. Hi Elaine, Sounds like carb ice to me. If you notice a drop in rpm, carb heat should be turned on. There's a couple other items to hit, like turning on the boost pump, switching tanks, checking mixture etc. Btw you did a preflight? Also, right after preflight, I like to check the Maint. Hangar. -Rob
  16. I've thought that in the past... especially with the turnout we usually have. Even more so with the shortening of the race.
  17. Yeah Ron... I reckon why it went over like the proverbial lead balloon (at least what I remember when discussed on TS last race?).
  18. Hence why there was the idea floated of putting all names in a hat and divvy'ing up between teams.
  19. Well... Jeff offered a very generous benefits package AND a re-up bonus. Tough to turn down.
  20. (Callsign) Rob (Flightsim version) FSX (Experience in Flightsim) Old enough to know better... (Timezone +/- UTC) UTC -5
  21. TJ... some fixes (make sure to check): •Settings > Customize > Weather > Check "Download winds aloft data with real-world weather" •Settings > Customize > Weather > Uncheck "Disable turbulence and thermal effects on aircraft" •Settings > Realism > Uncheck "Allow collisions with other aircraft" - we don't want any "accidents" to occur because of that (or the questions and explanations that will follow ). •Settings > Realism > Click your mouse on the "Crash tolerance" slider and verify it is arrowed over Full Right. That is my best guess atm.
  22. Poor guy... he'll never be able to answer you simmerhead. That is... unless he becomes the Master of Disguise and does the become another person... which I am thinking now (not that I really care) that is what the ban is about (previously banned). At least his altruistic sig wrt AVSIM is still intact.
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