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Luc Brusselmans

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Everything posted by Luc Brusselmans

  1. Hello, I really should be in bed 'cause it's half past two in the morning here in Belgium. Couldn't sleep though so just browsing the forums for info. So my question... Can I use this in fsx to? Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  2. Mac, thanks for the tip. I'd rather not go that way because I'm afraid that some parts on the dvd (dll.files) are not completely compatible with prepar3d. But maybe I should give it a try. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  3. Hello, Same thing here. I could access the site but not my account. Looks like they have been hacked and that doesn't look good on a cv of one of the major defense companies... Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  4. Hello, I have been using Opusfsx for some time now and I just start to discover the live view part og the program. Tonight I created some views for the bell 206 from dodosim. I started simple with only two cockpit views. Pilot and copilot...both with a zoomfactor of .60 set in opusfsx When changing between those two views in the cockpit, the view jumps (it doesn't glide into place) from one to the other. And besides that, the new view starts at a zoomlevel of .70 and only then it zooms in to .60 This creates a rather unpleasant stuttereffect when changing views. Can anyone give me some tips to solve this? Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  5. hi, What about the installers that are on the DVD's...? I keep up buying all the stuff the guys from ORBX are producing. When I started this obsession, I just bought the DVD's but lately I switched over to the download versions. And now I am wondering what will happen with the installers that are on those DVD's. I know I can use the migration tool but that assumes a side by side installation which I really want to avoid for a number of personal reasons. Luc Brusselmans Belgium ps. Prepar3d website is still down...
  6. Hello, Can't seem to reach the website of prepar3d... Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  7. Hello Jim, Last night I finally got it nailed. The main problem was getting acces to the pc. Safe mode didn't work so I had to find a way to scan the laptop from outside the OS. While most programs can find and disarm the virus without much trouble, only a few of can be run from a flasdrive or cd. Finding that program (with recent virusdata files) was the biggest challenge. In the end Dr.Web did the trick. Luc Bruselmans Belgium
  8. hello, One of my fellow workers (his laptop) has caught a nasty case of ransomware. In trying to help him out I have not been very succesfull. Whe I reboot the laptop, both normal and in safemode, the virus kicks in. And so I can't get acces to the os. I have tried several of the solutions proposed on the various websites but sofar without any luck. Do anybody know of a virusscanner that I can install on a USB-stick or on a rescuedisk? I guess this is the only way to find the culprit and kill it. All sugestions are welcome. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  9. Bert, Right you are. That is exactly where I was standing. Even after almost 20 years of flightsimulator, I didn't know this I really feel stupid... Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  10. Hello, Default keyboard command for opening doors is SHFT +E.... Or I have been on some remote planet for the last few years. Until tonight I have never had any problems with this command. Now, I find that pressing SHFT+E opens the door alright but it shuts almost immediately. First I thought that it was some joystick button that got in the way but when I disable the stick(s), the problem is still there. Did anyone encounter this problem before? I am running FSX deluxe + acceleration pack, no scenery addon's, just a few military aircraft. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  11. Hans, I picked up your answer here only a few moments ago. As it is, I want to use it in the first plase with the PMDGF NGX. I had some problems because the SIOC software isn't easy to come to grips with. Anyway, after much reading, swearing and reading again, I found what I was looking for. But hey, I always want to learn so If you don't mind sharing your setup, I sure am interested. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  12. Ok guys, I "think" I may have found the problem. Although I still don't know about the how and why's I think it has something to do with the order of installation here. And if that is the case I am out of trouble. After my recent clean install I switched the order of installing KLAS and KLAX. Since KLAX is the newer one, I started with KLAS and then KLAX. When I do it this way, I keep all airport buildings. Now I still need do do some testing but my guess is that it has something to do with the version of the addon-manager that fs-dreamteam uses. I am not going to push my luck but I hope that, when I install the other airports, I get confirmation of this. I will keep a very keen eye on the version number (pity that this version isn't shown when installing - only after starting up fsx you can see the version.) anyway, I want to thank you all for all the tips you've given me. Some of those I have copied for those moments of despair (just in case) Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  13. Bill, Thanks for the tip. Since I was in the middle of a reinstall the first time, my ai-traffic was still at a modest 25% and no ai-packages were installed. before the reinstall Icould run traffic at about 75%without trouble so I would be surprised that the this could cause my problem. But I keep an open mind about these things because fsx can act unpredictable at the best of times. Luc Bruselmans Belgium
  14. Robert, Like I said, I had been fiddling around with the hardware fmc of open cockpits... However, since I had, besides the copy of fsx, a clone of my hd, I decided to restore the whole harddisk. Great... All airports back to normal. Only my luck didn't last long. Since the restored hd was of a complete vanilla intallation of win7and fsx, I decided to install a few sceneries. I picked, among the dozens I own, KLAS and KLAX, both from fsdreamteam. And, as you can guess, airportbuildings gone again. Removing the two airports and setting back the exe.xml and dll.xml didn't solve my problem either so now I am completely lost. Are the two airports to blame? It seems so but browsing the forum over at fsdreamteam doesn't give me any indication of this. There are topics talking about missing scenery but those are about the scenery of fsdreamteam itself and those are not affected in my installation... Can you check something for me? When you open your configurationscreen of windows, can you see both fsx and fsx acceleration in the add/remove programs.... I find only the acceleration pack to remove... Fsx itself is nowhere to be seen. I reset my win7 installation to a clean state (no pragrms whatsoever) and I am reinstalling fsx from scratch as I type this. I hope to find the solution in a clean install (and not a restore from a older file) Thanks for looking into this with me Luc Brusselmans Belgium I will attach the files when I have finished the clean install (and if I run into trouble again)
  15. Robert, As said last night, I copied (restored) my original textures back into place.... but no luck. At KSEA, KORD and a bunch of other large airports, the buildings are still missing. Any suggestions? Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  16. Robert, In that case I am a lucky guy. I have backups (yes several) from the complete fsx installation... It's too late now but first thing tomorrow, I restote the texture folder. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  17. Frank, That's what I'm afraid of. With all the taxes we have to deal with, it's just too expensive to consider. Thanks anyway, Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  18. evening everyone, Strange thing... Whatever airport I choose to fly from, there are no airportbuildings to be seen anymore. I first noticed this at KSEA but there are quite a few athers with the same problem. My fsx is running on a 2600K intel o'clocked at 4500 Mhz and stable as a rock. This thing happens in both DX9 as well as in DX10 and the funny thing is that all payware addon's are working just fine... The only thing I have been fiddling around with today is a hardware FMC of Open Cockpits that I am planning to use with the PMDG 737NGX. Can anybody shed a light on this? Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  19. Bob, I tried that but the portnumber I got that way doesn't work. So I guess I need some more info. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  20. Hello again, After another of many readings of the manual, I think I know where my problem lies... As far as I understand it, I need to point the software (SIOC) in the direction of the hardware. Again, after reading the manual, I think need to point it to the number of the USBport I am using to connect the hardware to. I quote "Number of device = number of the USB port where the module is attached" Can anyone tell me how to find that portnumber???? Thanks Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  21. Hello every one, Today I took a dive in the unknown... At least, that is my impression after my latest investment into FS. I bought the new B737_fmc version 3 from Open Cockpits. Unpacking and connecting to my computer was easy enough. But this piece of hardware is not even close to plug and play. So out with the manual.... euh, what manual... there is no manual in the box. (although the fmc comes complete with all cables and connections so I am not complaining) And then there is the internet. Found what I was looking for and I started reading, reading again,... and again.... and a fourth time.... Daunting is the word and now I am stuck. Not in the least because the manufacturer is Spanish and his English is certainly not better than mine. So I need help. Is there anyone who can help me understand the software (sioc) of this device (and I do mean the basics here)? I would really appreciate all help. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  22. A very simple question... Is there a reseller that distributes the hardware of flightdeck solutions? I am interested in the fmc but, being produced in Canada, I am afraid that both shipping and taxes will push the price up significantly. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  23. No, same here but if you click on refresh in the pulldown menu below the button, you'll end up at the main page of the forum. Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  24. Paul, While I am typing this you're still sleeping I guess. But I wanted to let you know that removing the airbus and reinstalling it, did the trick. So far no more crashes (of the program at least because of the airbus I'm not too shure). But I still couldn't figure out what went wrong. Both the airbus and FSX were installed as administrator and UAC was put to rest from day one when I installed the OS. The bus worked fine the day before and the only thing that I changed yesterday was the DX10 mod.... weird anyway, everything is working now so I am a very pleased man... Luc Brusselmans Belgium
  25. Pj, Now that is what I would call a clear answer. Even for a non-english spoken guy like me, I know exactly what I have to do. It is a bit late now but I will try this first thing tomorrow. To be honest, I never could have dreamed dx10 would give me the result I am seeing now. Fsdreamream klax with leveld 767 gave me around 20 frames in the cockpit, now a steady 30 WITH the new textures of A. Folkert It is a whole new ballgame I'm playing... Luc Brusselmans Belgium
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